Applies To:
Uninstalling any TPP Version
Uninstall fails with the following message:
Open a Command Prompt as administrator and uninstall with msiexec (replacing the file path):
msiexec.exe /x "C:\path\to\venafi.msi"
Note: You can find your cached TPP MSI with the following command:
wmic product get name,packagecache | findstr Venafi
If the MSI can not be found in the filesystem, obtain the old MSI from Venafi Support and place it in the previous path with the same name. Then run the MSI with the uninstall argument again:
msiexec.exe /x "C:\path\to\venafi.msi"
NOTE: It is possible that the software is not actually installed, and the entry found in the list of Windows programs is just a registry key left over from a previous install. In these cases it is necessary to simply delete the registry key.
Find the GUID of the offending package with the following command:
wmic product get name,identifyingnumber | findstr Venafi
Example Output:
{7793F8EB-5E47-4CCD-9A61-1A03D3210988} Venafi Trust Protection Platform v23.3.5
{608C1A4F-A3BD-4BA4-99AE-2479A0454034} Venafi Support Center v23.3.0
Open Regedit and search for the GUID without brackets (Edit > Find...)
Delete any Registry key that contains the GUID and is related to Venafi software.
or it is found but still does not succeed in uninstalling the package, check the following article: