
How to: Command Line Injection Via Workflows


Application requires manual steps to be preformed in the command line to finalize setup.


Application and devices differ and have varying needs.


You can utilize a Workflow object to achieve some automation on this. Workflow objects can be used to halt a task's processing for command injection and/or approval requests.

  1. Create Workflow
  2. Specify the stage that needs the command injected on the server. 
  3. Enable "Inject Commands"
  4. In "Commands" field type out the commands needed at this stage (macro commands can be utilized). 
    • Example commands:
      • service httpd restart
      • echo $SelfDN$ > C:\Users\Admin\InstalledVenafiCert.txt

In Addition only the below applications are documented to support command injection at this time.

  • CAPI, Apache, GSK, iPlanet, JKS, PEM, PKCS#12, Tealeaf PCA, and VAM nShield


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