
How to: Enable Debug logging on Venafi Trust Protection Platform


This article will shows how to enable or disable debug logging on your Venafi Trust Protection Platform server. These steps need to be run from each server that the Venafi Trust Protection Platform software was installed on.

**NOTE: Enabling debug logging will increase the amount of data that is written to the log table in the database. Venafi recommends only enabling debug logging as needed to troubleshoot an issue then resetting the debug logging to its original state.


More Information:

Trust Protection Platform 14.x and newer:


To enable debug logging:

  1. Open the Web Console
  2. Select "Policy Tree" (formerly WebAdmin) and go to the "Platform Tree"
  3. Click on your Server object that you want to enable debugging on
  4. Check the “Log Debug” box



To disable debug logging:

  1. Open the Web Console
  2. Select "Policy Tree" (formerly WebAdmin) and go to the "Platform Tree"
  3. Click on your Server object that you want to disable debugging  on
  4. Uncheck the “Log Debug” box
  5. Give the change 5 minutes to take effect 

Related Articles:

How to: View Events

How to: Filter Events

How to: Export Events

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