
Symantec Managed PKI for SSL Notification



Symantec has informed Venafi that they will be making changes to their Symantec Managed PKI for SSL website on August 22, 2013 that will impact our current integration.

  • When is the change: August 22, 2013

  • When will our updated driver be available: Approximately August 20th, 2013 (depending on availability from Symantec)

  • What is changing: The Verisign SSL website and Venafi's driver to communicate with it

  • What will this affect: New or modified VeriSign CA Template Objects

More Info:

We are working together with Symantec to update our VeriSign CA driver. The change will NOT impact the enrollment of new or renewal of existing VeriSign certificates via Director. It will only impact the creation of new VeriSign CA Template objects or editing of existing CA Template objects in Director.


VeriSign is providing Venafi access to a development site so that Venafi can develop an update to our VeriSign CA driver. VeriSign is scheduled to provide Venafi access to a pilot test portal one week before the public change (approximately August 22). Once this pilot test portal is available, Venafi will require approximately a week to perform testing of the new integration.


Venafi Customer Services will make the updated driver available for download as soon as testing is complete and will be available to assist customers in implementing the update.  We recommend that VeriSign customers perform any CA Template maintenance operations (e.g., creation of new or editing of existing VeriSign CA Template objects) prior to August 22 as it will not be possible to make these changes in Director with the existing VeriSign driver after August 22.

Thank you,

Venafi Support

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