Applies to:
Version 6.x and above.
This article outlines some helpful troubleshooting tools you can use to diagnose,and resolve, issues that may come up with the Certificate Manager product.
More info:
1: To open and view certificates on any Microsoft Windows workstation, or server, use Microsofts Certificate Manager. This tool opens up the Windows keystore and allows you to view all your certificates in the Windows keystore.
- Start > run > certmgr.msc
TIP: See MS article for more information.

2: To view the Venafi, IIS Site (Web Server) run Internet Information Services ( IIS) Manager.
- Start > run > inetmgr
- click on Sites > Venafi
- Tip: opening up 'logging' here will show you a history of events on this web server.
- For more details on how to open this tool, see MS article.
3: To start and stop IIS web server on Windows 2008. use the command iisreset, after opening a command line window.
- iiseset /stop
- iisreset /start
- iisreset /restart.

4: If your using a Microsoft CA, you may need to open up the Certserv utility. Here you can see Revoked Certificates, Issued certificates, Pending Requests, with a list of Failed Requests recording the reason why they failed.
Start > All programs > Administrative Tools > Certification Authority.
Start < Run certsrv.msc
TIP: for other ways to start/stop the service, see MS article.

5: To start and stop the three Venafi services- Venafi Encryption director, Venafi agent, and Venafi Logging and Notification- use the Services utility.
- Start > run > services.msc
- or, right click on computer, and choose manage.
- TIP: Venafi does not recommend that you use the command line commands, such as net start/stop, to do this.

6: To view what ports are potentially open, and blocking the startup of the Venafi Certificate Manager, execute one of these commands in the command line.
TIP1: The certificate manger service is called Vplatform.exe. The logging service is called logserver.exe
TIP2: For a complete list what ports we need to successfully operate the product, see
1: netstat - a ( simple results sent to the command line screen output) 2: netstat -nabo > netstat.txt ( names the service running on the port, and sends the output to a text file) ' 3: Tcpview ( this utility is provided by sysinternals- now a Microsoft company, and can be easily downloaded as a executable. )
7: How do you set up the MSI installer to log the results of a failed install?
msiexec.exe /i CertificateManagerInstallx64.msi /L*v C:\Temp\install.log