
Expand your Venafi Education and Product Knowledge by using the Venafi Academy

Applies To:

All Customers and Employees of Venafi


The Venafi Academy was created to expand your product knowledge and understanding with helpful videos, tools, training, and documents, expanding on the built-in product documentation. 

This is a free tool for everyone who registers with Venafi at  Once there, you'll see an icon for the Venafi Academy which allows you to explore all our training and assistance options.


More Information

The Venafi Academy generally includes the following:

  • Live Training Courses and Information
  • Certification Information
  • Self-study Training courses
  • Many On-Demand videos and courses about product features
  • Links to additional resources outside the Venafi Academy

NOTE: There are two access points for the Venafi Academy:

  • A Free Portal available to all, which includes prices for some materials. Venafi allows payment via PayPal at this time only.
  • A Paid Portal which removes all prices for the company.  This is an annual subscription available for purchase through your Account Executive.

Instructions for Access: Simplified

  1. Register at, or the Venafi Success Portal.  This is completely free!
  2. Log in to the "Success" portal.
  3. Select the Venafi Academy tile / link.  This will put you into the academy of all our lesson content.  If you are unable to do this, open a support ticket at
  4. Select the course you would like to attend.  Remember, we only accept payments through Paypal.
    1. However, if your company chooses, there is an Annual subscription that removes all costs on courses for 1 year for all employees!
    2. Any questions about training can either be sent to the above email, or to


Instructions for Access: Detailed

  1. Register at  This is completely free!
    1. You should use your Company Email at all times.  Personal email domains (e.g., will likely have difficulty accessing content.
    2. You should include your First and Last name whenever possible.  This will affect any official Venafi Training you receive.

  2. Log in to the Success portal.  You should see an icon similar to the one here for the Venafi Academy:
    1. If you do not see this icon, please contact Customer Support and let them know.  You can simply send them an email to:

  3. Once in the Academy, you should be able to find what you need, but here are a few highlights:
    1. Title Bar:
      1. The Training Calendar will show you a quick overview of available training dates.  This is only for LIVE training.
      2. The Course Catalog is a full view of available courses.
      3. Search is a great way to quickly narrow in on what you want.
      4. Your personal icon at the left is critical for accessing courses you've already registered for.
        NOTE: This is also where you will find any of your certificates!

    2. Course and Catalog Tiles:
      1. These will either take you into a course, or to another page with courses.
      2. Note the Price at the bottom.  This can be paid via PayPal.
        1. Payment is made during checkout.
        2. If you have a Promo-Code, it can be applied during Checkout as well and will 0 the cost.
      3. If you do NOT see a price at the bottom, this means your company has paid for an annual subscription and all prices have been removed!
      4. Any course without a price is - free.
      5. In the Bar on the Tile, there is an indicator of whether or not this will be a "live" training course.
        1. Live training courses will also have a session you will need to select during registration.
      6. There is a suggest time it takes to complete a course at the bottom right.  Your time may be shorter, or longer.

    3. Course Curriculum:
      1. When registered for a course, you will see a curriculum of lessons.  It may look something like this.
      2. Checked circles indicate lesson completion.
      3. Unchecked are not completed.
      4. Locked lessons indicate you must complete entirely a previous lesson before continuing.
        1. NOTE: Video files must be viewed in their entirety!
      5. Once all lessons are checked, the course is complete.
        1. NOTE: You can stop any time, BUT if there is a certificate with the course, you will not be able to retrieve/view it until the entire course is completed.

    4. Questions / Concerns?
      1. Open up a support ticket by sending an email to
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