Symantec has informed Venafi that they will be making changes to their Symantec Managed PKI for SSL website on August 22, 2013 which will impact all customers using the Verisign CA driver. The driver has been modified to reflect the required changes and is available now for download.
When is the change live: August 22, 2013
When is the updated driver available in your FTP account? : August 21, 2013
What is changing: The Verisign SSL website and Venafi's driver to communicate with it
What will this affect: New or modified VeriSign CA Template Objects in Venafi Director
Update Instructions:
- Download update package according to the version of Venafi Director you currently have installed.
Download links:
- Director 6.0.3 VeriSign update package
- Director 6.1.3 VeriSign update package
- Director 7.0.0 VeriSign update package
- Director 8.0.0 VeriSign update package
- Director 9.0.0 VeriSign update package
- Director 10.0.0 VeriSign update package
Note: If your version of Venafi Director is not listed above, you need to update Director to the latest support pack of Director prior to installing the VeriSign update package. (Ex. if you have Director 6.1.0 or 6.1.2 installed, you need to update to 6.1.3 before installing the VeriSign 6.1.3 driver update package) - Place the Verisign update package file in the Packages directory. By default this is located at C:\Program Files\Venafi\Packages
- Run Director Updater as Administrator. If Director Updater is not installed, you can download Director Updater (v2.0.10) from this link.
- Login to director go to your Verisign CA template and click validate. If the validation succeeds, you have applied the patch correctly.
Doing this will update your driver appropriately and you will be prepared for Symantec's change.
Thank you,
Venafi Customer Support