
Info: Director 8.0 Event ID/Error Codes

Documented Event ID/Error Codes in Venafi Encryption Director 8.0 Products


Error codes and Event IDs are categorized in groups.  Each group has a unique 4 letter prefix.  All the prefixes are listed below, with the name of the associated group.  Clicking on the group prefix will take you directly to the associated section of the complete listing of the event IDs.

Group ID Group Description
0001 Venafi Log Server Events
0002 Venafi Configuration
0003 Venafi SecretStore
0004 Venafi Credentials
0005 Venafi Rights
0006 Venafi KMIP Server Events
0007 Venafi Discovery
0008 Identity
0009 Venafi Certificate Manager
000A Venafi Workflow
000C Admin UI
000D Venafi Certificate Authority
000E Venafi Platform
0013 Venafi Monitoring
0014 Venafi Validation Service
0015 Venafi Credential Monitoring
0016 Venafi Log Client Events
0017 Venafi Reporter
0018 Venafi Monitor
001A Venafi Network Device Enrollment Server (SCEP)
1004 Venafi Encryption DPAPI
1005 Venafi Pkcs 11 Encryption
1008 Identity AD
1009 Identity Local
2000 LogOracle
2001 LogMsSql
2002 LogMySql
3001 zOS CA
3002 Microsoft CA
3003 VeriSign CA
3004 Redhat CA
3005 Entrust Security Manager CA
3006 Comodo CA
3007 Entrust.Net CA
3008 UniCERT CA
3009 Thawte CA
300B GeoTrust CA
300C DigiCert CA
300D OpenSSL CA
300E GlobalSign MSSL CA
300F GeoTrust Enterprise CA
3010 Symantec LHK CA
4001 Apache
4002 Global Security Kit
4003 IIS6
4004 F5
4005 X509 Certificate
4006 Venafi SSH
4007 Venafi HTTP
4008 Venafi SQL
4009 Pkcs12
400A Application
400B IIS5
400C Cisco ACE
400D Cisco CSS
400E Java Keystore
4010 iPlanet
4011 TealeafSunimp
4012 Brocade
4013 VAMSunimp
4014 NetScaler
4015 VAM nShield
4016 AgentSshServer
4017 DataPower
4018 Tealeaf PCA
4019 PEM
401A F5LTMAdvanced
401B Basic
4100 Common
5000 Venafi Agent Events
5001 Venafi Agent Keystore Events
5002 Venafi Agent SSH Events
FFFF Venafi Debug Trace Events


EventID Description Readable Log Text
000C Definitions for events generated by the Administration Consoles
000C0001 Admin UI - Logout Successful User $Event.Component$ logged out. Prefixed name: $Event.Text1$. Prefixed universal ID: $Event.Text2$.
000C0002 Admin UI - Login Successful User $Event.Component$ logged in. Prefixed name: $Event.Text1$. Prefixed universal ID: $Event.Text2$.
000C0003 Admin UI - [Deprecated] Login Failure User $Event.Text1$ ($Event.Component$) was not able to log in.
000C0004 Admin UI - Object Created $Event.Text2$ $Event.Component$ was created by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0005 Admin UI - Object Updated $Event.Text2$ $Event.Component$ was updated by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0006 Admin UI - Object Deleted $Event.Text2$ $Event.Component$ was deleted by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0007 Admin UI - CSR Uploaded User $Event.Text1$ uploaded a CSR for certificate $Event.Component$. CSR vault ID: $Event.Value1$.
000C0008 Admin UI - Certificate Uploaded Certificate $Event.Component$ was uploaded by user $Event.Text1$. Serial number $Event.Text2$. Certificate vault ID: $Event.Value1$.
000C0009 Admin UI - Private Key Uploaded User $Event.Text1$ uploaded a private key for certificate $Event.Component$. Private key vault ID: $Event.Value1$.
000C000A Admin UI - Certificate Downloaded Certificate $Event.Component$ was downloaded by user $Event.Text1$. Serial number: $Event.Text2$.
000C000B Admin UI - Configuration Saved $Event.Component$ setting ($Event.Text2$) was saved by user $Event.Text1$.
000C000C Admin UI - Renew Now Certificate renewal for $Event.Component$ was requested by $Event.Text1$.
000C000D Admin UI - Restart Certificate Certificate restart for $Event.Component$ was requested by $Event.Text1$.
000C000E Admin UI - Retry Application Application retry for $Event.Component$ was requested by $Event.Text1$. Certificate: $Event.Text2$.
000C000F Admin UI - Object Renamed Object $Event.Component$ was renamed to $Event.Text2$ by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0010 Admin UI - Root Certificate Uploaded Root certificate $Event.Component$ was uploaded by user $Event.Text1$. Serial number: $Event.Text2$. Certificate vault ID: $Event.Value1$.
000C0011 Admin UI - Rights Added Rights entry $Event.Text2$ was added to $Event.Component$ by user $Event.Text1$ (Rights set to $TranslateRights[Config, $Event.Value1$]$).
000C0012 Admin UI - Rights Updated Rights entry $Event.Text2$ was updated for $Event.Component$ by user $Event.Text1$ (Rights set to $TranslateRights[Config, $Event.Value1$]$).
000C0013 Admin UI - Rights Removed Rights entry $Event.Text2$ was removed from $Event.Component$ by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0014 Admin UI - Application Association Added Association between application $Event.Component$ and certificate $Event.Text2$ was added by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0015 Admin UI - Application Association Removed Association between application $Event.Component$ and certificate $Event.Text2$ was removed by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0016 Admin UI - Application Association Enabled Association between application $Event.Component$ and certificate $Event.Text2$ was enabled by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0017 Admin UI - Application Association Disabled Association between application $Event.Component$ and certificate $Event.Text2$ was disabled by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0018 Admin UI - Certificate Pushed Certificate $Event.Text2$ has been pushed on to application $Event.Component$ by user $Event.Text1$.
000C0019 Admin UI - Certificate Extracted Certificate $Event.Text2$ has been extracted from application $Event.Component$ by user $Event.Text1$.
000C001A Admin UI - Retry Certificate Certificate retry for $Event.Component$ was requested by $Event.Text1$.
000C001B Admin UI - Login Failure User $Event.Text1$ was not able to log in on $Event.Component$.
000C001C Admin UI - Configuration Cleared User $Event.Text1$ cleared attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$.
000C001D Admin UI - Configuration Changed User $Event.Text1$ changed attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$ (Details: $Event.Data$).
000C001E Admin UI - Policy Configuration Cleared User $Event.Text1$ cleared policy attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$.
000C001F Admin UI - Policy Configuration Changed User $Event.Text1$ changed policy attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$ (Details: $Event.Data$).
000C0020 Admin UI - Change Password Successful User $Event.Component$ successfully changed the password for user $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Text2$.
000C0021 Admin UI - Reset Password Successful Administrator $Event.Component$ successfully reset the password for user $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Text2$.
000C0022 Admin UI - Change Password Unsuccessful User $Event.Component$ unsuccessfully tried to change the password for user $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Text2$.
000C0023 Admin UI - Reset Password Unsuccessful Administrator $Event.Component$ unsuccessfully tried to reset the password for user $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Text2$.
000C0024 Admin UI - Encountered Invalid Web Data Invalid web data: $Event.Component$ occurred at $Event.Text1$ in WebApp.
000C0025 Admin UI - Configuration Change Failed User $Event.Text1$ failed to change attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$ (Config Result: $Event.Data$).
000C0026 Admin UI - Policy Change Failed User $Event.Text1$ failed to change policy attribute $Event.Text2$ on object $Event.Component$ (Config Result: $Event.Data$).
000C0027 Admin UI - Key Rotated User $Event.Text1$ rotated the key for object $Event.Component$.
000C0028 Admin UI - Key Uploaded User $Event.Text1$ uploaded the key for object $Event.Component$.
000C0029 Admin UI - Reset Certificate Certificate reset for $Event.Component$ was requested by $Event.Text1$.
000C002A Admin UI - Policy Inheritance Changed User $Event.Text1$ changed the inheritance of the attribute $Event.Text2$ for object $Event.Component$ from $Event.Value1$ to $Event.Value2$ (0 = suggested, 1 = locked).
4001 Definitions for events generated by the Apache application driver
40010003 Apache - [Deprecated] Use Existing Private Key Using existing private key for $Event.Component$.
40010005 Apache - [Deprecated] Use Existing RemotePrivate Key Missing The use existing private key flag was set and the remote private key ($Event.Text2$) could not be located for $Event.Component$.
40010006 Apache - Create Private Key Success Private key created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40010007 Apache - Create Private Key Remote Failed Failed to create private key $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40010008 Apache - [Deprecated] Create CSR Success CSR created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40010009 Apache - Create CSR Failed Failed to create CSR $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
4001000A Apache - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
4001000B Apache - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
4001000C Apache - Private Key Install Success Successfully installed Private Key on $Event.Component$.
4001000D Apache - Private Key Install Failed Failed to install private key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
4001000E Apache - Install Certificate Chain Success Successfully installed Certificate chain on $Event.Component$.
4001000F Apache - Certificate Chain Install Failed Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40010015 Apache - Failed to Chain Certificate Failed to Chain Certificate for $Event.Component$, CA $Event.Text1$
40010016 Apache - Custom Command Failure $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
40010017 Apache - [Deprecated] Restart Application Success Successfully issued restart application command on $Event.Component$; processing at stage $Event.Value1$ with a state of $Event.Text1$.
40010018 Apache - [Deprecated] Restart Application Failure The restart command failed on $Event.Component$.  Server output: $Event.Text1$.
40010019 Apache - Create CSR Exception Failed to create CSR $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4001001A Apache - Connection Error Error connecting to $Event.Component$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4001001B Apache - OpenSSL not found Error creating Private Key on $Event.Component$, cannot create key on remote host without OpenSSL being installed and in the users PATH.
4001001C Apache - [Deprecated] Key not found for renewal The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found to perform a renewal and a new key will be generated.
4001001D Apache - Custom Command The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
4001001E Apache - OpenSSL Check Error Error checking OpenSSL ($Event.Text1$) version on $Event.Component$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4001001F Apache - Custom Command Error An error occurred while running the custom command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010020 Apache - Get Certificate Chain File Error Failed to get Certificate Chain File $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010021 Apache - [Deprecated] Restart Error Error restarting the application for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010022 Apache - [Deprecated] Disconnect Error Error disconnecting from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010023 Apache - Validation Error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010024 Apache - [Deprecated] Restart Application Error Failed to restart the application $Event.Component$, the password was not accepted.  Restart Command: $Event.Text1$
40010025 Apache - Restart Needed Application $Event.Component$ has completed the provisioning cycle and needs to be restarted to use the new certificate.
40010026 Apache - [Deprecated] Extract Certificate Error Error extracting certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010027 Apache - Extract Certificate Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010028 Apache - Extract Key Failed Failed to extract the key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40010029 Apache - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
4001002A Apache - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed.  Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
4001002B Apache - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
4001002C Apache - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
4001002D Apache - [Deprecated] Validation no Certificate Validation failed to retrieve the certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$.
4001002E Apache - Certificate Backup Success Backup of certificate successful on $Event.Component$
4001002F Apache - Certificate Backup Failure Backup of certificate failed on $Event.Component$
40010030 Apache - Private Key Backup Success Backup of private key successful on $Event.Component$
40010031 Apache - Private Key Backup Failure Backup of private key failed on $Event.Component$
40010032 Apache - Chain Backup Success Backup of chain successful on $Event.Component$
40010033 Apache - Chain Backup Failure Backup of chain failed on $Event.Component$
40010034 Apache - Extraction invalid Certificate Extraction retrieved an invalid certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$.
40010035 Apache - Extraction invalid Key Extraction retrieved an invalid key from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file path: $Event.Text1$.
40010036 Apache - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$.
40010037 Apache - Extraction Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file path: $Event.Text1$.
40010038 Apache - No Private Key The certificate ($Event.Text1$) associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy the Private Key but will install the Certificate to be used on this application.
40010039 Apache - Non-supported Configuration Unable to remotely generate the private key for $Event.Component$, the option for 'Generate Key/CSR on Application' is not supported with a Windows host.
4001003A Apache - Key not found The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found.
4016 Definitions for events generated by the Agent SSH Server Validation interface
40160001 AgentSshServer - Validation start Validation has started on $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
40160002 AgentSshServer - Validation end Validation has completed on $CN[$Event.Component$]$, address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160003 AgentSshServer - Validation success $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has successfully been validated, address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160004 AgentSshServer - Validation failure $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, no key hash for address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160005 AgentSshServer - Validation mismatch $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, key mismatch, address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160006 AgentSshServer - Physical Connection Failed $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, unable to connect to address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160007 AgentSshServer - No Key $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, unable to find stored key for address: $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160008 AgentSshServer - No Scan Key $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, unable to find key of type: $Event.Text1$ at address: $Event.Text2$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
40160009 AgentSshServer - Unknown Error $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, unknown key type: $Event.Text1$ when validating to address: $Event.Text2$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$.
401B Definitions for events generated by the Basic interface
401B0000 Basic - Missing Host Failed processing on $Event.Component$, host cannot be empty.
401B0001 Basic - Invalid Credential Type Failed processing on $Event.Component$, the specified credential type is invalid for this application.
401B0002 Basic - Incomplete Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, the specified credential is incomplete or contains invalid data.
401B0003 Basic - Missing Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing credential.
401B0004 Basic - Invalid Port Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid port.
401B0005 Basic - Changing Application Type Changed application type on $Event.Component$ to $Event.Text1$
401B0006 Basic - Failed Changing Application Type Failed to changed application type on $Event.Component$ to $Event.Text1$
4012 Definitions for events generated by the Brocade application driver
40120000 Brocade - SubjectAltName Not Supported Certificate $Event.Text1$ is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40120001 Brocade - [Deprecated] Key Not Found For Renewal The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found to perform a renewal and a new key will be generated.
40120002 Brocade - Create Remote Private Key Error Failed to create remote private key $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120003 Brocade - Create Remote CSR Error Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120004 Brocade - Install Private Key Error Failed to install private key $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120005 Brocade - Install Certificate Error Failed to install certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120006 Brocade - Association Error Failed to associate certificate or key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120007 Brocade - SSH Connection Error Failed to establish a SSH connection with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
40120008 Brocade - Extract Private Key Error Failed to extract private key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40120009 Brocade - Custom Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
4012000A Brocade - Custom Command Info The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
4012000B Brocade - Custom Command Error $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command. Command: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
4012000C Brocade - Generational Data Error Failed to handle generational data for $Event.Text1$. Unable to complete processing on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
4012000D Brocade - Extract Certificate Error Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
4012000E Brocade - Validation Error Failed to validate certificate $Event.Text1$ install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4012000F Brocade - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed.  Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
40120010 Brocade - Enter Privileged Mode Failed Failed to enter the privileged mode for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120011 Brocade - Install Certificate Chain Error Failed to install certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40120012 Brocade - SSH Connection Failed Failed to establish a SSH connection to the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
40120013 Brocade - Install Private Key Empty Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Private key is empty.
40120014 Brocade - Install Certificate Failed Failed to install certificate for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the certificate '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
40120015 Brocade - SSH Disconnect Error Failed to disconnect a SSH connection with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
40120016 Brocade - Certificate Chain Not Available Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain is not available from CA $Event.Text2$.
40120017 Brocade - Certificate Chain Empty Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain certificate text from CA $Event.Text2$ is empty.
40120018 Brocade - Enter Configuration Mode Failed Failed to enter the configuration mode for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120019 Brocade - Create Remote Private Key Failed Failed to create remote private key for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4012001A Brocade - Create Remote CSR Returned Empty Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. CSR received from the device is empty.
4012001B Brocade - Private Key Password Empty Failed to retrieve private key password for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Private key password is a required attribute.
4012001C Brocade - SSH Authentication Failed Failed to authenticate with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
4012001D Brocade - Read Configuration Failed Failed to read configuration on $Event.Component$. Please check the configuration setup.
4012001E Brocade - Association Key/Cert Filename Empty Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Temporary Key/Cert filename is empty.
4012001F Brocade - Create SSL Profile Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not create SSL Profile. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120020 Brocade - Enable Cert Chaining Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not enable certificate chaining. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120021 Brocade - Dissociate Certificate Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not dissociate the certificate. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120022 Brocade - Dissociate Key Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not dissociate the private key. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120023 Brocade - Associate Key Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not associate the private key. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120024 Brocade - Associate Certificate Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not associate the certificate. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120025 Brocade - Set Session Cache Failed  Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not set the session cache value. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120026 Brocade - Enter Virtual Server Mode Failed  Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not enter the virtual server mode. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120027 Brocade - Associate With Virtual Server Failed Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Could not associate the ssl profile with the provided virtual server. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120028 Brocade - Create Remote CSR Invalid Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The format of the CSR received from the device is invalid.
40120029 Brocade - Invalid Key Strength  Private key strength $Event.Value1$ is not supported by the device on $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
4012002A Brocade - Privileged Mode Password Empty Failed to enter the privileged mode for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: Privileged mode password is empty. Configure the privileged mode credential.
4012002B Brocade - Enter Privileged Mode Invalid Password Failed to enter the privileged mode for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: Privileged mode password is invalid. Configure the privileged mode credential.
4012002C Brocade - SSL Port Not Defined Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. SSL port is not defined for the virtual server. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4012002D Brocade - Install Private Key Failed Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the private key '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
4012002E Brocade - Create Remote Private Key Successful Successfully created remote private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4012002F Brocade - Create Remote CSR Successful Successfully created remote CSR using private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40120030 Brocade - Install Private Key Successful Successfully installed private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40120031 Brocade - Install Certificate Successful Successfully installed certificate '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40120032 Brocade - Associate Key/Cert Successful Successfully associated private key '$Event.Text2$' and certificate '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40120033 Brocade - Extract Private Key Failed Failed to extract the private key on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
40120034 Brocade - Extract Certificate Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
40120035 Brocade - Setup Locals Failed Failed to setup locals on $Event.Component$. ValidationApplicaitonProperties return false.
40120036 Brocade - File or FileType To Delete Empty Failed to delete file for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename or file type is empty.
40120037 Brocade - Delete File Error Failed to delete file for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120038 Brocade - Update Generational Data Failed Failed to update the generational data on $Event.Component$.
40120039 Brocade - Create Generational Data Failed Failed to create a new generational credential object on $Event.Component$.
4012003A Brocade - Enter CSR Parameter Failed Expected parameter '$Event.Text2$' not received for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4012003B Brocade - Get Generational Credentials Error Failed to retrieve generationl credentials on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4012003C Brocade - [Deprecated] Get Certificate Failed During Validation Could not retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$ during Validation on $Event.Component$.
4012003D Brocade - Write To Memory Failed Could not commit changes for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4012003E Brocade - Apply Cipher Suite Warning Could not apply cipher suite $Event.Text1$
4012003F Brocade - Delete File Failed Failed to delete file '$Event.Text1$' for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120040 Brocade - Create Temp SSL Profile Failed During Install Private Key Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error creating a temporary SSL Profile for private key '$Event.Text2$'.
40120041 Brocade - Create Temp SSL Profile Failed During Install Certificate Failed to install certificate for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error creating a temporary SSL Profile for certificate '$Event.Text2$'.
40120042 Brocade - Delete SSL Profile Failed Failed to delete SSL Profile '$Event.Text1$' for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40120043 Brocade - Extract Private Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
40120044 Brocade - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
40120045 Brocade - No Private Key During Manual CSR The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy of the Private Key.
40120046 Brocade - Key Not Found for reuse The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found for reuse.
400C Definitions for events generated by the Cisco ACE application driver
400C0000 Cisco ACE - Missing attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
400C0001 Cisco ACE - Key file error The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could be corrupted or not be found for reuse.
400C0002 Cisco ACE - Create CSR failure Failed to create CSR on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400C0020 Cisco ACE - Install certificate success Successfully installed Certificate of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
400C0021 Cisco ACE - Install certificate failure Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400C0022 Cisco ACE - Install certificate chain error Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0024 Cisco ACE - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0025 Cisco ACE - File import error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0026 Cisco ACE - Private key mismatches with certificate Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0027 Cisco ACE - Granparent cleanup error Error in deleting grandparent key file on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0028 Cisco ACE - Generational data error Unable to complete processing on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0029 Cisco ACE - Chain group configuration error Unable to complete certificate installation on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C002A Cisco ACE - SSL Proxy Service configuration error Unable to complete certificate installation on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400C0030 Cisco ACE - Extract certificate error Error extracting certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400C0031 Cisco ACE - Extract private key error Error extracting private key on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400C0040 Cisco ACE - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400C0041 Cisco ACE - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed.  Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$. Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
400C0050 Cisco ACE - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
400C0051 Cisco ACE - Extract Private Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
400C0052 Cisco ACE - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
400D Definitions for events generated by the Cisco CSS application driver
400D0000 Cisco CSS - Missing attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
400D0001 Cisco CSS - Key not found for reuse The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found for reuse.
400D0002 Cisco CSS - Create CSR failure Failed to create CSR on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400D0010 Cisco CSS - Invalid SSL proxy Invalid SSL Proxy list information on $Event.Component$. Message: $Event.Text1$.
400D0020 Cisco CSS - Install certificate success Successfully installed Certificate of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
400D0021 Cisco CSS - Install certificate failure Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400D0022 Cisco CSS - Certificate chain not available Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$, the chain could not be built from CA. $Event.Text1$.
400D0023 Cisco CSS - Install certificate chain error An error occurred while installing the certificate chain on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0024 Cisco CSS - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0025 Cisco CSS - FTP/SFTP connection error Connection to FTP/SFTP server failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0026 Cisco CSS - FTP/SFTP transfer error File transfer through FTP/SFTP failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0027 Cisco CSS - Private key mismatches with certificate Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0028 Cisco CSS - Private key or certficate association error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0029 Cisco CSS - Association verify error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D002A Cisco CSS - SSL server association error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D002B Cisco CSS - Granparent cleanup error Error in deleting grandparent key file on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D002C Cisco CSS - Generational data error Unable to complete processing on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
400D0030 Cisco CSS - Extract certificate error Error extracting certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400D0031 Cisco CSS - Extract private key error Error extracting private key on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400D0040 Cisco CSS - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
400D0041 Cisco CSS - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
400D0050 Cisco CSS - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
400D0051 Cisco CSS - Extract Private Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
400D0052 Cisco CSS - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
400D0060 Cisco CSS - FTP/SFTP file deletion error Unable to delete $Event.Text1$ from FTP/SFTP server on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4017 Definitions for events generated by the IBM DataPower application driver
40170000 DataPower - [Deprecated] Key Not Found For Renewal The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found to perform a renewal and a new key will be generated.
40170001 DataPower - Invalid Key Strength  Private key strength $Event.Value1$ is not supported by the device on $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40170002 DataPower - Subject Alternative Name Not Supported Certificate $Event.Text1$ is configured for a Subject Alternative Name, Subject Alternative Name is not supported by application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40170003 DataPower - Create Remote Private Key And CSR Failed Failed to create remote private key and CSR '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170004 DataPower - Create Remote Private Key And CSR Error Failed to create remote private key and CSR '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170005 DataPower - Create Remote Private Key And CSR Successful Successfully created remote private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40170006 DataPower - Get Remote CSR Returned Empty  Failed to get remote CSR '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. CSR received from the device is empty.
40170007 DataPower - Get Remote CSR Invalid Failed to get remote CSR '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The format of the CSR received from the device is invalid.
40170008 DataPower - Get Remote CSR Error Failed to get remote CSR '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170009 DataPower - Get Remote CSR Successful Successfully retrieved remote CSR '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4017000A DataPower - Private Key To Install Empty Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Private key is empty.
4017000B DataPower - Copy Private Key File Failed Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the private key '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
4017000C DataPower - Private Key Already Exists on HSM  Failed to install private key on $Event.Component$. Private key '$Event.Text1$' already exists on the HSM module. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4017000D DataPower - Create Private Key Alias Object Failed  Failed to install private key on $Event.Component$. Failed to create private key alias object for private key '$Event.Text1$'. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4017000E DataPower - Install Private Key Error  Failed to install private key $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4017000F DataPower - Delete Private Key File Failed Failed to delete private key '$Event.Text1$' from temporary location on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
40170010 DataPower - Install Private Key Successful Successfully installed private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40170011 DataPower - Copy Certificate File Failed Failed to install certificate for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the certificate '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
40170012 DataPower - Create Certificate Alias Object Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$. Failed to create certificate alias object '$Event.Text1$' on the device. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170013 DataPower - Install Certificate Error Failed to install certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170014 DataPower - Install Certificate Successful Successfully installed certificate '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40170015 DataPower - Create Identification Credential Failed  Failed to create Identification Credential object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170016 DataPower - Create Crypto Profile Failed  Failed to create Crypto Profile object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170017 DataPower - Associate Crypto Profile To SSL Proxy Profile Failed Failed to associate Crypto Profile object with SSL Proxy Profile '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170018 DataPower - Generational Data Error Failed to handle generational data for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Unable to complete processing on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170019 DataPower - Write Configuration To Flash Memory Failed  Could not commit configuration changes for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4017001A DataPower -  Associate Key/Cert Error Failed to associate certificate or private key of $Event.Text1$ with configured SSL Proxy Profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4017001B DataPower - Associate Key/Cert Successful  Successfully associated newly installed certificate and private key with the configured SSL Proxy Profile for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4017001C DataPower - Extract Private Key Not Supported Failed to extract the private key '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Extract Private key not supported on the device. 
4017001D DataPower - Delete Private Key From Temp Location Failed  Failed to delete the private key file '$Event.Text1$' from temporary location on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
4017001E DataPower - Extract Private Key Successful The private key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
4017001F DataPower - Extract Private Key Failed  Failed to extract the private key '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170020 DataPower - Extract Private Key Error Failed to extract private key '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170021 DataPower - Delete Certificate From Temp Location Failed Failed to delete the certificate file '$Event.Text1$' from temporary location on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
40170022 DataPower - Extract Certificate Successful The certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
40170023 DataPower - Extract Certificate Failed  Failed to extract the certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170024 DataPower - Extract Certificate Error Failed to extract certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170025 DataPower - Validation Failed Failed to validate certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170026 DataPower - Validation Error Failed to validate certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170027 DataPower - Read Configuration Failed Failed to read configuration on $Event.Component$. Please check the configuration setup.
40170028 DataPower - Setup Locals Failed Failed to setup locals on $Event.Component$. ValidationApplicaitonProperties return false.
40170029 DataPower - Authentication Failed Failed to establish a '$Event.Text1$ connection to the host on $Event.Component$ due to authentication failure. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
4017002A DataPower - Connection Failed Failed to establish a '$Event.Text1$' connection to the host on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
4017002B DataPower - Connection Error Failed to establish a '$Event.Text1$' connection with the host on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
4017002C DataPower - Disconnect Error Failed to disconnect the connection with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
4017002D DataPower - Filename To Put Is Empty  Failed to copy file to the device on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
4017002E DataPower - PutFile Error Failed to copy file '$Event.Text1$' to the device on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$. Additional warning data $Event.Data$
4017002F DataPower - Filename To Get Is Empty Failed to get file from the device on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
40170030 DataPower - GetFile Failed  Failed to get file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$.
40170031 DataPower - GetFile Error Failed to get file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$. Additional warning data $Event.Data$
40170032 DataPower - Filename To Remove Is Empty Failed to delete file from the device on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
40170033 DataPower - RemoveFile Error  Failed to delete file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$. Additional warning data $Event.Data$
40170034 DataPower - Enter Configuration Mode Error Failed to enter configuration mode on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
40170035 DataPower - Enter Crypto Mode Error Failed to enter crypto mode on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
40170036 DataPower - Certificate Chain Not Available Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain is not available from CA $Event.Text2$.
40170037 DataPower - Certificate Chain Empty Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain certificate text from CA $Event.Text2$ is empty.
40170038 DataPower - Install Certificate Chain Error Failed to install certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40170039 DataPower - Delete CSR File Failed Failed to delete the temporary CSR file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Warning Message: $Event.Text2$.
4017003A DataPower - Get KeyHandles From HSM Error Failed to get the HSM key handle numbers for '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Warning Message: $Event.Text2$. Additional warning data $Event.Data:String$.
4017003B DataPower - Check Certificate Alias Object Exists Error Failed to check if '$Event.Text1$' certificate alias object exists on $Event.Component$. Warning Message: $Event.Text2$. Additional warning data $Event.Data:String$.
4017003C DataPower - Get Chain Certificates Failed Error while trying to retrieve the intermediate chain certificates on $Event.Component$. Get chain certificates return empty.
4017003D DataPower - Copy Intermediate Certificate File Failed Failed to add intermediate chain certificates for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the intermediate certificate '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
4017003E DataPower - Create Intermediate Certificate Alias Object Failed Failed to add intermediate chain certificates on $Event.Component$. Failed to create intermediate certificate alias object '$Event.Text1$' on the device. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4017003F DataPower - Identification Credential Mode Failed Failed to get into '$Event.Text1$' Identification Credential mode on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170040 DataPower - Add Intermediate Certificate Failed Failed to add intermediate certificate alias object '$Event.Text1$' to Identification Credential object on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170041 DataPower - No Private Key During Manual CSR The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy the Private Key.
40170042 DataPower - Switch Domain Failed Failed to switch application domain on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
40170043 DataPower - Create Validation Credential Failed  Failed to create Validation Credential object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170044 DataPower - Associate Certificate To Validation Credential Failed Failed to associate the certificate alias object to the Validation Credential object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170045 DataPower - Inject Command Not Supported Could not execute the workflow inject command '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: Inject command not supported on the device.
40170046 DataPower - Key Not Found for reuse The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found for reuse.
40170047 DataPower - Adding Key Object To Identification Credential Failed Failed to add private key alias object '$Event.Text1$' to Identification Credential object on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40170048 DataPower - Adding Certificate Object To Identification Credential Failed Failed to add certificate alias object '$Event.Text1$' to Identification Credential object on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
401A Definitions for events generated by the F5 LTM Advanced application driver
401A0001 F5 LTM Advanced - Key Not Found For Reuse The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found for reuse.
401A0002 F5 LTM Advanced - Overwrite Key Not Enabled Failed to overwrite $Event.Text1$ private key for $Event.Component$, key already exists and overwrite key is not enabled.
401A0003 F5 LTM Advanced - Generated Key Not Found  The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found after key creation.
401A0004 F5 LTM Advanced - Create Private Key Success Private key created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
401A0005 F5 LTM Advanced - Create Private Key Error Failed to create $Event.Text1$ private key for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0006 F5 LTM Advanced - SAN Not Supported  Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
401A0007 F5 LTM Advanced - Key Does Not Exist  Failure on stage $Event.Value1$, private key $Event.Text1$ does not exist on $Event.Component$.
401A0008 F5 LTM Advanced - Create CSR Success  CSR created using private key $Event.Value1$ for $Event.Component$.
401A0009 F5 LTM Advanced - Generated CSR Not Found  The $Event.Value1$ CSR on $Event.Component$, could not be found after CSR generation.
401A000A F5 LTM Advanced - Create CSR Error  Failed to create $Event.Text1$ CSR for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A000B F5 LTM Advanced - Install Certificate Chain Success  The certificate chain $Event.Text1$ has been installed on the platform $Event.Component$.
401A000C F5 LTM Advanced - Build Certificate Chain Failed  Unable to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$ for Certificate $Event.Text1$.  The attempt to build the certificate chain failed at stage $Event.Value1$.
401A000D F5 LTM Advanced - Install Certificate Chain Error Failed to install $Event.Text1$ certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A000E F5 LTM Advanced - Overwrite Certificate Not Enabled  Failed to overwrite $Event.Text1$ certificate for $Event.Component$, certificate already exists and overwrite certificate is not enabled.
401A0010 F5 LTM Advanced - Install Private Key Success Successfully installed $Event.Text1$ private key on $Event.Component$.
401A0011 F5 LTM Advanced - Private Key Does Not Exist Failure on stage $Event.Value1$, private key $Event.Text1$ does not exist on $Event.Component$.
401A0012 F5 LTM Advanced - Private Key Install Error Failed to install $Event.Text1$ private key on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0013 F5 LTM Advanced - Install Certificate Success  Successfully installed $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$.
401A0014 F5 LTM Advanced - Certificate Does Not Exist On stage $Event.Value1$, did not find certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
401A0015 F5 LTM Advanced - Certificate Install Error Failed to install $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0016 F5 LTM Advanced - Not A FIPS Enabled Device  Failed to move the private key to FIPS module on $Event.Component$ as FIPS is not enabled.
401A0017 F5 LTM Advanced - Move Key To FIPS Success  Successfully moved key $Event.Text1$ to FIPS on $Event.Component$.
401A0018 F5 LTM Advanced - Move Key To FIPS Error  Failed to move key $Event.Text1$ to FIPS on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0019 F5 LTM Advanced - Associate SSL Profile Success  Successfully associated $Event.Text1$ certificate to $Event.Text2$ SSL Profile on $Event.Component$.
401A001A F5 LTM Advanced - Associate SSL Profile Error Failed to associate the certificate and private key to $Event.Text1$ SSL Profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A001B F5 LTM Advanced - Associate Virtual Server Success  Successfully associated $Event.Text1$ SSL Profile to $Event.Text2$ virtual server on $Event.Component$.
401A001C F5 LTM Advanced - Associate Virtual Server Error Failed to associate the SSL Profile to $Event.Text1$ virtual server on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A001D F5 LTM Advanced - Config Sync Success  Successfully ran Config Sync on $Event.Component$.
401A001E F5 LTM Advanced - Config Sync Error  Failed to run Config Sync on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A001F F5 LTM Advanced - Extract Certificate Success  Successfully extracted $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$.
401A0020 F5 LTM Advanced - Extract Certificate Error  Failed to extract $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0021 F5 LTM Advanced - Extract Key Success Successfully extracted $Event.Text1$ private key on $Event.Component$.
401A0022 F5 LTM Advanced - Extract Key Error  Failed to extract $Event.Text1$ private key on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0023 F5 LTM Advanced - Validation Error  Failed to validate $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0024 F5 LTM Advanced - Empty SSL Listen Host  Failed to validate $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$ as SSL Listen Host is empty.
401A0025 F5 LTM Advanced - Web Services Connection Error Connection to $Event.Text1$ failed on $Event.Component$ with error: $Event.Text2$.
401A0026 F5 LTM Advanced - Get Version Error Failed to get the firmware version on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0027 F5 LTM Advanced - SSH Connection Error  Failed to establish an SSH connection with Host on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A0028 F5 LTM Advanced - Inject Command Failed  $Event.Component$ failed while processing a inject command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
401A0029 F5 LTM Advanced - Inject Command Success The inject command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
401A002A F5 LTM Advanced - Inject Command Error An error occurred while running the inject command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
401A002B F5 LTM Advanced - SSH Disconnect Error Error disconnecting from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
401A002C F5 LTM Advanced - SFTP Authentication Failed Failed to authenticate with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Value1$.
401A002D F5 LTM Advanced - SFTP Connection Failed  Failed to establish a SFTP connection to the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
401A002E F5 LTM Advanced - Filename To Copy Is Empty Failed to copy file to the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
401A002F F5 LTM Advanced - PutFile Error  Failed to copy file '$Event.Text1$' to the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
401A0030 F5 LTM Advanced - File To Delete Is Empty Failed to delete file from the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
401A0031 F5 LTM Advanced - Delete File Error  Failed to delete file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A0032 F5 LTM Advanced - File To Check For Existence Is Empty Failed to check whether file exists on the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
401A0033 F5 LTM Advanced - File Exists Error Failed to check whether file '$Event.Text1$' exists on the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A0034 F5 LTM Advanced - SystemID Or Hostname Mismatch Hostname changed during installation on $Event.Component$. Expected Hostname = $Event.Text1$, Current Hostname = $Event.Text2$.
401A0035 F5 LTM Advanced - Get SystemID Or Hostname Failed Failed to get SystemID or Hostname from the device on $Event.Component$.
401A0036 F5 LTM Advanced - Failover State Mismatch  The current failover state of $Event.Text1$ does not match the expected state of $Event.Text2$ on $Event.Component$.
401A0037 F5 LTM Advanced - Empty SSL Profile  Failed to associate with SSL Profile as it's name is empty on $Event.Component$
401A0038 F5 LTM Advanced - Get SSL Profile Error Error while reading $Event.Text1$ SSL Profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A0039 F5 LTM Advanced - Associating SSL Profile Error Failed to associate to $Event.Text1$ SSL Profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A003A F5 LTM Advanced - Archive Error Failed to archive $Event.Text1$ private key and certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A003B F5 LTM Advanced - Version Mismatch Configured version $Event.Text1$ does not match the system version $Event.Text2$ on $Event.Component$.
401A003C F5 LTM Advanced - Switch Partition Error Switching partition to $Event.Text1$ failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A003D F5 LTM Advanced - No Group Warning No group defined to do Config Sync on $Event.Component$.
401A003E F5 LTM Advanced - Remove Item Error Remove item $Event.Text1$ failed on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
401A003F F5 LTM Advanced - Associating SSL Profile Failed Cannot associate the certificate to the SSL Profile on $Event.Component$ as the certificate name has changed from $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Text2$.
401A0040 F5 LTM Advanced - Cannot Archive on FIPS Enabled Device Cannot archive certificate and key ($Event.Text1$) on a FIPS enabled device on $Event.Component$.
401A0041 F5 LTM Advanced - No Private Key During Manual CSR The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy the Private Key.
401A0042 F5 LTM Advanced - Private Key To Install Empty Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Private key is empty.
400B Definitions for events generated by the Microsoft IIS 5 application driver
400B0000 IIS5 - Communication Error Error communicating with $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
400B0004 IIS5 - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
400B0005 IIS5 - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0006 IIS5 - Manage Roots not supported Manage Roots not supported on $Event.Component$.
400B0007 IIS5 - PFX Creation Failed Failed to create PFX for $Event.Component$.
400B000A IIS5 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B000B IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch ($Event.Text1$ did not match).
400B000E IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation completed successfully Certificate on $Event.Component$ matches certificate on record.
400B000F IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Extraction Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0010 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Extraction no Certificate found Failed to Extract Certificate on $Event.Component$, no certificate was found to extract.
400B0011 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Install Certificate Detail The platform $Event.Component$ detailed the following during certificate installation: $Event.Text1$
400B0013 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Key Extraction Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0014 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Key Extraction no Key found Failed to Extract Key on $Event.Component$, no key was found to extract.
400B0015 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Install Server Instance Error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0016 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Install Authorization Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0017 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Install COM Communication Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0018 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Certificate Server Instance Error Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B0019 IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Certificate Authorization Failed Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B001A IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Certificate COM Communication Failed Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B001B IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Key Server Instance Error Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B001C IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Key Authorization Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B001D IIS5 - [Deprecated] Extract Key COM Communication Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400B001E IIS5 - No Private Key Unable to install Certificate on $Event.Component$, there is no private key on file for this item.
400B001F IIS5 - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
400B0020 IIS5 - Inject Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a inject command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
400B0021 IIS5 - Inject Command Success The inject command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
400B0022 IIS5 - Extract Key not supported Extract Key not supported on $Event.Component$.
400B0023 IIS5 - Extract Certificate not supported Extract Certificate not supported on $Event.Component$.
400B0024 IIS5 - Install Command Failed Failed to run install command on $Event.Component$. Command output: $Event.Text1$
4010 Definitions for events generated by the Sun iPlanet application driver
40100000 iPlanet - Missing attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
40100001 iPlanet - [Deprecated] Noise file error Failed using noise file $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$.
40100002 iPlanet - Create CSR failure Failed to create CSR on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100003 iPlanet - Private key reuse not supported Private key reuse not supported when the key was generated remotely on $Event.Component$.
40100005 iPlanet - Data required to generate CSR Failed to generate CSR on $Event.Component$, due to a missing data ($Event.Text1$).
40100006 iPlanet - Certificate Database not initialized Certificate Database is not initialized on $Event.Component$.
40100007 iPlanet - CSR invalid format Invalid format of CSR generated on $Event.Component$. Command Output:$Event.Text1$.
40100008 iPlanet - Certificate Database not accessible Invalid configuration for Certificate Database or DB file access not permitted on $Event.Component$.
40100009 iPlanet - Certificate addition failure Failed to add certificate to Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4010000A iPlanet - Invalid path Invalid path of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4010000B iPlanet - Certificate Database not found Unable to find Certificate Database specified on $Event.Component$.
4010000C iPlanet - PKCS12 import failure Failed to import certificate as P12 on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4010000D iPlanet - PKCS12 export error Error in exporting certificate with alias of $Event.Text1$ as P12 on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
4010000E iPlanet - Data required to extract certificate/private key Failed to extract certificate/private key on $Event.Component$, due to a missing data ($Event.Text1$).
4010000F iPlanet - Create remote CSR success Successfully created remote CSR on $Event.Component$.
40100010 iPlanet - SSH connection failure SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data:$Event.Data$.
40100011 iPlanet - File deletion failure Failed to delete $Event.Text1$ file from Temp directory. Please remove it manually.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100012 iPlanet - File name creation failure Failed to create a random file name on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100013 iPlanet - Random seed generation success Successfully generated random seed for a noise file on $Event.Component$.
40100014 iPlanet - Application setting verification success Successfully verified the settings on $Event.Component$.
40100015 iPlanet - SSH connection success Successfully connected to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.
40100016 iPlanet - PKCS12 import success Successfully imported certificate as P12 on $Event.Component$.
40100017 iPlanet - PKCS12 export success Successfully exported certificate with alias of $Event.Text1$ as P12 on $Event.Component$.
40100018 iPlanet - Certificate addition success Successfully added certificate to Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.
40100019 iPlanet - Certificate deletion failure Failed to delete certificate with alias of $Event.Text1$ from Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data:$Event.Data$
40100020 iPlanet - Certificate chain not available Failed to build certificate chain from CA of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40100021 iPlanet - Install certificate chain failure Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100022 iPlanet - Install certificate chain success Successfully installed certificate chain of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40100030 iPlanet - Install certificate success Successfully installed certificate of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40100031 iPlanet - Install certificate failure Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100032 iPlanet - Certificate alias not found Unable to find certificate with the alias of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. It might be installed with the previous alias used for the old certificate.
40100040 iPlanet - Extract certificate failure Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100041 iPlanet - Extract private key failure Failed to extract private key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100042 iPlanet - Extract certificate success Successfully extracted certificate on $Event.Component$.
40100043 iPlanet - Extract private key success Successfully extracted private key on $Event.Component$.
40100044 iPlanet - Extract certificate error Error in extracting certificate of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100050 iPlanet - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100051 iPlanet - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed.  Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
40100060 iPlanet - Noise file transfer error Failed to transfer noise file($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive). Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100061 iPlanet - Certificate DB passfile transfer error Failed to transfer Certificate DB passfile to Temp directory on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive). Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100062 iPlanet - Certificate file transfer error Failed to transfer certificate file($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive). Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100063 iPlanet - Chain certificate file transfer error Failed to transfer chain certificate file($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive). Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100064 iPlanet - P12 file transfer error Failed to transfer P12 file($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive). Error: $Event.Text2$.
40100083 iPlanet - Certificate database file backup failure Failed in making a backup of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40100084 iPlanet - Certificate database creation error Error in creating Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40100085 iPlanet - Certificate database creation success Successfully created Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.
40100086 iPlanet - Certificate deletion error Error in deleting certificate with alias of $Event.Text1$ from Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.  Command Output:$Event.Text2$
40100087 iPlanet - SSH connection error Error in SSH connection to the device on $Event.Component$.  Result: $Event.Text1$.
40100088 iPlanet - Certificate addition error Error in adding certificate to Certificate Database on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
40100089 iPlanet - PKCS12 import error Error in importing certificate as P12 on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
40100090 iPlanet - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
401000A0 iPlanet - Custom command failure $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
401000A1 iPlanet - Custom command The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
401000A2 iPlanet - Custom command error An error occurred while running the custom command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional Data $Event.Data:String$.
400A Definitions for events generated by the application interface
400A0000 Application - Missing Host Failed processing on $Event.Component$, host cannot be empty.
400A0001 Application - Invalid Credential Type Failed processing on $Event.Component$, the specified credential type is invalid for this application.
400A0002 Application - Incomplete Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, the specified credential is incomplete or contains invalid data.
400A0003 Application - Missing Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing credential.
400A0004 Application - Invalid Port Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid port.
4014 Definitions for events generated by the Citrix NetScaler application driver
40140000 NetScaler - SubjectAltName Not Supported Certificate $Event.Text1$ is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40140001 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Key Not Found For Renewal The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found to perform a renewal and a new key will be generated.
40140002 NetScaler - Invalid Key Strength  Private key strength $Event.Value1$ is not supported by the device on $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40140003 NetScaler - Create Remote Private Key Without Password Failed Failed to create remote private key for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140004 NetScaler - Create Remote Private Key With Password Failed Failed to create remote private key for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140005 NetScaler - Create Remote Private Key Error Failed to create remote private key $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140006 NetScaler - Create Remote Private Key Successful Successfully created remote private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40140007 NetScaler - Create Remote CSR Failed Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140008 NetScaler - Create Remote CSR Returned Empty Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. CSR received from the device is empty.
40140009 NetScaler - Create Remote CSR Invalid Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The format of the CSR received from the device is invalid.
4014000A NetScaler - Create Remote CSR Error Failed to create remote CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4014000B NetScaler - Create Remote CSR Successful Successfully created remote CSR using private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4014000C NetScaler - Install Private Key Empty Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Private key is empty.
4014000D NetScaler - Install Private Key Failed Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the private key '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
4014000E NetScaler - Install Private Key Error Failed to install private key $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4014000F NetScaler - Install Private Key Successful Successfully installed private key '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40140010 NetScaler - Install Certificate Failed Failed to install certificate for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error copying the certificate '$Event.Text2$' to the device.
40140011 NetScaler - Install Certificate Error Failed to install certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140012 NetScaler - Install Certificate Successful Successfully installed certificate '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40140013 NetScaler - Assocation Key/Cert Filename Empty Failed to associate certificate and key of $Event.Text1$ with virtual server on $Event.Component$. Temporary Key/Cert filename is empty.
40140014 NetScaler - Create Cert-Key Pair Object Failed Failed to create certificate-key pair object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140015 NetScaler - Bind To Virtual Server Failed Failed to bind the certificate-key pair object to the virtual server for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140016 NetScaler - Current Cert Replaces Previous Binding Warning Overwriting the previous binding for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
40140017 NetScaler - Generational Data Error Failed to handle generational data for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Unable to complete processing on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140018 NetScaler - Write Configuration To Flash Memory Failed Could not commit configuration changes for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
40140019 NetScaler - Associate Key/Cert Error Failed to associate certificate or key of $Event.Text1$ with ssl profile on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4014001A NetScaler - Associate Key/Cert Successful Successfully associated private key '$Event.Text2$' and certificate '$Event.Text2$' for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4014001B NetScaler - Extract Private Key Failed Failed to extract the private key on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
4014001C NetScaler - Extract Private Key Error Failed to extract private key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4014001D NetScaler - Extract Certificate Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
4014001E NetScaler - Extract Certificate Error Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4014001F NetScaler - Read Configuration Failed Failed to read configuration on $Event.Component$. Please check the configuration setup.
40140020 NetScaler - Setup Locals Failed Failed to setup locals on $Event.Component$. ValidationApplicaitonProperties return false.
40140021 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Get Certificate Failed During Validation Could not retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$ during Validation on $Event.Component$.
40140022 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed.  Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$.
40140023 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Validation Error Failed to validate certificate $Event.Text1$ install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140024 NetScaler - SSH Connection Failed Failed to establish a SSH connection to the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Text2$.
40140025 NetScaler - SSH Authentication Failed Failed to authenticate with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Connection Result: $Event.Value1$.
40140026 NetScaler - SSH Connection Error Failed to establish a SSH connection with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
40140027 NetScaler - SSH Disconnect Error Failed to disconnect a SSH connection with the host for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
40140028 NetScaler - File or FileType To Copy Is Empty Failed to copy file to the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
40140029 NetScaler - PutFile Error Failed to copy file '$Event.Text1$' to the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
4014002A NetScaler - File or FileType To Get Is Empty Failed to get file from the device on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
4014002B NetScaler - GetFile Error Failed to get file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
4014002C NetScaler - File or FileType To Delete Is Empty Failed to delete file from the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
4014002D NetScaler - Delete File Error Failed to delete file '$Event.Text1$' from the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
4014002E NetScaler - Custom Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014002F NetScaler - Custom Command Info The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
40140030 NetScaler - Custom Command Error $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command. Command: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140031 NetScaler - Enter CSR Parameter Failed Expected parameter '$Event.Text2$' not received for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40140032 NetScaler - Certificate Chain Not Available Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain is not available from CA $Event.Text2$.
40140033 NetScaler - Certificate Chain Empty Failed to retrieve certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. The chain certificate text from CA $Event.Text2$ is empty.
40140034 NetScaler - Install Certificate Chain Error Failed to install certificate chain for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140035 NetScaler - Update Generational Data Failed Failed to update the generational data on $Event.Component$.
40140036 NetScaler - Create Generational Data Failed Failed to create a new generational credential object on $Event.Component$.
40140037 NetScaler - Get Generational Credentials Error Failed to retrieve generationl credentials on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40140038 NetScaler - File or FileType To Check For Existence Is Empty Failed to check whether file exists on the device for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Filename is empty.
40140039 NetScaler - File Exists Error Failed to check whether file '$Event.Text1$' exists on the device on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
4014003A NetScaler - Create Remote Private Key On HSM Failed Failed to create remote FIPS private key for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014003B NetScaler - Install Private Key Failed While Importing To HSM Failed to install private key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Trying to import the private key to the HSM card threw the following error: $Event.Text2$.
4014003C NetScaler - Clear Prompt Failed Failed to clear prompt during SSH disconnect for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014003D NetScaler - Get Serial Number Error Failed to get the serial number from the certKey object '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014003E NetScaler - Install Private Key Failed During SSL Files Sync Failed to install private key for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Sync SSL files command failed with the following error: $Event.Text2$.
4014003F NetScaler - Install Certificate Failed During SSL Files Sync Failed to install certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Sync SSL files command failed with the following error: $Event.Text2$.
40140040 NetScaler - Install Certificate Chain Failed During SSL Files Sync Failed to install certificate chain for intermediate chain $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Sync SSL files command failed with the following error: $Event.Text2$.
40140041 NetScaler - Extract Private Key Failed As File Doesn't Exist Failed to extract the private key '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. The private key file doesn't exist on the device.
40140042 NetScaler - Extract Certificate Failed As File Doesn't Exist Failed to extract the certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. The certificate file doesn't exist on the device.
40140043 NetScaler - Extract Private Key Failed On A FIPS Device Failed to extract the private key '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Private key cannot be extracted from a FIPS device.
40140044 NetScaler - Extract Private Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
40140045 NetScaler - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
40140046 NetScaler - Check HA Error Failed to check for whether the node is in High Availability environment or not for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
40140047 NetScaler - No Private Key During Manual CSR The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy the Private Key.
40140048 NetScaler - Key Not Found for reuse The key for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$ could not be found for reuse.
40140049 NetScaler - Create CA Cert-Key Pair Object Failed Failed to create CA certificate-key pair object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014004A NetScaler - Link CA Cert-Key Pair Object Failed Failed to link CA certificate-key pair object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
4014004B NetScaler - Get Firmware Version Error Failed to get the firmware version for certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$. 
4019 Definitions for events generated by the PEM application driver
40190000 PEM - Create Private Key Success Private key created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40190001 PEM - Create Private Key Remote Failed Failed to create private key $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40190002 PEM - Create CSR Failed Failed to create CSR $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40190003 PEM - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
40190004 PEM - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40190005 PEM - Private Key Install Success Successfully installed Private Key on $Event.Component$.
40190006 PEM - Private Key Install Failed Failed to install private key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40190007 PEM - Install Certificate Chain Success Successfully installed Certificate chain on $Event.Component$.
40190008 PEM - Certificate Chain Install Failed Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
40190009 PEM - Failed to Chain Certificate Failed to Chain Certificate for $Event.Component$, CA $Event.Text1$
4019000A PEM - Custom Command Failure $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
4019000B PEM - Create CSR Exception Failed to create CSR $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4019000C PEM - Connection Error Error connecting to $Event.Component$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4019000D PEM - OpenSSL not found Error creating Private Key on $Event.Component$, cannot create key on remote host without OpenSSL being installed and in the users PATH.
4019000E PEM - Custom Command The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
4019000F PEM - OpenSSL Check Error Error checking OpenSSL ($Event.Text1$) version on $Event.Component$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190010 PEM - Custom Command Error An error occurred while running the custom command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190011 PEM - Get Certificate Chain File Error Failed to get Certificate Chain File $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190012 PEM - Validation Error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190013 PEM - Extract Certificate Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190014 PEM - Extract Key Failed Failed to extract the key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40190015 PEM - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40190016 PEM - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
40190017 PEM - Certificate Backup Success Backup of certificate successful on $Event.Component$
40190018 PEM - Certificate Backup Failure Backup of certificate failed on $Event.Component$
40190019 PEM - Private Key Backup Success Backup of private key successful on $Event.Component$
4019001A PEM - Private Key Backup Failure Backup of private key failed on $Event.Component$
4019001B PEM - Chain Backup Success Backup of chain successful on $Event.Component$
4019001C PEM - Chain Backup Failure Backup of chain failed on $Event.Component$
4019001D PEM - Extraction invalid Certificate Extraction retrieved an invalid certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$.
4019001E PEM - Extraction invalid Key Extraction retrieved an invalid key from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file path: $Event.Text1$.
4019001F PEM - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$.
40190020 PEM - Extraction Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file path: $Event.Text1$.
40190021 PEM - No Private Key The certificate ($Event.Text1$) associated with $Event.Component$ is configured to use a User Provided CSR, Director does not have a copy the Private Key but will install the Certificate to be used on this application.
40190022 PEM - Non-supported Configuration Unable to remotely generate the private key for $Event.Component$, the option for 'Generate Key/CSR on Application' is not supported with a Windows host.
40190023 PEM - Key not found The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found.
4018 Definitions for events generated by the Compuware Tealeaf PCA application driver
40180001 Tealeaf PCA - Setup path invalid Invalid Passive Capture setup path ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.
40180002 Tealeaf PCA - Tealeaf utility check error Unable to check 'tealeaf' utility on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
40180003 Tealeaf PCA - Tealeaf utility check failure Failed to check 'tealeaf' utility on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40180004 Tealeaf PCA - No response for tealeaf utility check No response returned for 'tealeaf' utility check on $Event.Component$.
40180005 Tealeaf PCA - No private key Private key is null or empty on $Event.Component$.
40180006 Tealeaf PCA - Invalid private key format Invalid private key format on $Event.Component$.
40180010 Tealeaf PCA - SSH connection success Successfully connected to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.
40180011 Tealeaf PCA - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text1$.
40180012 Tealeaf PCA - SSH connection failure Failed to connect to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40180020 Tealeaf PCA - Key installation success Successfully installed key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40180021 Tealeaf PCA - Key installation failure Failed to install key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40180022 Tealeaf PCA - Empty key name error Key name is generated as empty on $Event.Component$.
40180023 Tealeaf PCA - Key name creation error Unable to create key name on $Event.Component$ due to certificate of $Event.Text1$ not found.
40180024 Tealeaf PCA - Key name creation failure Failed to create key name to be installed as on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40180025 Tealeaf PCA - Key name creation success Successfully created key name ($Event.Text1$) to be installed as on $Event.Component$.
40180026 Tealeaf PCA - Unsuccessful code returned Unsuccessful result code returned from the device for $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40180027 Tealeaf PCA - Command error Error in running command on the device for $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40180028 Tealeaf PCA - Invalid path to run Invalid path to run the command on the device for $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40180029 Tealeaf PCA - Invalid command Invalid command to run on the device for $Event.Component$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40180030 Tealeaf PCA - Key file conversion error Error in converting the key ($Event.Text1$) to PTL format on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
40180031 Tealeaf PCA - Key file conversion success Successfully converted the key ($Event.Text1$) to PTL format on $Event.Component$.
40180032 Tealeaf PCA - Key file conversion failure Failed to convert the key ($Event.Text1$) to PTL format on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40180033 Tealeaf PCA - Parent key file backup Backed up parent key file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.
40180034 Tealeaf PCA - Parent key file backup error Failed to back up parent key file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40180040 Tealeaf PCA - Grandparent key file deleted Deleted grandparent key file ($Event.Text1$) from device on $Event.Component$.
40180041 Tealeaf PCA - Grandparent key file deletion error Failed to delete grandparent key file ($Event.Text1$) from device on $Event.Component$.
40180050 Tealeaf PCA - Key file send failure Failed to send the key to the device ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40180051 Tealeaf PCA - File deletion failure Failed to delete file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$. Delete it manually. Error:$Event.Text2$.
40180060 Tealeaf PCA - Generational key names retrieved Successfully retrieved generational key names on $Event.Component$.  Current key: $Event.Text1$.  Parent key: $Event.Text2$.
40180061 Tealeaf PCA - Generational object creation error Error in creating generational object on $Event.Component$.  Object Name: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40180062 Tealeaf PCA - Generational data update failure Failed to update generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40180063 Tealeaf PCA - Generational data update success Successfully updated generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40180070 Tealeaf PCA - Key extraction not supported Key extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40180071 Tealeaf PCA - Certificate extraction not supported Certificate extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40180090 Tealeaf PCA - Empty key name No key name retrieved for current private key to be validated on $Event.Component$.
40180091 Tealeaf PCA - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
401800A0 Tealeaf PCA - Custom command failure $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
401800A1 Tealeaf PCA - Custom command The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
401800A2 Tealeaf PCA - Custom command error An error occurred while running the custom command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional Data $Event.Data:String$.
4011 Definitions for events generated by the Custom Sunimp Tealeaf application driver
40110001 TealeafSunimp - Missing attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
40110002 TealeafSunimp - Invalid utility path Invalid path for $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.
40110003 TealeafSunimp - Keystore name invalid Keystore name ($Event.Text1$) invalid or keystore not exist for $Event.Component$.
40110004 TealeafSunimp - Utility check error Unable to check $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text2$.
40110005 TealeafSunimp - Utility check failure Failed to check $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40110006 TealeafSunimp - Key strength not supported Key strength specified not supported on $Event.Component$.
40110007 TealeafSunimp - No result from utility check $Event.Text1$ utility check returned no result on $Event.Component$.
40110008 TealeafSunimp - Invalid Key ID length Invalid Key ID length specified on $Event.Component$. Use a hexadecimal number upto 8 digits for a Key ID.
40110009 TealeafSunimp - Invalid Key ID format Invalid Key ID format specified on $Event.Component$. Use a hexadecimal number upto 8 digits starting with '0x' for a Key ID.
4011000A TealeafSunimp - Invalid Key ID type Key ID missing '0x' on $Event.Component$. Specify a hexadecimal number starting with '0x' for a Key ID.
4011000B TealeafSunimp - No private key Private key is null or empty on $Event.Component$.
4011000C TealeafSunimp - Invalid private key format Invalid private key format on $Event.Component$.
40110010 TealeafSunimp - SSH connection success Successfully connected to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.
40110011 TealeafSunimp - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text1$.
40110012 TealeafSunimp - SSH connection failure Failed to connect to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40110020 TealeafSunimp - Key installation success Successfully installed key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40110021 TealeafSunimp - Key installation failure Failed to install key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40110023 TealeafSunimp - Certificate not found Certificate not found on $Event.Component$.
40110024 TealeafSunimp - Key label failure Failed to generate key label to be installed as on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40110025 TealeafSunimp - Key label creation success Successfully created key label ($Event.Text1$) to be installed as on $Event.Component$.
40110026 TealeafSunimp - Keystore login failure Login to keystore failed on $Event.Component$.
40110027 TealeafSunimp - Command error Error in running command on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Text2$.
40110030 TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key file password generation failure Failed to generate password for wrapping key file on $Event.Component$.
40110031 TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key export not succeeded Exporting wrapping key not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$.
40110032 TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key export error Error in exporting wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
40110033 TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key export success Successfully exported wrapping key on $Event.Component$.
40110034 TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key export failure Failed to export key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40110035 TealeafSunimp - Invalid key format Private key to be installed on $Event.Component$ not in a valid format.
40110036 TealeafSunimp - Key wrapping failure Failed to wrap private key and AES key on $Event.Component$.
40110037 TealeafSunimp - Key wrapping success Successfully wrapped private key and AES key on $Event.Component$.
40110038 TealeafSunimp - Key import not succeeded Key import not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$
40110039 TealeafSunimp - Key import error Error in importing private key on $Event.Component$. $Event.Text1$  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
4011003A TealeafSunimp - Key import success Successfully imported private key on $Event.Component$.
4011003B TealeafSunimp - Key import failure Failed to import private key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4011003C TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key generation not succeeded Attempt to generate wrapping key not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$.
4011003D TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key generation error Error in generating wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
4011003E TealeafSunimp - Wrapping key generation failure Failed to generate wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4011003F TealeafSunimp - Key search error Error in search for key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text2$.
40110040 TealeafSunimp - Key search failure Failed to search for key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40110042 TealeafSunimp - Key deletion not succeeded Attempt to delete key ($Event.Text1$) not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output:$Event.Text2$.
40110043 TealeafSunimp - Key deletion error Error in deleting key ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Command Output:$Event.Text2$.
40110044 TealeafSunimp - Key deletion failure Failed to delete key ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40110046 TealeafSunimp - Key label missing in key search Key label not provided to search a key with on $Event.Component$.
40110048 TealeafSunimp - More than one parent key found More than one parent key ($Event.Text1$) found on $Event.Component$. Maintain only one key with this label and try again.
40110049 TealeafSunimp - More than one grandparent key found More than one grandparent key ($Event.Text1$) found on $Event.Component$. Maintain only one key with this label and try again.
4011004A TealeafSunimp - More than one wrapping key found More than one wrapping key ($Event.Text1$) found on $Event.Component$. Maintain only one key with this label and try again.
40110050 TealeafSunimp - File transfer failure Failed to transfer file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive).  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40110051 TealeafSunimp - File deletion failure Failed to delete file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40110060 TealeafSunimp - Generational key labels retrieved Successfully retrieved generational key labels on $Event.Component$.  Current key: $Event.Text1$.  Parent key: $Event.Text2$.
40110061 TealeafSunimp - Generational object creation error Error in creating generational object on $Event.Component$.  Object Name: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40110062 TealeafSunimp - Generational key labels update failure Failed to update generational key labels with $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40110063 TealeafSunimp - Generational key labels update success Successfully updated generational key labels with $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40110064 TealeafSunimp - Current key label empty No key label retrieved for current private key installed on $Event.Component$.
40110070 TealeafSunimp - Extract Key not supported Extract Key not supported on $Event.Component$.
40110071 TealeafSunimp - Extract Certificate not supported Extract Certificate not supported on $Event.Component$.
40110091 TealeafSunimp - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40110092 TealeafSunimp - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4015 Definitions for events generated by the Compuware VAM-nShield application driver
40150002 VAM nShield - Setup path invalid Invalid nShield setup path ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.
40150004 VAM nShield - Utility check error Unable to check nShield utility on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
40150005 VAM nShield - Utility check failure Failed to check nShield utility on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150006 VAM nShield - No result from utility check nShield utility check returned no result on $Event.Component$.
40150007 VAM nShield - Module ID invalid Invalid  module ID ($Event.Value1$) on $Event.Component$.
40150008 VAM nShield - Temporary key name read error Failed to read temporary key name on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150009 VAM nShield - Temporary key name write error Error in writing temporary key name ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.
4015000A VAM nShield - Temporary key name write failure Failed to write temporary key name on $Event.Component$. Key Name:$Event.Text1$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
4015000C VAM nShield - No private key Private key is null or empty on $Event.Component$.
4015000D VAM nShield - Invalid private key format Invalid private key format on $Event.Component$.
40150010 VAM nShield - SSH connection success Successfully connected to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.
40150011 VAM nShield - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text1$.
40150012 VAM nShield - SSH connection failure Failed to connect to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150020 VAM nShield - Key installation success Successfully installed key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40150021 VAM nShield - Key installation failure Failed to install key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150022 VAM nShield - Empty key name error Key name to be used for key import is empty on $Event.Component$.
40150023 VAM nShield - Key name error Unable to generate key name due to certificate of $Event.Text1$ not found on $Event.Component$.
40150024 VAM nShield - Key name failure Failed to generate key name to be installed with on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150025 VAM nShield - Key name creation success Successfully created key name ($Event.Text1$) to be installed with on $Event.Component$.
40150026 VAM nShield - Command parameter invalid Invalid parameter in command on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40150027 VAM nShield - Command error Error in running command on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Text2$.
40150028 VAM nShield - Command not found Unable to run command on $Event.Component$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
40150030 VAM nShield - RTM config property not set properly The property of $Event.Text1$ in rtm.config needs to be set to $Event.Text2$ for proper process on $Event.Component$.
40150031 VAM nShield - Unable to check RTM config property Unable to check the property of $Event.Text1$ in rtm.config on $Event.Component$ due to permission denied or the property missing.
40150032 VAM nShield - Failed to check RTM config property Failed to check the property of $Event.Text1$ in rtm.config on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40150037 VAM nShield - PEM file open error Unable to open PEM file at Temp Directory ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$. Check the permission of the directory.
40150039 VAM nShield - Key import error Error in importing private key on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
4015003A VAM nShield - Key import success Successfully imported private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
4015003B VAM nShield - Key import failure Failed to import private key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150040 VAM nShield - Deleted incompletely imported key Deleted the key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) imported by previous unsuccessful attempt from device on $Event.Component$.
40150041 VAM nShield - Incompletely imported key deletion failure Failed to delete incompletely imported key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) from device on $Event.Component$. Delete it manually.
40150042 VAM nShield - Grandparent key deleted Deleted grandparent key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) from device on $Event.Component$.
40150043 VAM nShield - Grandparent key deletion error Failed to delete grandparent key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) from device on $Event.Component$. Delete it manually.
40150044 VAM nShield - Grandparent key existence not match Grandparent key (ID:$Event.Text1$) recognized by nfkminfo but failed to be deleted due to not being found under KM Local Path ($Event.Text2$) on < $Event.Component$. Delete it manually.
40150045 VAM nShield - Key search failure Failed to search for a key ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150046 VAM nShield - Key name missing in key search Key name not provided to search a key with on $Event.Component$.
40150047 VAM nShield - More than one unsuccessfully imported keys found More than one unsuccessfully imported keys of $Event.Text1$ found on $Event.Component$. Delete them all or maintain only one key with this name and try again.
40150048 VAM nShield - More than one grandparent keys found More than one grandparent keys of $Event.Text1$ found on $Event.Component$ and unable to decide which one to be removed. Delete them manually.
40150049 VAM nShield - Deleted duplicated key Deleted duplicated key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) from device on $Event.Component$.
4015004A VAM nShield - Duplicated key deletion failure Failed to delete duplicated key of $Event.Text1$ (ID:$Event.Text2$) from device on $Event.Component$. Delete it manually.
4015004B VAM nShield - More than one duplicated keys found More than one duplicated keys of $Event.Text1$ found on $Event.Component$. Delete them all or maintain only one key with this name and try again.
4015004C VAM nShield - Key existence not match Key (ID:$Event.Text1$) recognized by nfkminfo but failed to be deleted due to not being found under KM Local Path ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40150050 VAM nShield - Private key file send failure Failed to send private key file to the device ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40150051 VAM nShield - File deletion failure Failed to delete file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$. Delete it manually. Error:$Event.Text2$.
40150057 VAM nShield - Restart RTM New key has been placed on $Event.Component$. Restart RTM manually to get the key recognized properly.
40150058 VAM nShield - Restart RTM error Error in restarting RTM on $Event.Component$.  Output:$Event.Data$.
4015005C VAM nShield - Restart RTM failure Failed to verify key counts by restarting RTM on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4015005D VAM nShield - Restart RTM success Successfully restarted RTM on $Event.Component$.
40150060 VAM nShield - Generational key names retrieved Successfully retrieved generational key names on $Event.Component$.  Current key: $Event.Text1$.  Parent key: $Event.Text2$.
40150061 VAM nShield - Generational object creation error Error in creating generational object on $Event.Component$.  Object Name: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40150062 VAM nShield - Generational data update failure Failed to update generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40150063 VAM nShield - Generational data update success Successfully updated generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40150064 VAM nShield - Key generation update failure Failed to roll key generations after installing $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40150070 VAM nShield - Key extraction not supported Key extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40150071 VAM nShield - Certificate extraction not supported Certificate extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40150080 VAM nShield - Pkcsmgr not recognized key imported Pkcsmgr not recognized the key of $Event.Text1$ imported on $Event.Component$.
40150081 VAM nShield - Pkcsmgr recognized key imported Pkcsmgr recognized the key of $Event.Text1$ imported on $Event.Component$.
40150082 VAM nShield - Pkcsmgr not list key imported Pkcsmgr cannot list the key of $Event.Text1$ imported on $Event.Component$.
40150083 VAM nShield - Pkcsmgr failed to list key imported Pkcsmgr failed to list the key of $Event.Text1$ imported on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40150084 VAM nShield - RTM not recognized key installed RTM not recognized the key of $Event.Text1$ installed on $Event.Component$.
40150085 VAM nShield - RTM recognized key installed RTM recognized the key of $Event.Text1$ installed on $Event.Component$.
40150086 VAM nShield - Key status not OK RTM reported key status as not OK for the key installed on $Event.Component$.  Key Info:$Event.Text1$
40150087 VAM nShield - RTM not recognized key RTM cannot recognize the key of $Event.Text1$ installed on $Event.Component$.
40150088 VAM nShield - RTM failed to check key installed RTM failed to check the key of $Event.Text1$ installed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40150090 VAM nShield - Empty key name No key name retrieved for current private key to be validated on $Event.Component$.
40150091 VAM nShield - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40150092 VAM nShield - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4013 Definitions for events generated by the Custom Sunimp Compuware VAM application driver
40130001 VAMSunimp - Missing attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
40130002 VAMSunimp - Invalid utility path Invalid path for $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.
40130003 VAMSunimp - Keystore name invalid Keystore name ($Event.Text1$) invalid or keystore not exist for $Event.Component$.
40130004 VAMSunimp - Utility check error Unable to check $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text2$.
40130005 VAMSunimp - Utility check failure Failed to check $Event.Text1$ utility on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130006 VAMSunimp - Key strength not supported Key strength specified not supported on $Event.Component$.
40130007 VAMSunimp - No result from utility check $Event.Text1$ utility check returned no result on $Event.Component$.
40130008 VAMSunimp - User logged in User is logged in to keystore on $Event.Component$.
40130009 VAMSunimp - No user logged in No user is logged in to keystore on $Event.Component$.
4013000A VAMSunimp - Login status check error Unable to check login status to keystore on $Event.Component$.
4013000B VAMSunimp - Login status check failure Failed to check login status to keystore on $Event.Component$. Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4013000C VAMSunimp - No private key Private key is null or empty on $Event.Component$.
4013000D VAMSunimp - Invalid private key format Invalid private key format on $Event.Component$.
4013000E VAMSunimp - Key ID generation success New key ID ($Event.Text1$) generated successfully to import key with on $Event.Component$.
4013000F VAMSunimp - Key ID generation failure Failed to generate new key ID to import key with on $Event.Component$. Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130010 VAMSunimp - SSH connection success Successfully connected to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.
40130011 VAMSunimp - SSH connection error SSH connection to the device failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text1$.
40130012 VAMSunimp - SSH connection failure Failed to connect to the device through SSH on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40130020 VAMSunimp - Key installation success Successfully installed key of $Event.Text1$ ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40130021 VAMSunimp - Key installation failure Failed to install key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40130022 VAMSunimp - Empty key label error Key label to be used for key import is empty on $Event.Component$.
40130023 VAMSunimp - Key label error Unable to generate new key label due to certificate of $Event.Text1$ not found on $Event.Component$.
40130024 VAMSunimp - Key label failure Failed to generate new key label to import key with on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$
40130025 VAMSunimp - Key label creation success Successfully created new key label ($Event.Text1$) to import key with on $Event.Component$.
40130026 VAMSunimp - Keystore login failure Login to keystore failed on $Event.Component$. Check if keystore username and password are correct.
40130027 VAMSunimp - Command error Error in running command on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Text2$.
40130028 VAMSunimp - Command not found error Command not found error on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Text2$.
40130030 VAMSunimp - Wrapping key file password generation failure Failed to generate password for wrapping key file on $Event.Component$.
40130031 VAMSunimp - Wrapping key export not succeeded Exporting wrapping key not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$.
40130032 VAMSunimp - Wrapping key export error Error in exporting wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
40130033 VAMSunimp - Wrapping key export success Successfully exported wrapping key on $Event.Component$.
40130034 VAMSunimp - Wrapping key export failure Failed to export wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130035 VAMSunimp - Invalid key format Private key to be installed on $Event.Component$ not in a valid format.
40130036 VAMSunimp - Key wrapping failure Failed to wrap private key and AES key on $Event.Component$.
40130037 VAMSunimp - Key wrapping success Successfully wrapped private key and AES key on $Event.Component$.
40130038 VAMSunimp - Key import not succeeded Key import not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$
40130039 VAMSunimp - Key import error Error in importing private key on $Event.Component$. $Event.Text1$  Command Output: $Event.Data$.
4013003A VAMSunimp - Key import success Successfully imported private key on $Event.Component$.
4013003B VAMSunimp - Key import failure Failed to import private key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4013003C VAMSunimp - Wrapping key generation not succeeded Attempt to generate wrapping key not succeeded on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value1$.
4013003D VAMSunimp - Wrapping key generation error Error in generating wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text1$.
4013003E VAMSunimp - Wrapping key generation failure Failed to generate wrapping key on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4013003F VAMSunimp - Key search error Error in search for key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Command Output: $Event.Text2$.
40130040 VAMSunimp - Key search failure Failed to search for key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130041 VAMSunimp - Key deleted Key of $Event.Text1$ deleted from device on $Event.Component$.
40130042 VAMSunimp - Key deletion error Error in deleting key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Command Output:$Event.Text2$.
40130043 VAMSunimp - Key deletion returned empty output Command to delete key of ($Event.Text1$) returned empty output on $Event.Component$.
40130044 VAMSunimp - Key deletion failure Failed to delete key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130045 VAMSunimp - Key ID to be deleted is zero Key ID to be deleted is zero on $Event.Component$.
40130046 VAMSunimp - Key label missing in key search Key label not provided to search a key with on $Event.Component$.
40130047 VAMSunimp - Multiple keys with same label found Multiple keys of $Event.Text1$ found on $Event.Component$. Delete them manually.  Key Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Temp, 2:Parent, 3:Grandparent, 4:Prev attempted, 5:Others)
4013004A VAMSunimp - More than one wrapping key found More than one wrapping key of $Event.Text1$ found on $Event.Component$. Maintain only one key with this label and try again.
40130050 VAMSunimp - File transfer failure Failed to transfer file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Transfer Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:Send, 2:Receive).  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40130051 VAMSunimp - File deletion failure Failed to delete file ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
40130052 VAMSunimp - Invalid keylist path Invalid keylist path ($Event.Text1$) or keylist not exist on $Event.Component$.
40130053 VAMSunimp - Keylist backup success Successfully backed up keylist on $Event.Component$.
40130054 VAMSunimp - Failed to back up keylist Failed to back up keylist on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130055 VAMSunimp - Keylist update success Successfully updated keylist on $Event.Component$. Key to be added:$Event.Text1$, Key to be removed:$Event.Text2$, Action:$Event.Value1$ (1:Added, 2:Removed, 3:Both)
40130056 VAMSunimp - Failed to update keylist Failed to update keylist on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130057 VAMSunimp - Restart RTM New key has been placed on $Event.Component$. Restart RTM manually to complete the process.
40130058 VAMSunimp - Restart RTM error Error in restarting RTM on $Event.Component$.  Output:$Event.Text1$.
40130059 VAMSunimp - Key count not match Key count by RTM Probe ($Event.Value1$) not match with the count by keylist ($Event.Value2$) on $Event.Component$.
4013005A VAMSunimp - Key fail count increased After new key placed, key fail count increased from $Event.Value1$ to $Event.Value2$ on $Event.Component$.
4013005B VAMSunimp - Key count verification success Successfully vefified key counts with RTM Probe on $Event.Component$.
4013005C VAMSunimp - Key count verification failure Failed to verify key counts by restarting RTM on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
4013005D VAMSunimp - Restart RTM success Successfully restarted RTM on $Event.Component$.
40130060 VAMSunimp - Generational key labels retrieved Successfully retrieved generational key labels on $Event.Component$.  Current key: $Event.Text1$.  Parent key: $Event.Text2$.
40130061 VAMSunimp - Generational object creation error Error in creating generational object on $Event.Component$.  Object Name: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
40130062 VAMSunimp - Generational data update failure Failed to update generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40130063 VAMSunimp - Generational data update success Successfully updated generational object ($Event.Text1$) with data ($Event.Text2$) on $Event.Component$.
40130064 VAMSunimp - Current key label empty No key label retrieved for current private key to be validated on $Event.Component$.
40130065 VAMSunimp - Key generation update failure Failed to roll generations after installing $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130070 VAMSunimp - Key extraction not supported Key extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40130071 VAMSunimp - Certificate extraction not supported Certificate extraction not supported on $Event.Component$.
40130080 VAMSunimp - Key count error due to permission Unable to get key counts with RTM Probe due to permission denied on $Event.Component$.  Command Output:$Event.Text1$.
40130081 VAMSunimp - Key count error due to RTM not running Unable to get key counts with RTM Probe due to RTM not running on $Event.Component$.
40130082 VAMSunimp - Key count error Error in counting keys with RTM Probe on $Event.Component$.  Count Type:$Event.Value1$ (1:keyOK, 2:keyFail)
40130083 VAMSunimp - Key count failure Failed to count keys with RTM Probe on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130084 VAMSunimp - Successfully counted keys in keylist $Event.Value1$ of keys specified in keylist on $Event.Component$.
40130085 VAMSunimp - Failed to count keys in keylist Failed to count keys in keylist on $Event.Component$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130086 VAMSunimp - Successfully counted keys by RTM Probe KeyOK:$Event.Value1$, KeyFail:$Event.Value2$ counted by RTM Probe on $Event.Component$.
40130091 VAMSunimp - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40130092 VAMSunimp - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130093 VAMSunimp - Temporary key label/ID read error Failed to read temporary key label/ID on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
40130094 VAMSunimp - Temporary key label/ID write error Error in writing temporary key label/ID on $Event.Component$.  Key Label:$Event.Text1$, Key ID:$Event.Text2$.
40130095 VAMSunimp - Temporary key label/ID write failure Failed to write temporary key label/ID on $Event.Component$. Key Label:$Event.Text1$.  Error:$Event.Text2$.
3006 Definitions for events generated by the Comodo certificate authority driver
30060001 Comodo CA - Incorrect parameter to post CSR Incorrect or missing parameter of $Event.Text2$ to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.
30060002 Comodo CA - CSR post success Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.  Order number: $Event.Text2$
30060003 Comodo CA - CSR post failure Failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060004 Comodo CA - Certificate retrieval failure Failed to retrieve certificate of $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060005 Comodo CA - Certificate revocation success Successfully revoked certificate at $Event.Component$.  Serial number: $Event.Text1$
30060006 Comodo CA - Certificate revocation failure Failed to revoke certificate at $Event.Component$.  Serial number: $Event.Text1$  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060007 Comodo CA - Certificate replacement success Successfully replaced certificate of $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Component$.  Order number: $Event.Text2$
30060008 Comodo CA - Certificate replacement failure Failed to replace certificate of $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060009 Comodo CA - Certificate request preparation success Successfully prepared certificate request for $Event.Text1$ with $Event.Component$.
3006000A Comodo CA - Config write failure Failed to write '$Event.Text1$ ($Event.Text2$)' to Config for $Event.Component$.
3006000B Comodo CA - Certificate request preparation failure Failed to prepare certificate request for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
3006000C Comodo CA - Null response from CA Null response from CA($Event.Component$) to the request ($Event.Text2$) for $Event.Text1$.
3006000D Comodo CA - CSR post error Error in posting CSR for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
3006000E Comodo CA - Order number not existent Order number not existent for certificate of $Event.Text1$ to be retrieved from $Event.Component$.
3006000F Comodo CA - Certificate retrieval error Error in retrieving certificate of $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060010 Comodo CA - Certificate retrieval success Successfully retrieved certificate of $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.
30060011 Comodo CA - Certificate revocation error Error in revoking certificate at $Event.Component$.  Serial number: $Event.Text1$  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060012 Comodo CA - Order number association failure Failed in associating order number ($Event.Text1$) to vault entry for $Event.Component$.
30060013 Comodo CA - No common name to get DCV emails No common name specified to get DCV emails for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.
30060014 Comodo CA - DCV emails retrieval error Error in retrieving DCV emails for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060015 Comodo CA - DCV emails retrieval success Successfully retrieved DCV emails for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.
30060016 Comodo CA - DCV emails retrieval failure Failed to retrieve DCV emails for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30060017 Comodo CA - Secret store instance creation failure Failed to create secret store instance for $Event.Component$.  Operation: $Event.Text1$  Data Info: $Event.Text2$
30060018 Comodo CA - Residual days calculation success Successfully calculated residual days for $Event.Component$.  ValidTo: $Event.Text1$.  Renewal date: $Event.Text2$.  Difference days: $Event.Value1$
30060019 Comodo CA - Validity days to be renewed Certificate of $Event.Text1$ to be renewed with validity of $Event.Value1$ days at $Event.Component$.
3006001A Comodo CA - No common name to get Primary Domain Name  No common name specified to get Primary Domain Name for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.
3006001B Comodo CA - SAN not supported by selected Template SAN is not supported by the selected template type of $Event.Text2$ to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ to $Event.Component$.
3006001C Comodo CA - DCV domain name missing Domain Name for DCV email address from the CA is not available with $Event.Text2$ on $Event.Text1$.
300C Definitions for events generated by the DigiCert certificate authority driver
300C0001 DigiCert CA - Read CSR Failed Prepare For Request Prepare for request failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: Could not read CSR from secret store.
300C0002 DigiCert CA - Missing Attribute Failed Prepare For Request Prepare for request failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300C0003 DigiCert CA - Prepare For Request Error Failed to prepare for request for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C0004 DigiCert CA - Missing Attribute Failed Post CSR Post CSR failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300C0005 DigiCert CA - Enroll Error Failed Post CSR Submit certificate request call failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300C0006 DigiCert CA - Save RequestId Failed Post CSR Failure to save requestId failed post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C0007 DigiCert CA - Post CSR Successful Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Request ID: $Event.Text2$.
300C0008 DigiCert CA - Post CSR Error Failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C0009 DigiCert CA - Missing Attribute Failed Approve Certificate Approve certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300C000A DigiCert CA - Error Failed Approve Certificate Approve certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300C000B DigiCert CA - Save OrderId Failed Approve Certificate Failure to save orderId failed approve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C000C DigiCert CA - Approve Certificate Successful Successfully approved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C000D DigiCert CA - Approve Certificate Error Failed to approve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C000E DigiCert CA - Missing Attribute Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300C000F DigiCert CA - Empty Order Detail Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve certificate failed as order detail object was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C0010 DigiCert CA - Empty Certificate Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve certificate failed as the certificate retrieved was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C0011 DigiCert CA - Retrieve Certificate Successful Successfully retrieved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C0012 DigiCert CA - Error Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300C0013 DigiCert CA - Retrieve Certificate Error Failed to retrieve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C0014 DigiCert CA - Missing Attribute Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300C0015 DigiCert CA - Missing RequestId Failed Revoke Certificate Failure to retrieve requestId failed revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C0016 DigiCert CA - Request Revoke Error Failed Revoke Certificate Request revoke error failed revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300C0017 DigiCert CA - Approve Revoke Error Failed Revoke Certificate Approve revoke request failed revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300C0018 DigiCert CA - Revoke Certificate Successful Successfully revoked the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C0019 DigiCert CA - Revoke Certificate Error Failed to revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C001A DigiCert CA - Validate Connection Error Failed to validate connection for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300C001B DigiCert CA - Web Service Communication Error Could not communicate with the DigiCert web service for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C001C DigiCert CA - Use Of Wildcard Failed Prepare For Request Failed to prepare for request for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: Use of wildcard is not supported for the account.
300C001D DigiCert CA - Disabled SAN Failed Post CSR Trying to send SANs when SAN is disabled failed post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C001E DigiCert CA - Clear RequestId Failed Approve Certificate Failure to clear requestId failed approve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C001F DigiCert CA - Save RequestId Failed Revoke Certificate Failure to save requestId failed revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. OrderId: $Event.Text2$.
300C0020 DigiCert CA - Response Read Stream Error Could not read the expected $Event.Value1$ bytes from the response stream for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300C0021 DigiCert CA - JSON Object Deserialize Error Could not deserialize the response to appropriate C# objects for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
3007 Definitions for events generated by the Entrust.Net certificate authority driver
30070001 Entrust.Net CA - CSR posted successfully Successfully posted a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. The tracking ID is $Event.Value1$.
30070002 Entrust.Net CA - Failed to post CSR Failed to post a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30070003 Entrust.Net CA - [Deprecated] Certificate request approved successfully Successfully approved certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30070004 Entrust.Net CA - [Deprecated] Failed to approve certificate request Failed to approve certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30070005 Entrust.Net CA - Certificate retrieved successfully Successfully retrieved certificate with tracking ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30070006 Entrust.Net CA - Failed to retrieve certificate Failed to retrieve certificate with tracking ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30070007 Entrust.Net CA - Certificate revoked successfully Successfully revoked a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$.
30070008 Entrust.Net CA - Failed to revoke certificate Failed to revoke a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30070009 Entrust.Net CA - Certificate request prepared sucessfully Successfully prepared for requesting certificate with $Event.Component$.
3007000A Entrust.Net CA - Failed to prepare for certificate request Failed to prepare for requesting certificate with $Event.Component$.
3007000B Entrust.Net CA - Low certificate count The low certificate count alert limit ($Event.Value2$) has been reached on $Event.Component$.  There are $Event.Value1$ certificate(s) left.
3007000C Entrust.Net CA - The certificate limit has been exceeded Certificate $Event.Text1$ cannot be issued by $Event.Component$ because the certificate limit has been exceeded. All $Event.Value1$ licenses have been used.
3007000D Entrust.Net CA - Tracking ID not found Unable to retrieve the certificate tracking ID for $Event.Text1$.
3007000E Entrust.Net CA - Web Communication URL CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission URL $Event.Data$
3007000F Entrust.Net CA - Web Communication Post Data CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission Post Data $Event.Data$
30070010 Entrust.Net CA - Web Communication Data Received CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Received data $Event.Data$
30070011 Entrust.Net CA - CA Communication error Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
3005 Definitions for events generated by the Entrust Security Manager certificate authority driver
30050001 ESM CA - CSR posted successfully Successfully posted a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. The request ID is $Event.Value1$.
30050002 ESM CA - Failed to post CSR Failed to post a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30050003 ESM CA - [Deprecated] Certificate request approved successfully Successfully approved certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30050004 ESM CA - [Deprecated] Failed to approve certificate request Failed to approve certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30050005 ESM CA - Certificate retrieved successfully Successfully retrieved certificate with request ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30050006 ESM CA - Failed to retrieve certificate Failed to retrieve certificate with request ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30050007 ESM CA - Certificate revoked successfully Successfully revoked a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$.
30050008 ESM CA - Failed to revoke certificate Failed to revoke a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30050009 ESM CA - Certificate request prepared sucessfully Successfully prepared for requesting certificate with $Event.Component$.
3005000A ESM CA - Failed to prepare for certificate request $Event.Component$ failed to prepare for requesting certificate $Event.Text1$.
3005000B ESM CA - Low Certificate Count The low certificate count alert limit ($Event.Value2$) has been reached on $Event.Component$.  There are $Event.Value1$ certificate(s) left.
3005000C ESM CA - The certificate limit has been exceeded Certificate $Event.Text1$ cannot be issued by $Event.Component$ because the certificate limit has been exceeded. All $Event.Value1$ licenses have been used.
3005000D ESM CA - Missing Attribute $Event.Text2$ is missing on $Event.Text1$.
3005000E ESM CA - Unable to save certificate $Event.Component$ failed to save certificate $Event.Text1$.
3005000F ESM CA - Failed to retrieve activation codes $Event.Component$ failed to retrieve activation codes for user $Event.Text1$. Searchbase: $Event.Text2$.
30050010 ESM CA - Failed submitting CSR to enrollment server $Event.Component$ failed to submit CSR to enrollment server. Reference Number: $Event.Text1$.  Auth Code: $Event.Text2$.
30050011 ESM CA - End user not found $Event.Component$ cannot find user $Event.Text1$.  Searchbase: $Event.Text2$.
30050012 ESM CA - Failed connecting to the ESM service $Event.Component$ cannot start or connect to the ESM service instance $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30050013 ESM CA - File not found $Event.Component$ cannot find file $Event.Text1$.
30050014 ESM CA - Entrust user created $Event.Component$ created a new Entrust user $Event.Text1$ with certificate type $Event.Text2$.
300B Definitions for events generated by the GeoTrust certificate authority driver
300B0001 GeoTrust CA - Missing Attribute Failed Post CSR Post CSR failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300B0002 GeoTrust CA - Post CSR Successful Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Order ID: $Event.Text2$.
300B0003 GeoTrust CA - Post CSR Error Failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B0004 GeoTrust CA - Missing Attribute Failed Prepare For Request Prepare For Request failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300B0005 GeoTrust CA - Prepare For Request Error Failed to prepare for request for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B0006 GeoTrust CA - Missing Attribute Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300B0007 GeoTrust CA - Error Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300B0008 GeoTrust CA - Warning Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300B0009 GeoTrust CA - Empty Order Detail Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as order detail object was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B000A GeoTrust CA - Cancelled Certificate Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as the certificate was cancelled for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B000B GeoTrust CA - Empty Certificate Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as the certificate retrieved was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B000C GeoTrust CA - Retrieve Certificate Successful Successfully retrieved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B000D GeoTrust CA - Retrieve Certificate Error Failed to retrieve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B000E GeoTrust CA - Missing Attribute Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300B000F GeoTrust CA - Error Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300B0010 GeoTrust CA - Warning Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300B0011 GeoTrust CA - Revoke Certificate Successful Successfully revoked the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B0012 GeoTrust CA - Revoke Certificate Error Failed to revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B0013 GeoTrust CA - Validate Connection Error Failed to validate connection for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B0014 GeoTrust CA - Missing Attribute Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300B0015 GeoTrust CA - Error Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300B0016 GeoTrust CA - Warning Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300B0017 GeoTrust CA - Approve Certificate Successful Successfully approved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B0018 GeoTrust CA - Approve Certificate Error Failed to approve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300B0019 GeoTrust CA - SAN Limit Exceeded Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured to contain $Event.Value1$ SAN(s), which has exceeded the limit set by the Certificate Authority $Event.Component$.
300B001A GeoTrust CA - SAN Exceeded Number of Characters Limit Certificate ($Event.Text1$) has SAN ($Event.Text2$) which is $Event.Value1$ characters long, which has exceeded the limit set by the Certificate Authority $Event.Component$.
300B001B GeoTrust CA - Config Write Failed Unable to store the $Event.Text2$ for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300B001C GeoTrust CA - Error Failed Post CSR Post CSR failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300B001D GeoTrust CA - Warning Failed Post CSR Post CSR failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300F Definitions for events generated by the GeoTrust Enterprise certificate authority driver
300F0001 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Missing Attribute Failed Post CSR Post CSR failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300F0002 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Post CSR Successful Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Order ID: $Event.Text2$.
300F0003 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Post CSR Error Failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F0004 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Missing Attribute Failed Prepare For Request Prepare For Request failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300F0005 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Prepare For Request Error Failed to prepare for request for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F0006 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Missing Attribute Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300F0007 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Error Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300F0008 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Warning Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300F0009 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Empty Order Detail Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as order detail object was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F000A GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Cancelled Certificate Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as the certificate was cancelled for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F000B GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Empty Certificate Failed Retrieve Certificate Retrieve Certificate failed as the certificate retrieved was empty for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F000C GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Retrieve Certificate Successful Successfully retrieved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F000D GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Retrieve Certificate Error Failed to retrieve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F000E GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Missing Attribute Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300F000F GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Error Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300F0010 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Warning Failed Revoke Certificate Revoke Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300F0011 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Revoke Certificate Successful Successfully revoked the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F0012 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Revoke Certificate Error Failed to revoke certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F0013 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Validate Connection Error Failed to validate connection for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F0014 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Missing Attribute Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: '$Event.Text2$' is missing.
300F0015 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Error Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed with an error for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300F0016 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Warning Failed Approve Certificate Approve Certificate failed with a warning for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Warning: $Event.Text2$.
300F0017 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Approve Certificate Successful Successfully approved the certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
300F0018 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - Approve Certificate Error Failed to approve certificate for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
300F0019 GeoTrust Enterprise CA - SAN Limit Exceeded Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured to contain $Event.Value1$ SAN(s), which has exceeded the limit set by the Certificate Authority $Event.Component$.
300F001A GeoTrust Enterprise CA - SAN Exceeded Number of Characters Limit Certificate ($Event.Text1$) has SAN ($Event.Text2$) which is $Event.Value1$ characters long, which has exceeded the limit set by the Certificate Authority $Event.Component$.
300E Definitions for events generated by the GlobalSign MSSL certificate authority driver
300E0001 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Missing attribute $Event.Text1$ attribute is missing or unavailable.
300E0002 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Config write failure Failed to write '$Event.Text1$' to Config with the value of '$Event.Text2$'.
300E0010 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate request preparation success Successfully prepared certificate request.
300E0011 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate request preparation failure Failed to prepare certificate request.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300E0020 GlobalSign MSSL CA - SAN not supported SAN not supported with the CA of $Event.Text1$.
300E0021 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Order ID not returned Order ID is not returned from the CA for $Event.Text1$.
300E0022 GlobalSign MSSL CA - CSR post success Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text1$.  Order ID: $Event.Text2$.
300E0023 GlobalSign MSSL CA - CSR post failure Failed to post CSR for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300E0024 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Residual days calculation success Successfully calculated residual days for $Event.Component$.  ValidTo: $Event.Text1$.  Renewal date: $Event.Text2$.  Residual days: $Event.Value1$.
300E0025 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Renewal order Renewal option used for the certificate order of $Event.Text2$. Original Order ID: $Event.Text1$.  Residual days: $Event.Value1$.
300E0026 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate order cancelled Certificate order for $Event.Text1$ cancelled.  Certificate Issued: $Event.Value1$ (0:No, 1:Yes).
300E0027 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Ordered certificate waiting to be revoked Certificate is in the status of waiting for revocation after the order for $Event.Text1$.
300E0028 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Ordered certificate revoked Certificate is revoked after the order for $Event.Text1$.
300E0030 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate retrieval success Successfully retrieved certificate of $Event.Text1$.
300E0031 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate retrieval failure Failed to retrieve certificate of $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300E0040 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate revocation success Successfully revoked certificate of $Event.Text2$.  Serial number: $Event.Text1$.
300E0041 GlobalSign MSSL CA - Certificate revocation failure Failed to revoke certificate. Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300E0060 GlobalSign MSSL CA - No response from CA No response from CA to the request of $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Text2$.
300E0061 GlobalSign MSSL CA - GlobalSign CA error GlobalSign error occurred.  Error: $Event.Text1$.  Error Field: $Event.Text2$.  Error Code: $Event.Value1$.
300D Definitions for events generated by the OpenSSL certificate authority driver
300D0001 OpenSSL CA - Missing attribute $Event.Text1$ attribute is missing or unavailable.
300D0002 OpenSSL CA - Config write failure Failed to write '$Event.Text1$ ($Event.Text2$)' to Config for $Event.Component$.
300D0003 OpenSSL CA - Certificate request preparation success Successfully prepared certificate request for $Event.Text1$.
300D0004 OpenSSL CA - Certificate request preparation failure Failed to prepare certificate request.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0010 OpenSSL CA - CA mandatory field missing Mandatory field by the CA policy is missing in the request.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0011 OpenSSL CA - Field mismatch with CA Field not match between the CA and the request.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0012 OpenSSL CA - CA private key load failure Unable to load CA private key ($Event.Text1$).  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0013 OpenSSL CA - CA certificate load failure Unable to load CA certificate ($Event.Text1$).  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0014 OpenSSL CA - CA variable lookup failure Failed to look up variable for CA in $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0015 OpenSSL CA - CA database update failure CA failed to update database for $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0016 OpenSSL CA - Signing CSR error CA error in signing CSR for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data$.
300D0017 OpenSSL CA - Signing CSR failure CA unable to sign CSR for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data$.
300D0018 OpenSSL CA - New certificate serial number retrieval failure Failed to get serial number of new certificate for $Event.Text1$ from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300D0019 OpenSSL CA - CSR post success Successfully posted CSR for $Event.Text2$.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$
300D001A OpenSSL CA - SAN not supported SAN not supported with the CA of $Event.Text1$
300D001B OpenSSL CA - Unable to post CSR Unable to post CSR to $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D001C OpenSSL CA - Post CSR failure Failed to post CSR.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.  Object DN: $Event.Text1$.
300D0030 OpenSSL CA - Serial number not exist Serial number not exist for certificate.
300D0031 OpenSSL CA - CA config variable missing Unable to get '$Event.Text1$' from $Event.Text2$.
300D0032 OpenSSL CA - Certificate to retrieve not exist Certificate to be retrieved for $Event.Text2$ does not exist.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0033 OpenSSL CA - Certificate receive failure Failed to receive certificate for $Event.Text2$.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0034 OpenSSL CA - Certificate retrieval success Successfully retrieved certificate for $Event.Text2$.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0035 OpenSSL CA - Required CA file not exist CA file of $Event.Text1$ does not exist.
300D0036 OpenSSL CA - Required CA file receive failure Failed to receive CA file of $Event.Text1$.
300D0037 OpenSSL CA - Required CA file retrieval success Successfully retrieved CA file of $Event.Text1$.
300D0038 OpenSSL CA - Certificate retrieval failure Failed to retrieve certificate.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.  Object DN: $Event.Text1$.
300D0040 OpenSSL CA - Vault ID error Invalid vault ID of certificate.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0041 OpenSSL CA - Certificate retrieval from Certificate Store failure Failed to get certificate from Certificate Store.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0042 OpenSSL CA - Certificate send failure Failed to send certificate to be revoked for $Event.Text2$.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0043 OpenSSL CA - Certificate already revoked The certificate was already revoked.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300D0044 OpenSSL CA - Certificate revocation error CA error in certificate revocation of $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data$.
300D0045 OpenSSL CA - Unknown error in revocation Certificate revocation failed with unknown error for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data$.
300D0046 OpenSSL CA - Certificate revocation success Successfully revoked certificate.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Revocation Reason: $Event.Text2$.
300D0047 OpenSSL CA - Unable to revoke certificate Unable to revoke certificate of $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0048 OpenSSL CA - Certificate revocation failure Failed to revoke certificate.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0050 OpenSSL CA - CA Config file not exist CA Configuration file of $Event.Text1$ does not exist.
300D0051 OpenSSL CA - CA Config file receive failure Failed to receive CA Configuration file of $Event.Text1$.
300D0052 OpenSSL CA - CA Config parse failure Failed to parse $Event.Text1$ section in $Event.Text2$.
300D0053 OpenSSL CA - CA Configuration read success Successfully read CA Configuration file of $Event.Text1$.
300D0054 OpenSSL CA - CA Configuration read failure Failed to read CA configuration.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0060 OpenSSL CA - Object creation failure Failed to create $Event.Text1$ object.
300D0061 OpenSSL CA - SSH connection failure Failed to create SSH connection.  Result: $Event.Text1$.
300D0062 OpenSSL CA - CA connection failure Failed to connect to the CA.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0063 OpenSSL CA - SSH Process Command failure Failed to process command: $Event.Text1$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0064 OpenSSL CA - SSH Command error Error in running $Event.Text1$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
300D0065 OpenSSL CA - File deletion error Failed to delete $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0066 OpenSSL CA - File send error Failed to send $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0067 OpenSSL CA - File receive error Failed to receive $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Data: $Event.Data$.
300D0068 OpenSSL CA - Modulus parse failure Failed to parse the modulus of $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.  Output: $Event.Data$.
3004 Definitions for events generated by the RedHat certificate authority driver
30040000 Redhat CA - Request ID not found Unable to retrieve the certificate request ID for $Event.Text1$.
30040001 Redhat CA - CSR posted successfully Successfully posted a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. The request ID is $Event.Value1$.
30040002 Redhat CA - Failed to post CSR Failed to post a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30040003 Redhat CA - Certificate request approved successfully Successfully approved certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30040004 Redhat CA - Failed to approve certificate request Failed to approve certificate request $Event.Value1$ with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30040005 Redhat CA - Certificate retrieved successfully Successfully retrieved certificate with request ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30040006 Redhat CA - Failed to retrieve certificate Failed to retrieve certificate with request ID $Event.Value1$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30040007 Redhat CA - Certificate revoked successfully Successfully revoked a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$.
30040008 Redhat CA - Failed to revoke certificate Failed to revoke a certificate with $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A Definitions for events generated by the RSA Keon certificate authority driver
300A0001 RSA CA - Certificate request prepared successfully $Event.Component$ successfully prepared for requesting certificate $Event.Text1$.
300A0002 RSA CA - Failed to prepare for certificate request $Event.Component$ failed to prepare for requesting certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0003 RSA CA - CSR posted successfully $Event.Component$ successfully posted a CSR for $Event.Text1$. The Serial Number is $Event.Text2$.
300A0004 RSA CA - Failed to post CSR $Event.Component$ failed to post a CSR for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0005 RSA CA - Certificate retrieved successfully $Event.Component$ successfully retrieved certificate with Serial Number $Event.Text2$ for $Event.Text1$.
300A0006 RSA CA - Error retrieving certificate $Event.Component$ failed to retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0007 RSA CA - Certificate revoked successfully $Event.Component$ successfully revoked a certificate with serial number: $Event.Text1$.
300A0008 RSA CA - Failed to revoke certificate $Event.Component$ failed to revoke a certificate with Serial Number $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0009 RSA CA - Failed creating credentials $Event.Component$ failed creating credential objects. Error: $Event.Text1$.
300A000A RSA CA - Failed retrieving credential $Event.Component$ failed retrieving credential $Event.Text1$.
300A000B RSA CA - Unable to save certificate $Event.Component$ unable to save certificate $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
300A000C RSA CA - Missing Attribute $Event.Component$ has missing attribute $Event.Text1$.
300A000D RSA CA - Transaction Id not found $Event.Component$ cannot find Transaction Id for $Event.Text1$.
300A000E RSA CA - Trimmed leading zeros $Event.Component$ removed leading zeros before calling revoke.  Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
300A000F RSA CA - Error connecting to Xuda service $Event.Component$ cannot start or connect to the Xuda service instance $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0010 RSA CA - File not found $Event.Component$ cannot find file $Event.Text1$.
300A0011 RSA CA - Failed creating encryption provider $Event.Component$ failed creating a encryption provider in $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0012 RSA CA - Failed registering encryption provider $Event.Component$ failed registering a encryption provider in $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0013 RSA CA - Failed setting session resource $Event.Component$ failed setting session resource $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0014 RSA CA - Failed reading certificate and key $Event.Component$ failed reading certificate and key from $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0015 RSA CA - Failed creating session $Event.Component$ failed creating session in $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0016 RSA CA -Failed retrieving CA from jurisdiction $Event.Component$ failed retrieving CA object from jurisdiction $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0017 RSA CA - Failed retrieving MD5 list $Event.Component$ failed retrieving MD5 list from CA object. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0018 RSA CA - Failed retrieving MD5 item $Event.Component$ failed retrieving MD5 from a list.  Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0019 RSA CA - Failed reading MD5 string $Event.Component$ failed getting MD5 string.  Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A001A RSA CA - Failed getting certificate from session $Event.Component$ failed getting certificate from session in $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A001B RSA CA - Failed getting certificate components $Event.Component$ failed getting certificate components in $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A001C RSA CA - Failed searching certificate from serial $Event.Component$ failed searching for certificate from serial number. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A001D RSA CA - Failed finding certificate in directory $Event.Component$ failed finding certificate $Event.Text1$ in directory. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A001E RSA CA - Cannot fetch certificate from list $Event.Component$ failed fetching certificate from certificate list. Serial Number: $Event.Text1$
300A001F RSA CA - Cannot get vetting list $Event.Component$ failed retrieving vetting list for certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0020 RSA CA - Failed searching for jurisdiction objects $Event.Component$ failed searching for jurisdiction objects. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0021 RSA CA - Failed getting jurisdiction list size $Event.Component$ failed determining jurisdiction list size. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0022 RSA CA - Cannot get jurisdiction ID $Event.Component$ cannot get jurisdiction ID from list. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0023 RSA CA - Cannot get jurisdiction ID string $Event.Component$ cannot get jurisdiction ID string. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0024 RSA CA - Cannot get jurisdiction name item $Event.Component$ cannot get jurisdiction name. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0025 RSA CA - Cannot get jurisdiction name string $Event.Component$ cannot get jurisdiction name string. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0026 RSA CA - Cannot get signer MD5 $Event.Component$ cannot get signer MD5 for jurisdiction $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0027 RSA CA - Cannot get signer MD5 string $Event.Component$ cannot get signer MD5 string for jurisdiction $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0028 RSA CA - Failed searching for cert profiles $Event.Component$ failed searching for certificate profiles. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0029 RSA CA - Failed getting profile ID $Event.Component$ failed getting profile ID from list. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002A RSA CA - Failed getting profile ID string $Event.Component$ failed getting profile ID string. Filter: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002B RSA CA - Failed getting profile name $Event.Component$ failed getting profile name for profile ID $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002C RSA CA - Failed getting profile name string $Event.Component$ failed getting profile name string for profile ID $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002D RSA CA - Failed searching for jurisdiction $Event.Component$ failed searching for jurisdiction object with ID $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002E RSA CA - Failed fetching jurisdiction object $Event.Component$ failed fetching jurisdiction object with ID $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A002F RSA CA - Failed getting profile list $Event.Component$ failed getting profile list for jurisdiction with ID $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0030 RSA CA - Failed setting validity period $Event.Component$ failed setting validity period. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0031 RSA CA - Failed setting certificate profile $Event.Component$ failed setting certificate profile. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0032 RSA CA - Failed parsing CSR request $Event.Component$ failed parsing CSR request. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0033 RSA CA - Failed setting certificate request resource $Event.Component$ failed setting certificate request into session. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0034 RSA CA - Failed signing certificate request $Event.Component$ failed signing certificate request. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0035 RSA CA - Failed converting certificate to PEM $Event.Component$ failed converting certificate to PEM. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0036 RSA CA - Failed getting PEM text $Event.Component$ failed getting PEM text. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0037 RSA CA - Failed searching certificate $Event.Component$ failed searching for certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0038 RSA CA - Cannot retrieve certificate $Event.Component$ cannot retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0039 RSA CA - Failed revoking certifcate $Event.Component$ failed revoking certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003A RSA CA - Failed searching CA certificate $Event.Component$ failed searching for CA certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003B RSA CA - Cannot retrieve CA certificate $Event.Component$ cannot retrieve CA certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003C RSA CA - Failed getting CA chain $Event.Component$ failed getting CA chain for CA cert with MD5 $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003D RSA CA - Cannot get X509 certificate list $Event.Component$ cannot get X509 certificate list for CA cert with MD5 $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003E RSA CA - Cannot get X509 certificate item $Event.Component$ cannot get X509 certificate item for CA cert with MD5 $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A003F RSA CA - Cannot get X509 certificate string $Event.Component$ cannot get X509 certificate string for CA cert with MD5 $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0040 RSA CA - CA chain retrieved successfully $Event.Component$ successfully retrieved CA chain.
300A0041 RSA CA - Failed retrieving CA chain $Event.Component$ failed retrieving CA chain. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0042 RSA CA - Failed retrieving CA nickname $Event.Component$ failed retrieving nickname from CA object. Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0043 RSA CA - Failed reading CA nickname string $Event.Component$ failed getting CA nickname string.  Jurisdiction ID: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0044 RSA CA - Failed enforcing certificate profile $Event.Component$ failed enforcing certificate profile.  Profile ID: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0045 RSA CA - Failed setting profile in certificate request $Event.Component$ failed setting profile in certificate request.  Profile ID: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0046 RSA CA - Failed fetching certificate profile from directory $Event.Component$ failed fetching certificate profile from directory.  Profile DN: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
300A0047 RSA CA - Certificate profile enforced $Event.Component$ was able to enforce certificate request against jurisdiction ID $Event.Text1$ and profile ID $Event.Text2$.
3010 Definitions for events generated by the Symantec LHK CA Driver
30100001 Symantec LHK - Required field missing The field '$Event.Text2$' is missing from $Event.Text1$.
30100002 Symantec LHK - Improper certificate configuration $Event.Component$ has an improper configuration.
30100003 Symantec LHK - Credential deleted The credential $Event.Text2$ has been deleted, processing failed for $Event.Text1$.
30100004 Symantec LHK - Unable to save certificate $Event.Component$ unable to save certificate $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30100005 Symantec LHK - CSR posted successfully $Event.Component$ successfully posted a CSR for $Event.Text1$. The Serial Number is $Event.Text2$.
30100006 Symantec LHK - Error communicating with web server $Event.Component$ could not communicate with the Local Hosting Site Kit. Error: $Event.Text2$. 
30100007 Symantec LHK - Could not extract certificate Enrollment was successful for $Event.Text1$ but could not extract certificate ($Event.Text2$).
30100008 Symantec LHK - Config write failure Failed to write $Event.Text1$ ($Event.Text2$) to Config for $Event.Component$
30100009 Symantec LHK - Revoke certificate success Successfully revoked certificate at $Event.Component$. Serial number: $Event.Text1$
3010000B Symantec LHK - Certificate retrieved successfully $Event.Component$ successfully retrieved certificate with Serial Number $Event.Text2$ for $Event.Text1$.
3010000C Symantec LHK - Error retrieving certificate $Event.Component$ failed to retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
3010000D Symantec LHK - Transaction Id not found $Event.Component$ cannot find Transaction Id for $Event.Text1$
3010000E Symantec LHK - Renewal failed Renewal failed. The server did not return a new certificate
3010000F Symantec LHK - Failed to retrieve root certificate Could not retrieve the root certificate
30100010 Symantec LHK - Post CSR Error Post CSR Failed with error: '$Event.Text1$'
30100011 Symantec LHK - Post CSR Response Post CSR response for $Event.Text1$: $Event.Data$
3009 Definitions for events generated by the Thawte certificate authority driver
30090001 Thawte CA - [Deprecated] CA communication error Error encountered when accessing the CA $Event.Component$. URL: $Event.Text1$. Data Sent: $Event.Text2$. Data Received: $Event.Data$
30090002 Thawte CA - Certificate request prepared successfully Successfully prepared for requesting certificate with $Event.Component$.
30090003 Thawte CA - Failed to prepare for certificate request Failed to prepare for requesting certificate with $Event.Component$.
30090004 Thawte CA - CSR posted successfully Successfully posted a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. The Order Number is $Event.Text2$.
30090005 Thawte CA - Failed to post CSR Failed to post a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090006 Thawte CA - Certificate renewed successfully Successfully renewed certificate $Event.Text1$ with the CA $Event.Component$. Order number:  $Event.Text2$.
30090007 Thawte CA - Failed to renew certificate Failed to renew certificate $Event.Text1$ with the CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090008 Thawte CA - Certificate retrieved successfully Successfully retrieved certificate with Order Number $Event.Text2$ from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30090009 Thawte CA - Error retrieving certificate Failed to retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$ from the CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
3009000A Thawte CA - Certificate revoked successfully Successfully revoked a certificate with $Event.Component$. Order number: $Event.Text1$.
3009000B Thawte CA - Failed to revoke certificate Failed to revoke a certificate with Serial Number $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
3009000C Thawte CA - Low certificate count The low certificate count alert limit ($Event.Value2$) has been reached on $Event.Component$.  There are $Event.Value1$ certificate(s) left.
3009000D Thawte CA - The certificate limit has been exceeded Certificate $Event.Text1$ cannot be issued by $Event.Component$ because the certificate limit has been exceeded.
3009000E Thawte CA - Missing Attribute Attribute $Event.Text1$
3009000F Thawte CA - Certificate Is In Pending Status Certificate $Event.Text1$ is in pending status.
30090010 Thawte CA - Error Updating Inventory Failed updating inventory information for CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090011 Thawte CA - [Deprecated] Missing Order Number Renewal with $Event.Component$ is not possible because order number is not found on certificate $Event.Text1$.
30090012 Thawte CA - Failed Retrieving Inventory Failed retrieving inventory information for CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090013 Thawte CA - Login failed Failed to login with CA $Event.Component$.
30090014 Thawte CA - Failed retrieving licensing data Failed retrieving licensing data from CA $Event.Component$.
30090015 Thawte CA - Unable to initiate enrollment Unable to initiate enrollment request with CA $Event.Component$.
30090016 Thawte CA - Enrollment error at CSR form Error posting CSR to CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090017 Thawte CA - Enrollment Error Error enrolling with CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
30090018 Thawte CA - Order Number Not Found Unable to renew with CA $Event.Component$ because order number $Event.Text2$ is not found.
30090019 Thawte CA - Error retrieving order information Failed retrieving order information from CA $Event.Component$. Order number: $Event.Text2$.
3009001A Thawte CA - Certificate not renewable Certificate is not renewable with CA $Event.Component$. Order number: $Event.Text2$.
3009001B Thawte CA - Renewing error at CSR form Error renewing with CA $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.
3009001C Thawte CA - Failed to retrieve server types Failed retrieving server types from CA $Event.Component$.
3009001D Thawte CA - Certificate Not Found Failed retrieving certificate from CA $Event.Component$. Order Number: $Event.Text2$.
3009001E Thawte CA - Unable to retrieve certificate Unable to retrieve certificate from CA $Event.Component$. Order Number: $Event.Text2$.
3009001F Thawte CA - Failed creating credentials Unable to create credentials object for $Event.Component$. Credential DN: $Event.Text1$. Credential Result: $Event.Text2$.
30090020 Thawte CA - Failed retrieving credential Unable to retrieve credential for $Event.Component$. Credential DN: $Event.Text1$. Credential Result: $Event.Text2$.
30090021 Thawte CA - Suspend Certificate is not supported Suspend Certificate is not a supported operation in $Event.Component$.
30090022 Thawte CA - Failed accessing secret store $Event.Component$ failed accessing secret store.
30090023 Thawte CA - Serial number not found Serial number $Event.Text1$ does not exist.
30090024 Thawte CA - Serial number is not unique Serial number $Event.Text1$ is not unique.
30090025 Thawte CA - Cannot find serial number Serial number $Event.Text1$ cannot be found.
30090026 Thawte CA - Failed saving order number Failed saving order number for $Event.Text1$.  Order Number: $Event.Text2$.
30090027 Thawte CA - Certificate has already been revoked Certificate $Event.Text1$ has already been revoked.
30090028 Thawte CA - Can't find renew form Cannot find form while renewing certificate $Event.Text1$.
30090029 Thawte CA - Can't find renew inputs Cannot find input nodes while renewing certificate $Event.Text1$.
3008 Definitions for events generated by the Verizon UniCERT certificate authority driver
30080002 UniCERT CA - Failed to prepare for certificate request Failed to prepare for requesting certificate with $Event.Text1$. Error:$Event.Text2$
30080011 UniCERT CA - CSR post completed Successfully posted CSR to CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30080012 UniCERT CA - CSR post failed Failed to post a CSR to CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30080021 UniCERT CA - Certificate retrieval completed Successfully retrieved Certificate from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30080022 UniCERT CA - Certificate retrieval failed Unable to retrieve the ceritficate from CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error:$Event.Text2$
30080031 UniCERT CA - Certificate revocation completed Successfully revoked Certificate from CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Revocation Reason: $Event.Text2$
30080032 UniCERT CA - Certificate revocation failed Failed to revoke certificate from $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial: $Event.Text2$  Reason Code: $Event.Value1$  Error: $Event.Text1$
30080101 UniCERT CA - Socket error Socket connection failed to UpiProxy for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data$
30080102 UniCERT CA - Socket message sent Sent to socket $Event.Text1$.
30080103 UniCERT CA - Socket message received Received from socket $Event.Text1$.
000D Definitions for events generated by the certificate authority interface
000D0001 Certificate Authority Driver Name Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the certificate authority module for $Event.Text1$.
000D0002 Certificate Authority Driver Not Found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the certificate authority module for $Event.Text1$ as the assembly $Event.Text2$ was not found.
000D0003 Certificate Authority Driver Load Exception The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the certificate authority module for $Event.Text1$ as the assembly $Event.Text2$ due to an exception with the message $Event.Data:Text$.
000D0004 Certificate Authority Driver Loaded The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has loaded the assembly $Event.Text2$ as the driver for the certificate authority $Event.Text1$.
000D0005 Certificate Authority Templates Requesting supported templates for the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ by the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D0006 Certificate Authority Post CSR Requested A certificate signing request is being posted to the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ for the owner $Event.Text2$ by the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D0007 Certificate Authority Automatic Approval of Pending Request A pending request to the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ for the owner $Event.Text2$ by the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ for approval has been requested.
000D0008 Certificate Authority Retrieve Certificate(s) Requesting the certificate(s) from the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ for the owner $Event.Text2$ by the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D0009 Certificate Authority Revoke Certificate Request Requesting that the certificate with serial number $Event.Text2$ be revoked by the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D000A Certificate Authority Suspend Certificate Requested Requesting that the certificate with serial number $Event.Text2$ be suspended by the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D000B Certificate Authority Unsuspended Certificate Requested Requesting that the certificate with serial number $Event.Text2$ be unsuspended by the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D000C Certificate Authority Chain Requested Requesting certificate chain for the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D000D Certificate Authority Approve Pending Request Manual Approval is enabled for $Event.Component$, the certificate ($Event.Text1$) must be approved  at the CA for processing to continue.
000D000E Certificate Authority Prepare For Request The Certificate Authority $Event.Text1$ is preparing for a request for the owner $Event.Text2$ by the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D000F Certificate Authority Approve Pending Request with SubjectAltName Manual Approval is enabled for $Event.Component$, the certificate $Event.Text1$ must be approved at the CA for processing to continue. The following Subject Alternative Name entries have been requested: $Config[$Event.Text1$,X509 SubjectAltName,",\"]$
000D0010 Certificate Authority SAN Not Found In CSR The CA $Event.Component$ only supports embedded Subject Alternative Name, yet it is missing in the CSR.
000D0011 Certificate Authority - Untrusted Assembly An untrusted assembly ($Event.Text1$), loaded from $Event.Text2$ called Identity.Create, and was rejected. The stack was: $Event.Data$
000D0012 Certificate Authority - Trying Enrollment as Renew Failed during Post CSR Renew failed during posting a CSR to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Trying enrollment. Alert: $Event.Text2$.
000D0013 Certificate Revocation - Invalid Request Unable to revoke certificate ($Event.Component$), could not parse the revocation request ($Event.Text1$).
000D0014 Certificate Revocation - No Certificate Authority Certificate ($Event.Component$) has no configured Certificate Authority and cannot be revoked.
000D0015 Certificate Revocation - Already Locked A processing lock for $Event.Component$ already exists, revocation of this certificate will be performed later.
000D0016 Certificate Revocation - Certificate Revocation Error Certificate ($Event.Text1$) encountered an unexpected error while revoking.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Addition Information: $Event.Data:String$
000D0017 Certificate Revocation - Revocation Initialization Failure Certificate Manager $Event.Component$ failed to acquire a secret vault handle and cannot perform revocation functions.
000D0018 Certificate Revocation - Write Request Certificate ($Event.Component$:$Event.Value1$) has been requested to be revoked by user $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$.
000D0019 Certificate Revocation - Write Request Failed Failed to write revocation request for certificate ($Event.Component$), requested by $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$, with a result of $Event.Text2$.
000D001A Certificate Revocation - Revoked The certificate management service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Text2$]$ has successfully revoked the certificate $Event.Component$, with the vault id $Event.Value1$, using certificate authority $Event.Text1$.
000D001B Certificate Revocation - Revocation Error The certificate management service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Text2$]$ failed to revoke the certificate $Event.Component$, with the vault id $Event.Value1$ using certificate authority $Event.Component$.  The certificate authority returned $Event.Data$.
000D001C Certificate Authority Revoke No Certificate Unable to request that the certificate with vault id $Event.Value1$ be revoked by the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$, unable to load certificate from secret store.
000D001D Certificate Authority - Already Locked Failed to create a lock to process a request with the certificate authority '$Event.Text1$' from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
000D001E Certificate Authority - No suitable license found The CA driver '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed.
000D001F Certificate Authority - Lock release attempt Attempt to release a lock for certificate authority '$Event.Text1$' from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed, attempt count: $Event.Value1$.
000D0020 Certificate Authority - Lock release failed Failed to release a lock from processing a request with the certificate authority '$Event.Text1$' from the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0009 Definitions for events generated by the Venafi Certificate Manager module
00090000 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Certificate mismatch ($Event.Text2$ did not match certificate on record) on Validation Scan for $Event.Component$, Host: $Event.Text1$, Port: $Event.Value1$.
00090001 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan No Certificate Found No Certificate was found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$ for $Event.Component$.
00090002 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Host Resolution Error Failed to resolve host $Event.Text1$ for validation scan on $Event.Component$
00090003 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Success Validation scan, of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, was successful for $Event.Component$.
00090004 Certificate Manager - No CA configured No valid CA configured for application $Event.Component$.
00090005 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Heartbeat The certificate management service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
00090006 Certificate Manager - Certificate Expiration Processing The certificate management service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is examining certificates for expiration.
00090007 Certificate Manager - Key Strength The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has a bit strength of $Event.Value1$.
00090008 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Certificate Management Type The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has a management type of $Event.Text1$.
00090009 Certificate Manager - Certificate Consumer Detail The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has $Event.Value1$ consumers and will be handled as a $Event.Text1$ certificate.
0009000A Certificate Manager - Certificate May Renew The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is configured as renewable.
0009000B Certificate Manager - Signing Request Created A certificate signing request has been created for the certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0009000C Certificate Manager - Processing Stage The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has reached automation processing stage $Event.Value1$ for the application $Event.Text1$.
0009000D Certificate Manager - Processing Remote The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has begun remote management processing for the application $Event.Text1$.
0009000E Certificate Manager - Processing Local The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has begun local management processing.
0009000F Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Processing Finished The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has finished $Event.Text1$ management processing.
00090010 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Automation Processing The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has $Event.Text2$ automation processing for the application $Event.Text1$.
00090011 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Automation Processing Halted The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has halted automation processing for the application $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
00090012 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Automation Processing Paused The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has paused automation processing for the application $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
00090013 Certificate Manager - Automation Processing Stage The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has reached automation processing stage $Event.Value1$ for the application $Event.Text1$.
00090014 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Success The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has successfully validated the application $Event.Text1$.
00090015 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Failure The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to validate the application $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
00090016 Certificate Manager - Platform Driver Missing The platform $Event.Component$ has no platform driver configured.
00090017 Certificate Manager - Platform Driver Failure The platform driver $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$ failed to load with the message $Event.Text2$.
00090018 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Subsystem Startup Failed The certificate manager $Event.Text1$ sub-system for $Event.Component$ failed to startup with the message $Event.Text2$
00090019 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Processing Skipped The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has skipped expiration renewal processing for the certificate $CN[$Event.Text1$]$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
0009001A Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Processing Preparation Count The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has found $Event.Value1$ certificates for renewal expiration consideration.
0009001B Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Processing Preparation Detail The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ while performing renewal processing for the certificate $CN[$Event.Text1$]$ generated the message $Event.Text2$.
0009001C Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Processing Assignment Count The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has found $Event.Value1$ work to do requests for consideration.
0009001D Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Disabled Validation is disabled for $Event.Component$.
0009001E Certificate Manager - CSR Needed A CSR is needed for $Event.Component$ to complete the renewal process.
0009001F Certificate Manager - Certificate Coming up for renewal Certificate ($Event.Component$) will begin the renewal process in $Event.Value1$ days.
00090020 Certificate Manager - Certificate renewal started Certificate ($Event.Component$) has begun the renewal process.
00090021 Certificate Manager - Certificate renewal complete Certificate ($Event.Component$) has completed the renewal process.
00090022 Certificate Manager - Certificate In Error Certificate ($Event.Component$) is In Error and processing will not continue.
00090023 Certificate Manager - Certificate Evaluation Error Certificate ($Event.Component$) was unable to be evaluated for renewal due to an error retrieving the Certificate from the Store (Store Vault ID: $Event.Value1$).
00090024 Certificate Manager - Certificate Processing Error Certificate ($Event.Text1$) encountered an unexpected error while processing.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Addition Information: $Event.Data:String$
00090025 Certificate Manager - Private Key did not match CSR The Private Key associated with $Event.Component$ did not match the CSR, the Private Key has been disassociated and processing will continue.
00090026 Certificate Manager - Certificate Monitoring Only The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has skipped renewal processing for the certificate $Event.Text1$ because its Management Type is set as Monitoring.
00090027 Certificate Manager - Certificate Disabled Certificate ($Event.Component$) is marked as disabled and will not be evaluated for renewal.
00090028 Certificate Manager - Application Disabled The Certificate key generation has been set to remote for $Event.Text1$ and the assocated Application $Event.Component$ is maked as disabled, renewal proccessing will not continue.
00090029 Certificate Manager - Application Driver Load Error Certificate $Event.Text1$ encountered an error while loading an associated application driver, the Application Driver for $Event.Component$ failed to load (Driver name: $Event.Text2$), the application will be marked as In Error and processing on the application will not continue.
0009002A Certificate Manager - Application Driver Load Failure Certificate $Event.Text1$ encountered an error while loading an associated application driver, the Application Driver for $Event.Component$ failed to load the IX509ApplicationDriver Interface (Driver name: $Event.Text2$), the application will be marked as In Error and processing on the application will not continue.
0009002B Certificate Manager - Application Process Startup Error Certificate $Event.Text1$ encountered an error in the Application Driver, the Application Driver for $Event.Component$ failed in ProcessStartup, the application will be marked as In Error and processing on the application will not continue.
0009002C Certificate Manager - Certificate Process Startup Error Certificate $Event.Component$ encountered an error in ProcessStartup, the certificate will be marked as In Error and processing will not continue.
0009002D Certificate Manager - Local Enrollment Processing Finished The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has finished local management processing.
0009002E Certificate Manager - Remote Enrollment Processing Finished The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has finished remote management processing.
0009002F Certificate Manager - Provisioning Process Started Certificate $Event.Component$ has begun the Provisioning process for the associated Application $Event.Text1$.
00090030 Certificate Manager - Application In Error Application ($Event.Component$), associated with Certificate $Event.Text1$, is In Error and processing on the Application will not continue.
00090031 Certificate Manager - Concurrent Processing Lock A proccessing lock for $Event.Text2$ already exists, the Application $Event.Text1$, associated with Certificate $Event.Component$, will be marked as ResumeLater.
00090032 Certificate Manager - Provisioning Process Completed Certificate $Event.Component$ has completed the Provisioning process for the associated Application $Event.Text1$.
00090033 Certificate Manager - Enrollment Resume Later Enrollment Processing for Certificate $Event.Component$ will resume later.
00090034 Certificate Manager - Process Application Resume Later Processing for the Application $Event.Component$, associated with Certificate $Event.Text1$, will resume later.
00090035 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Startup Failed Certificate Manager $Event.Component$ failed acquire a configuration storage handle and cannot startup.
00090036 Certificate Manager - Certificate Renewal Evaluation Concurrent Processing Lock A proccessing lock for $Event.Component$ already exists, evaluation for expiration of this certificate will be skipped.
00090037 Certificate Manager - Evaluation Startup Failure Certificate Manager $Event.Component$ failed acquire a secret vault handle and cannot perform expiration renewal evaluation.
00090038 Certificate Manager - Certificate Renewal Processing Concurrent Processing Lock A proccessing lock for $Event.Component$ already exists, processing of this certificate will continue later.
00090039 Certificate Manager - Begin Evalutaion The certificate manager for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has begun Processing Evaluation on certificate $CN[$Event.Text1$]$.
0009003A Certificate Manager - Already Scheduled for Processing Certificate ($Event.Component$) is already marked for Processing and will not be evaluated for renewal.
0009003B Certificate Manager - Assigned Certificate Authority Certificate ($Event.Component$) has been assigned the $Event.Text1$ Certificate Authority.
0009003C Certificate Manager - Certificate Not Due for Renewal Certificate ($Event.Component$) is not expiring within the renewal window ($Event.Value1$), the expiration date for this Certificate is $Event.Text1$.
0009003D Certificate Manager - Certificate Scheduled for Processing Certificate ($Event.Component$) has been scheduled for processing.
0009003E Certificate Manager - Certificate Evaluation Loop Error Certificate ($Event.Text1$) encountered an error while being evaluated for setting work to do, Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0009003F Certificate Manager - Certificate Evaluation Loop Complete The Certificate Evaluation loop on $Event.Component$ has completed, processing state is $Event.Value1$.
00090040 Certificate Manager - Certificate Process Error Certificate ($Event.Component$) encountered an error while while processing stage $Event.Value1$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00090041 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Certificate Vault ID  The Certificate Vault ID is $Event.Value1$.
00090042 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Certificate Retreived from Vault A certificate was retrieved ($Event.Value2:TrueFalse$) for Vault ID $Event.Value1$
00090043 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Certificate found during an On-board Validation Scan did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s).
00090044 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Success On-board Validation was successful for $Event.Component$.
00090045 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation No Certificate Found No Certificate was found during the On-board Validation for $Event.Component$.
00090046 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s).
00090047 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Expired Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.
00090048 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Expired Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.
00090049 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Failed to resolve Host Unable to perfom Network Validation for $Event.Component$, host $Event.Text1$ failed to resolve.
0009004A Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Serial Mismatch Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.
0009004B Certificate Manager - Failed to Set Key Hash for Private Key Failed to add key hash association of the private key $Event.Text1$ for certificate $Event.Component$. $Event.Text2$.
0009004C Certificate Manager - Error Setting Key Hash for Private Key Error adding key hash association of the private key $Event.Text1$ for certificate $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0009004D Certificate Manager - Failed to Get Key Hash for Private Key Failed to get key hash of the private key $Event.Text1$ for certificate $Event.Component$.
0009004E Certificate Manager - Failed to store Private Key Failed to add the Private Key to the SecretStore Vault (Store Result: $Event.Text1$) for certificate $Event.Component$.
0009004F Certificate Manager - Failed to store CSR Failed to add the CSR to the SecretStore Vault (Store Result: $Event.Text1$) for certificate $Event.Component$.
00090050 Certificate Manager - Failed to store Certificate Failed to add the Certificate to the SecretStore Vault (Store Result: $Event.Text1$) for certificate $Event.Component$.
00090051 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s).
00090052 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Expired Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.
00090053 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Expired Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.
00090054 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during an On-board Validation Scan did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s).
00090055 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Serial Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$.  The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate.
00090056 Certificate Manager - Post CSR to CA Failed Post CSR to CA failed for certificate '$Event.Text1$' to certificate authority '$Event.Component$'. Error: CSR cannot be empty.
00090057 Certificate Manager - No Private Key Certificate $Event.Component$ is unable to process as configured, no private key can be loaded and the certificate is configured to reuse the private key.
00090058 Certificate Manager - Private Key Created A private key has been created for the certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
00090059 Certificate Manager - Automatic Renewal Disabled Automatic renewal for Certificate ($Event.Component$) is marked as disabled and will not be evaluated for renewal.
0009005A Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Trust Chain Error The Certificate Trust Chain found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, could not be verified.  Certificate Subject: $Event.Text1$.  Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$
0009005B Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Chain Error Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, has an expiration date greater than the expiration of one of the signing certificates presented in the certificate chain.  Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$
0009005C Certificate Manager - No suitable license found The Report driver $Event.Text2$ for certificate '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed; the application will be marked as In Error and processing on the application will not continue.
0009005D Certificate Manager - Error Decoding Private Key Failed to decode the private key for certificate '$Event.Text1$'.
0009005E Certificate Manager - Certificate Key Mismatch The private key and the certificate do not match for certificate '$Event.Text1$'.
0002 Definitions for events generated by the configuration interfaces 
00020001 Config - Not Implemented The Method $Event.Text1:String$ is not implemented in this release.
00020002 Config - Add Schema Attribute Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to add the attribute $Event.Component:String$.
00020003 Config - Remove Schema Attribute Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to delete the attribute $Event.Component:String$.
00020004 Config - Add Schema Class Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to add the class $Event.Component:String$.
00020005 Config - Modify Schema Class Optional Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to add the attribute $Event.Text2:String$ to the class $Event.Component:String$.
00020006 Config - Remove Schema Class Optional Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to remove the attribute $Event.Text2:String$ from the class $Event.Component:String$.
00020007 Config - Remove Schema Class Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to remove the class $Event.Component:String$.
00020008 Config - Verify Password Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges verify the password for $Event.Component:String$.
00020009 Config - Set Password Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges write the password for $Event.Component:String$.
0002000A Config - [Deprecated] Validate Password Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ failed to validate the password for $Event.Component:String$ using $Event.Text2:String$.
0002000B Config - Read Attribute Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to read the attribute $Event.Text2:String$ from $Event.Component:String$.
0002000C Config - Write Attribute Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to write the attribute $Event.Text2:String$ on $Event.Component:String$.
0002000D Config - Remove Attribute Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to remove values of the attribute $Event.Text2:String$ on $Event.Component:String$.
0002000E Config - Create Object Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to create the object $Event.Component:String$ of class $Event.Text2:String$.
0002000F Config - Remove Object Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to remove the object $Event.Component:String$.
00020010 Config - Rename Object Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to rename the object $Event.Component:String$ using the destination $Event.Text2:String$.
00020011 Config - Read Privileges Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to read the privileges of the object $Event.Component:String$, for $Event.Text2:String$.
00020012 Config - Write Privileges Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to write the privileges on the object $Event.Component:String$, for $Event.Text2:String$.
00020013 Config - Validate Password Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ failed to validate the password for $Event.Component:String$.
00020014 Config - Mutate Object Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ failed to mutate the class of $Event.Component:String$ to $Event.Text2:String$.
00020015 Config - Rename Attribute Definition Violation The identity $Event.Text1:String$ has insufficient privileges to rename the attribute $Event.Component:String$ to $Event.Text2:String$.
0015 Definitions for events generated by the Credential Monitoring System
00150003 Credential Expiration Notice Credential $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days
00150004 Credential Expiration Escalation Notice Escalation: Credential $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days
00150005 Credential Expired Credential $CN[$Event.Component$]$ expired $Event.Value1$ days ago
00150006 Credential Expiration Date The Credential Monitoring System for $Event.Component$ has determined that the credential $Event.Text1$ will expire on $Event.Text2$.
00150007 Credential Notification Date The Credential Monitoring System for $Event.Component$ has determined that the last notification date for the credential $Event.Text1$ was $Event.Text2$.
00150008 Credential Monitor Error The Credential Monitor for $Event.Component$ encountered an error while checking for expiring/expired credentials.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0007 Definitions for events generated by the discovery service module
00070001 Discovery - [Deprecated] Survey Started The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ schedule $Event.Value1$ assignment(s) for the survey $Event.Component$.
00070002 Discovery - [Deprecated] Store Survey Assignments Failed The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ failed to store $Event.Value1$ assignment(s) for the survey $Event.Component$.
00070003 Discovery - [Deprecated] Initialize Survey Progress Failed The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ failed to initialize the survey $Event.Component$ processing statistics.
00070004 Discovery - [Deprecated] Begin Scanning Discovery Assignment The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is beginning a scan for the Discovery $Event.Text1$ assignment ID $Event.Value1$.
00070005 Discovery - [Deprecated] End Scanning Discovery Assignment The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has concluded the socket check for the Discovery $Event.Text1$ assignment ID $Event.Value1$.
00070006 Discovery - Remove Discovery Assignment Failed The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ failed to remove assignment ID $Event.Value1$ for the Discovery $Event.Component$.
00070007 Discovery - Discovery Finished The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ has finished processing the Discovery $Event.Component$.
00070008 Discovery - [Deprecated] Discovery Forced $Identity[$Event.Text2$]$ scheduled $Event.Text1$ with $Event.Value1$ assignment(s) for the Discovery $Event.Component$.
00070009 Discovery - [Deprecated] Discovery Aborted $Identity[$Event.Text2$]$ aborted the scheduled Discovery $CN[$Event.Text1$]$.
0007000A Discovery - [Deprecated] Discovery Paused $Identity[$Event.Text2$]$ paused the scheduled Discovery $CN[$Event.Text1$]$.
0007000B Discovery - [Deprecated] Discovery Resumed $Identity[$Event.Text2$]$ resumed the scheduled Discovery $CN[$Event.Text1$]$.
0007000C Discovery - Discovery Heartbeat The discovery service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
0007000D Discovery - [Deprecated] Exception Handled The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ handled the exception $Event.Text1$ at $Event.Text2$.
0007000E Discovery - Discovery Running The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is processing assignment $Event.Value1$ for $Event.Text1$ having completed $Event.Value2$ scans in $Event.Text2$.
0007000F Discovery - Discovery Analysis The Discovery Service Module recieved a response on $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value2$ with the protocol $Event.Text2$ and a certificate count of $Event.Value1$, for Discovery $Event.Component$.
00070010 Discovery - Discovery Analysis Excluded The discovery service module is excluding Discovery $Event.Component$ item $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from analysis, excluded by $Event.Text2$.
00070011 Discovery - [Deprecated] Survey Analysis Connect Failed The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to connect to $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ for analysis.
00070012 Discovery - Get Work Assignment Failed The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to acquire a work assignment with the message $Event.Text1$.
00070013 Discovery - Lock Concurrent Work Assignment The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ was unable to lock a work assignment for scanning, due to an existing lock on the same item.
00070014 Discovery - Scanner Started The network scanner for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ was started with $Event.Value1$ allocated sockets and $Event.Value2$ work blocks.
00070015 Discovery - Scanner Details The network scanner for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ was started with a delay of $Event.Value1$ ms per socket block and a delay of $Event.Value2$ ms per socket.
00070016 Discovery - [Deprecated] Abort Scanning Survey Assignment The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ has aborted the scan for the survey $Event.Component$ assignment ID $Event.Value1$ with the error $Event.Text2$.
00070017 Discovery - Exception Handled The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ handled the exception $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
00070018 Discovery - Discovery Exception Handled The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ handled the exception $Event.Text2$, while Discoverying $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
00070019 Discovery - [Deprecated] Create Survey Failed The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to create the new survey $Event.Text1$ for the definition $Event.Text2$ with the error $Event.Value1$.
0007001A Discovery - [Deprecated] Initialize Survey Failed The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to initialize the new survey $Event.Text1$, for use by the definition $Event.Text2$, with the error $Event.Value1$.
0007001B Discovery - [Deprecated] Consider Scanning Survey Assignment The discovery service module $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is considering a scan for the survey $Event.Text1$ assignment ID $Event.Value1$ with a state of $Event.Value2$.
0007001C Discovery - [Deprecated] Discarding Survey Assignment The discovery service module $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is discarding a scan for the survey $Event.Text1$ assignment ID $Event.Value1$ as unknown.
0007001D Discovery - Assignment Monitor The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ assignment monitor has shutdown.
0007001E Discovery - Job Exists The discovery service module cannot insert a new Job for $Event.Component$ it still has $Event.Value1$ Job(s) to process.
0007001F Discovery - Job Created The discovery service module has successfully created $Event.Value1$ Job(s) for $Event.Component$.
00070020 Discovery - Job Creation Failed The discovery service module failed to create Job(s) for $Event.Component$, with the error $Event.Text2$.
00070021 Discovery - Job Creation Error The discovery service module handled the exception $Event.Text2$, while creating Job(s) for $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
00070022 Discovery - Discovery Disabled The discovery service module has determined that $Event.Component$ is marked as disabled, jobs for this Discovery will be removed.
00070023 Discovery - Discovery Foreman Heartbeat The discovery service module foreman for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
00070024 Discovery - Discovery Started The discovery service module $Event.Text1$ has begun processing the Discovery $Event.Component$.
00070025 Discovery - Module Startup Failure The discovery service module for $Event.Component$ failed to start with the error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
00070026 Discovery - Load Results Error The discovery service module worker for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is unable to process Exclusion Rules for $Event.Text1$, due to an error ($Event.Text2$) loading the results.
00070027 Discovery - Delete Result Error The discovery service module worker for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ encountered an error, $Event.Text2$, while removing Result ID $Event.Value1$ during Exclusion processing for Discovery $Event.Text1$.
00070028 Discovery - Delete Result Success The discovery service module worker for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ successfully removed the Discovery Result $Event.Text2:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from the results for $Event.Text1$, based on Exclusion $Event.Data$.
00070029 Discovery - Certificate Excluded The discovery service module is excluding the Certificate for Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Subject DN - Issuer DN - $Event.Data$.
0007002A Discovery - Certificate Ignored The discovery service module is excluding the Certificate for Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Subject DN - Serial:Hash - $Event.Data$.
0007002B Discovery - Read Engine Zone Error The discovery service module $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the Zone configuration for the Engine $CN[$Event.Text1$]$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
0007002C Discovery - Outside Zone Processing Window The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has stopped processing Jobs because it is outside the Zone Processing Window.
0007002D Discovery - Outside Discovery Manager Processing Window The discovery service module for engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is not processing Jobs because it is outside the server Discovery Manager Processing Window.
0007002E Discovery - Result Storage Error An error was encountered storing the result for $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from Discovery $Event.Component$.  Error Code: $Event.Text2$.
0007002F Discovery - Outside Discovery Run Window The discovery service module will not process Jobs for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ because it is outside the Discovery Run Window.
00070030 Discovery - Resolve Host Name Error While processing the discovery $Event.Component$ an error occured resolving the Host Name for the address $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
00070031 Discovery - Job Error The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will remove the Jobs for $Event.Text1$ because it cannot find a matching object in Config.
00070032 Discovery - Run Loop The discovery service module $Event.Component$ has begun the Run Loop.
00070033 Discovery - Parse Discovery Range Error An error occured parsing the Discovery Range(s) for $Event.Component$.  Error message $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
00070034 Discovery - Foreman Loop The discovery service module $Event.Component$ has begun the Foreman Loop.
00070035 Discovery - Queing Discovery The discovery service module $Event.Component$ is queing the discovery $Event.Text1$.
00070036 Discovery - Start Now Objects The discovery service module $Event.Component$ has found $Event.Value1$ config objects with the Start Now attribute set to 1.
00070037 Discovery - Discovery Run Now $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ started the Discovery $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
00070038 Discovery - Discovery Aborted $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ aborted the Discovery $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
00070039 Discovery - Discovery Paused $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ paused the Discovery $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0007003A Discovery - Discovery Resumed $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ resumed the Discovery $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0007003B Discovery - Engine Error The discovery service module for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ encountered error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
0007003C Discovery - Query Error The discovery database driver $Event.Component$ encountered an error performing a database query.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$ 
0007003D Discovery - Discovery SSH Analysis The Discovery Service Module recieved a response on $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value2$ with the protocol $Event.Text2$ and a key count of $Event.Value1$, as SSH key Discovery for $Event.Component$.
0007003E Discovery - Result Key Storage Error An error was encountered storing the result for $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from Discovery $Event.Component$.  Error Code: $Event.Text2$.
0007003F Discovery - SSH Key Ignored The discovery service module is excluding the SSH server key for Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Key Format - Size - $Event.Data$.
00070040 Discovery - Load SSH Results Error The discovery service module worker for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is unable to process SSH key Exclusion Rules for $Event.Text1$, due to an error ($Event.Text2$) loading the results.
00070041 Discovery - Certificate Trust Chain Error The Certificate Trust Chain found during a Network Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, could not be verified.  Certificate Subject: $Event.Text1$  Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$
00070042 Discovery - Certificate Chain Error Certificate found during a Network Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, has an expiration date greater than the expiration of one of the signing certificates presented in the certificate chain.  Certificate: $Event.Text1$  Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$
1004 Definitions for events generated by the default Encryption interfaces
10040001 Encryption DPAPI Initialization Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to initialize.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10040002 Encryption DPAPI Decrypt Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to decrypt data with the specified key $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10040003 Encryption DPAPI Encrypt Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to encrypt data with the specified key $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10040004 Encryption DPAPI Secret Encryption Key Load Error $Event.Component:String$ failed to load the Secret Encryption Key.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10040005 Encryption DPAPI Initialization Success $Event.Component:String$ initialized successfully.
1005 Venafi Pkcs 11 Encryption
10050001 Encryption Pkcs11 Initialization Error $Event.Component:String$ failed to load driver $Event.Text1:String$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10050002 Encryption Pkcs11 Decrypt Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to decrypt data with the specified key $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10050003 Encryption Pkcs11 Encrypt Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to encrypt data with the specified key $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10050004 Encryption Pkcs11 Failed to retrieve key list $Event.Component:String$ failed to load list of AES keysError: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
10050005 Encryption Pkcs11 Initialization Success $Event.Component:String$ initialized successfully.
10050006 Encryption Pkcs11 IV Init Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to prepare Initialization Vector (IV).
10050007 Encryption Pkcs11 Missing Path $Event.Component:String$ missing Pkcs11 DLL path (Cryptoki.dll path).
10050008 Encryption Pkcs11 Missing Password $Event.Component:String$ missing password for crypto officer account.
10050009 Encryption Pkcs11 Missing Slot ID $Event.Component:String$ missing slot ID.
1005000A Encryption Pkcs11 Initialization Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to load driver $Event.Text1:String$.
1005000B Encryption Pkcs11 C_Initialize Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to initialize cryptoki, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
1005000C Encryption Pkcs11 C_GetInfo Success $Event.Component:String$ HSM information retrieved successfully. Library: $Event.Text1$, Manufacturer: $Event.Text2$, Version: $Event.Value1$.
1005000D Encryption Pkcs11 C_GetInfo Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed getting HSM information, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
1005000E Encryption Pkcs11 C_GetSlotList Count Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed getting HSM slot count, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
1005000F Encryption Pkcs11 C_GetSlotList Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed getting HSM slot list, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
10050010 Encryption Pkcs11 Invalid Slot Number $Event.Component:String$ has invalid slot number, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
10050011 Encryption Pkcs11 Session Open Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to open new session, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
10050012 Encryption Pkcs11 Login Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to log in, error: $Event.Text1:String$.
4004 Definitions for events generated by the F5 Big-IP application driver
40040000 F5 - Create Private Key Success Private key created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40040001 F5 - Create Private Key Failed Failed to create $Event.Text1$ private key for $Event.Component$.
40040002 F5 - Overwrite key not enabled Failed to overwrite $Event.Text1$ private key for $Event.Component$, key already exists and overwrite key is not enabled.
40040003 F5 - Overwrite certificate not enabled Failed to overwrite $Event.Text1$ certificate for $Event.Component$, certificate already exists and overwrite certificate is not enabled.
40040004 F5 - Key does not exist Failure on stage $Event.Value1$, private key $Event.Text1$ does not exist on $Event.Component$.
40040005 F5 - Certificate does not exist Failure on stage $Event.Value1$, Certificate $Event.Text1$ does not exist on $Event.Component$.
40040006 F5 - Fips not available on Device Failed to move key to FIPS, FIPS is not enable on $Event.Component$.
40040007 F5 - Key to Fips Success Successfully moved key $Event.Text1$ to FIPS on $Event.Component$.
40040008 F5 - Key to Fips Failure Failed to move key $Event.Text1$ to FIPS on $Event.Component$.
40040009 F5 - [Deprecated] Create CSR Success CSR created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
4004000A F5 - Create CSR Failed Failed to create $Event.Text1$ CSR for $Event.Component$.
4004000B F5 - Install Key Success Successfully installed the Key on $Event.Component$.
4004000C F5 - Key Install Failed Failed to install key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4004000D F5 - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
4004000E F5 - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040013 F5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040014 F5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch (Serial Numbers did not match - Expected: $Event.Text1$ - Recieved - $Event.Text2$).
40040017 F5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation completed successfully Certificate on $Event.Component$ matches certificate on record.
40040018 F5 - [Deprecated] Workflow inject command failure Injected command ($Event.Text1$) failed to run at Stage: $Event.Value1$
40040019 F5 - Web Services Connection Error Error connecting to $Event.Component$ ($Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$) via Web Services.
4004001A F5 - Extract Key Failure Failed to extract key for $Event.Component$ with Error: $Event.Data$
4004001B F5 - Extract Certificate Failure Failed to extract certificate for $Event.Component$ with Error: $Event.Data$
4004001C F5 - [Deprecated] Connect To Host Connect to the host $Event.Text1$:$Event.Value1$ for the platform $Event.Component$; $Event.Text2$.
4004001D F5 - [Deprecated] No Fips key set The platform $Event.Component$ cannot locate a fips key for the key name $Event.Text1$.
4004001E F5 - Install Certificate Chain Success The certificate chain $Event.Text1$ has been installed on the platform $Event.Component$.
4004001F F5 - Key not found for renewal The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found to perform a renewal and a new key will be generated.
40040020 F5 - Create Key - Key not found The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found after key creation.
40040021 F5 - Create CSR - CSR not found The CSR on $Event.Component$, could not be found after CSR generation.
40040022 F5 - Install Certificate Chain Error Failed to install Certificate Chain on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040023 F5 - Remove Item Error Failed to remove item $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040024 F5 - Associate Certificate and Key Error Failed to associate Certificate and Key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040025 F5 - Build Certificate Chain Failed Unable to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$ for Certificate $Event.Text1$.  The attempt to build the certificate chain failed, using Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40040026 F5 - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
40040027 F5 - SSH Connection Error Failed to establish an SSH connection with Host on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40040028 F5 - Inject Command Success The inject command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
40040029 F5 - Inject Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a inject command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
4004002A F5 - Inject Command Error An error occurred while running the inject command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4004002B F5 - SSH Disconnect Error Error disconnecting from $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4004002C F5 - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
4004002D F5 - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
4004002E F5 - Key not found for reuse The key specified ($Event.Text1$) on $Event.Component$, could not be found for reuse.
4100 Definitions for events generated by the Venafi framework
41000001 Missing Mandatory Attribute Failed to read configuration for $Event.Component$, attribute $Event.Text1$ has not been set.
4002 Definitions for events generated by the Global Security Kit (GSK) application driver
40020006 GSK - Create Key Store Success Key store created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40020007 GSK - Create Key Store Failed Failed to create key store for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40020008 GSK - [Deprecated] Create CSR Success CSR created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
40020009 GSK - Create CSR Failed Failed to create CSR for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4002000A GSK - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
4002000B GSK - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4002000E GSK - Install Certificate Chain Success Successfully installed Certificate chain on $Event.Component$.
4002000F GSK - Certificate Chain Install Failed Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40020012 GSK - Communication Error Error communicating with $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
40020015 GSK - Certificate Chain not available Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$, the chain could not be built from CA $Event.Text1$.
40020016 GSK - [Deprecated] Custom Command Error $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
40020019 GSK - Missing Attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
4002001A GSK - Command is not available Failed processing due to the Command: $Event.Text1$ missing on $Event.Component$
4002001B GSK - Recycle Certificate Success Successfully recycled certificate on $Event.Component$.
4002001C GSK - Recycle Certificate Failure Failed to recycle certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4002001D GSK - [Deprecated] Refresh Security Success Successfully issued refresh security command on $Event.Component$.
4002001E GSK - [Deprecated] Refresh Security Failure Failed to refresh security on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4002001F GSK - Backup KeyStore Success Successfully backed up the keystore on $Event.Component$.
40020020 GSK - Backup KeyStore Failed Failed to backup keystore on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$.
40020022 GSK - Import Certificate Error Failed to import certificate on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$. Return Code: $Event.Value1$
40020023 GSK - Certificate Label Already Exists A certificate with the label $Event.Text1$ already exists on $Event.Component$ and recycle alias is not enabled.
40020024 GSK - Certificate Request Label Already Exists A certificate request with the label $Event.Text1$ already exists on $Event.Component$ and recycle alias is not enabled.
40020025 GSK - [Deprecated] Install Certificate Chain Detail The platform $Event.Component$ detailed the following during certificate chain installation: $Event.Text1$
40020026 GSK - Version Check Failed The platform $Event.Component$ failed version checking with the output: $Event.Text1$.
40020027 GSK - [Deprecated] Renewal Not Possible Replace Key Store was selected on $Event.Component$, the key store has been replaced making renewal no longer possible.
40020028 GSK - Extract PKCS#12 Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40020029 GSK - Install Certificate Chain Error An error occurred while installing the certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$.
4002002A GSK - Validate Install Serial Mismatch Validate installed on $Event.Component$, failed with a certificate serial number mismatch.  Expected Serial: $Event.Text2$  Received Serial: $Event.Text1$
4002002B GSK - Validate Install Error Validate install on $Event.Component$, failed to parse the server output for installation status.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$
4002002C GSK - Validate Install Failure Failed validate the certificate install on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4002002D GSK - Create CSR: File Not Found Create CSR failed on $Event.Component$.  The CSR file $Event.Text1$ could not be found.
4002002F GSK - [Deprecated] Refresh Security Error Refresh Security failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text1$.
40020030 GSK - Key Store check failed Key Store check failed on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$  Output: $Event.Text2$
40020031 GSK - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
40020032 GSK - Inject Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a inject command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
40020033 GSK - Inject Command Success The inject command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
40020034 GSK - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
40020035 GSK - SubjectAltName not enabled Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not enabled on Application $Event.Component$.  Host output: $Event.Text2$
40020036 GSK - SubjectAltName not enabled CA will add out of band Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not enabled on Application $Event.Component$.  Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$ will submit the SubjectAltName out of band.
40020037 GSK - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
40020038 GSK - Extraction Invalid Certificate Extraction retrieved an invalid certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
40020039 GSK - Extraction Invalid Key Extraction retrieved an invalid key from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
4002003A GSK - Extraction Certificate Success  The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
4002003B GSK - Extraction Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
4002003C GSK - Validate Install No Output Failed to validate certificate installation on $Event.Component$, VED received no output from the server after executing the command $Event.Text1$
4002003D GSK - Install Certificate No Output Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$, VED received no output from the server after executing the command $Event.Text1$
4002003E GSK - Reuse Private Key Not Possible Replace Key Store was selected on $Event.Component$, Reuse Private Key was select $Event.Text1$, the specified options are not compatible deselect one for processing to continue.
4002003F GSK - Environment Variable Setting Failed Failed to set environment variable for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40020040 GSK - No Private Key Private key is not available on $Event.Component$.
40020041 GSK - Export Certificate to PKCS12 Failed Export the certificate of $Event.Text1$ to PKCS12 failed on $Event.Component$.  Output: $Event.Text2$
4007 Definitions for events generated by the HTTP library
40070001 HTTP Get The HTTP library on the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is attempting to read $Event.Text1$.
40070002 HTTP Get With Data The HTTP library on the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is attempting to read $Event.Text1$ with the post data $Event.Text2$.
40070003 HTTP Request Retry The HTTP library on the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is attempting to read $Event.Text1$ again; retry number $Event.Value1$ of $Event.Value2$.
40070004 HTTP Get Result The HTTP library on the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ read a response of $Event.Text2$ to $Event.Text1$.
0008 Definitions for events generated by the identity manager
00080000 Identity - Load Driver Error $Event.Component$ failed to load the driver $Event.Text1$, with the error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
00080001 Identity - Load Driver Interface Failed $Event.Component$ failed to load the driver (IIdentityDriver) interface for $Event.Text1$.
00080002 Identity - Create Invalid Parameter Values Cannot Create an Identity with null or empty values.
00080003 Identity - Find Driver for Name and Prefix $Event.Component$ failed to find a driver that could resolve the name $Event.Text1$ with the prefix of $Event.Text2$.
00080004 Identity - Create Associate Rights $Event.Component$ failed to associate rights for the user $Event.Text2$, using the driver $Event.Text1$.
00080005 Identity - Untrusted Assembly An untrusted assembly ($Event.Text1$), loaded from $Event.Text2$ called Identity.Create, and was rejected. The stack was: $Event.Data$
00080006 Identity - Create From Universal Error $Event.Component$ failed to create the Identity from the universal name $Event.Text1$, with the error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
00080007 Identity - Find Driver for Name $Event.Component$ failed to find a driver that could resolve the name $Event.Text1$.
00080008 Identity - Initialize Driver Error $Event.Component$ failed to load the driver (IIdentityDriver) interface for $Event.Text1$ with the message: $Event.Text2$.
00080009 Identity - No suitable license found The Identity driver '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed.
1008 Definitions for events generated by the Active Directory Identity Driver
10080000 IdentityAD - Bind to Host $Event.Component$ failed to bind to host $Event.Text1$, with the error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080001 IdentityAD - Retrieve Directory Context $Event.Component$ failed to retrieve Directory Context for host $Event.Text1$, with the error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080002 IdentityAD - Analyze Directory Information $Event.Component$ an error occurred analyzing the Directory Structure on host $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080003 IdentityAD - Driver Initialize Success $Event.Component$ successfully initialized the connection to the host $Event.Text1$.
10080004 IdentityAD - Get Directory Entry Error $Event.Component$ failed to get the Directory Entry for $Event.Text1$, with the error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080005 IdentityAD - Verify Search for Name Returned No Results $Event.Component$ yielded 0 results when searching for $Event.Text1$, on host $Event.Text2$.
10080006 IdentityAD - Verify Search for Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error while searching for the $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080007 IdentityAD - Verification unsuccessful $Event.Component$ failed to verify the name $Event.Text1$.
10080008 IdentityAD - Get Directory Entry Failed $Event.Component$ failed to get the Directory Entry for $Event.Text1$.
10080009 IdentityAD - Exists Search for Name Returned No Results $Event.Component$ yielded 0 results when searching for $Event.Text1$, on host $Event.Text2$.
1008000A IdentityAD - Universal to Name Search for Name Returned No Results $Event.Component$ yielded 0 results when searching for $Event.Text1$, on host $Event.Text2$.
1008000B IdentityAD - Exists Search for Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error while searching for the $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008000C IdentityAD - Name to Universal Search for Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error while searching for the $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008000D IdentityAD - Exists Search for Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error while searching for $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008000E IdentityAD - Driver Initialize Global Reader Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error connecting $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008000F IdentityAD - Global Browse Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error browsing $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080010 IdentityAD - Global Browse Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error browsing from $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080011 IdentityAD - Browse Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error browsing $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080012 IdentityAD - Browse Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error browsing from $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080013 IdentityAD - Check Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error checking the name $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080014 IdentityAD - Check Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error checking $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080015 IdentityAD - Global Check Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error during a global name check for $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080016 IdentityAD - Global Check Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error during a global check on $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080017 IdentityAD - Verify Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error verifying the name $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080018 IdentityAD - Verify Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error verifying $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080019 IdentityAD - Global Verify Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error during a global name verification for $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001A IdentityAD - Global Verify Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error during a global verification on $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001B IdentityAD - Global Verification Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error on global verification for $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001C IdentityAD - Verification Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error on verification for $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001D IdentityAD - Connect Global Searcher Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error on connect to $Event.Text1$ for global search, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001E IdentityAD - Read Attribute from Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the attribte $Event.Text2$ from $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008001F IdentityAD - Read Attribute from Universal Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the attribte $Event.Text2$ from $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080020 IdentityAD - Read Group Members from Name $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the members of $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080021 IdentityAD - Read Group Members $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the members from $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080022 IdentityAD - Read Group Primary from Name $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the group name $Event.Text1$ primary token, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080023 IdentityAD - Read Group Primary $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the group $Event.Text1$ primary token, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080024 IdentityAD - Read Group Membership for Name $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the groups for the name $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080025 IdentityAD - Read Group Membership $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the groups of $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080026 IdentityAD - Read External Group Members Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the group members from the entry path $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080027 IdentityAD - Unauthorized Library Access $Event.Component$ noted an un-authorized assembly access from $Event.Text1$, message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080028 IdentityAD - Driver Initialize Failure $Event.Component$ failed initialization using $Event.Text2$, message $Event.Text1$.
10080029 IdentityAD - Driver Initialize Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error connecting to $Event.Text1$, message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008002A IdentityAD - Driver Initialize Domain Well Known $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading well known identifiers for the domain $Event.Text1$, message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008002B IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Missing Required Attribute $Event.Component$ has is missing the required attribute $Event.Text1$.
1008002C IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Attribute is Unusable $Event.Component$ has no unusable value for the attribute $Event.Text1$; value: $Event.Text2$.
1008002D IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Document Missing $Event.Component$ has no driver configuration document.
1008002E IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Document is Unusable $Event.Component$ encountered an error processing the configuration document; $Event.Text1$, with the error message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008002F IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Document is Invalid $Event.Component$ has in invalid configuration document; message: $Event.Text1$.
10080030 IdentityAD - Driver Credential Cryptographic Error $Event.Component$ encountered a cryptographic credential error on $Event.Text1$, error message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080031 IdentityAD - Driver Credential Username Cryptographic Error $Event.Component$ encountered a cryptographic credential error on $Event.Text1$, error message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080032 IdentityAD - Prepare Connection $Event.Component$ encountered a error preparing to connect to $Event.Text1$, error message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080033 IdentityAD - Prepare Connection Entry $Event.Component$ encountered a error preparing to connect to the directory path $Event.Text1$, error message: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080034 IdentityAD - Translate Name Authentication Error $Event.Component$ encountered a error preparing to translate a name for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080035 IdentityAD - Translate Name Error $Event.Component$ encountered a error translating the name $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080036 IdentityAD - Find Domain for Search Root Error $Event.Component$ encountered a error finding the cached domain for $Event.Text1$, message $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080037 IdentityAD - Perform Search Error $Event.Component$ encountered a error searching $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
10080038 IdentityAD - Driver Configuration Required Attribute is Empty $Event.Component$ has no value for the required attribute $Event.Text1$.
10080039 IdentityAD - Read Attribute from Names Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error reading the attribte $Event.Text1$ for multiple names.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008003A IdentityAD - Resolve Principals Error $Event.Component$ encountered an error resolving the principals for $Event.Text1$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
1008003B IdentityAD - Driver Domain Configuration Adjusted $Event.Component$ is ignoring the controller $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
1008003C IdentityAD - Driver Forest Configuration Adjusted $Event.Component$ is ignoring the domain $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
1009 Definitions for events generated by the Local Identity Driver
10090000 IdentityLocal - Password Age $Event.Component$'s password is $Event.Value1$ days old.
10090001 IdentityLocal - Unknown Password Age $Event.Component$'s password age cannot be determined until it has been changed.
4003 Definitions for events generated by the Microsoft IIS 6 application driver
40030004 IIS6 - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.
40030005 IIS6 - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030006 IIS6 - Manage Roots not supported Manage Roots not supported on $Event.Component$.
40030007 IIS6 - PFX Creation Failed Failed to create PFX for $Event.Component$.
4003000A IIS6 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003000B IIS6 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch ($Event.Text1$ did not match).
4003000E IIS6 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation completed successfully Certificate on $Event.Component$ matches certificate on record.
4003000F IIS6 - Certificate Extraction Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030010 IIS6 - Certificate Extraction no Certificate found Failed to Extract Certificate on $Event.Component$, no certificate was found to extract.
40030011 IIS6 - [Deprecated] Install Certificate Detail The platform $Event.Component$ detailed the following during certificate installation: $Event.Text1$
40030013 IIS6 - Key Extraction Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030014 IIS6 - Key Extraction no Key found Failed to Extract Key on $Event.Component$, no key was found to extract.
40030015 IIS6 - Certificate Install Server Instance Error Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030016 IIS6 - Certificate Install Authorization Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030017 IIS6 - Certificate Install COM Communication Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030018 IIS6 - Extract Certificate Server Instance Error Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40030019 IIS6 - Extract Certificate Authorization Failed Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003001A IIS6 - Extract Certificate COM Communication Failed Failed to extract certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003001B IIS6 - Extract Key Server Instance Error Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Site Identifier $Event.Text1$ not found.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003001C IIS6 - Extract Key Authorization Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Authorization for user $Event.Text1$ failed.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003001D IIS6 - Extract Key COM Communication Failed Failed to extract key on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4003001E IIS6 - No Private Key Unable to install Certificate on $Event.Component$, there is no private key on file for this item.
4003001F IIS6 - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
40030020 IIS6 - Extraction invalid Certificate Extraction retrieved an invalid certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
40030021 IIS6 - Extraction invalid Key Extraction retrieved an invalid key from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
40030022 IIS6 - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
40030023 IIS6 - Extraction Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$.
40030024 IIS6 - Certificate Chain Error Failed to build the Certificate Chain needed for Certificate installation on $Event.Component$.
40030025 IIS6 - Local IP Check Error Error while checking whether '$Event.Text1$' is a local IP or not on $Event.Component$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E Definitions for events generated by the Java Keystore application driver
400E0006 JKS - Create Key Store Success Key store created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
400E0007 JKS - Create Key Store Failed Failed to create key store for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E0008 JKS - [Deprecated] Create CSR Success CSR created $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$.
400E0009 JKS - Create CSR Failed Failed to create CSR for $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E000A JKS - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
400E000B JKS - Install Certificate Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E000E JKS - Install Certificate Chain Success Successfully installed Certificate chain on $Event.Component$.
400E000F JKS - Certificate Chain Install Failed Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E0012 JKS - Communication Error Error communicating with $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
400E0015 JKS - Certificate Chain not available Failed to install certificate chain on $Event.Component$, the chain could not be built from CA $Event.Text1$.
400E0016 JKS - Custom Command Error $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$.
400E0019 JKS - Missing Attribute Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to a missing attribute ($Event.Text1$).
400E001A JKS - Command is not available Failed processing due to the Command: $Event.Text1$ missing on $Event.Component$
400E001B JKS - Recycle Certificate Success Successfully recycled certificate on $Event.Component$.
400E001C JKS - Recycle Certificate Failure Failed to recycle certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E001D JKS - [Deprecated] Refresh Security Success Successfully issued refresh security command on $Event.Component$.
400E001E JKS - [Deprecated] Refresh Security Failure Failed to refresh security on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E001F JKS - Backup KeyStore Success Successfully backed up the keystore on $Event.Component$.
400E0020 JKS - Backup KeyStore Failed Failed to backup keystore on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$.
400E0022 JKS - [Deprecated] Import Certificate Error Failed to import certificate on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$.
400E0023 JKS - Certificate Alias Already Exists A certificate with the alias $Event.Text1$ already exists on $Event.Component$ and recycle alias is not enabled.
400E0024 JKS - [Deprecated] Certificate Request Alias Already Exists A certificate request with the alias $Event.Text1$ already exists on $Event.Component$ and recycle alias is not enabled.
400E0025 JKS - [Deprecated] Install Certificate Chain Detail The platform $Event.Component$ detailed the following during certificate chain installation: $Event.Text1$
400E0026 JKS - [Deprecated] Version Check Failed The platform $Event.Component$ failed version checking with the output: $Event.Text1$.
400E0027 JKS - [Deprecated] Reuse Private Key Not Possible Replace Existing was selected on $Event.Component$, the key store has been replaced making reuse of existing private key not possible at this time.
400E0028 JKS - [Deprecated] Extract PKCS#12 Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E0029 JKS - [Deprecated] Install Certificate Chain Error An error occurred while installing the certificate chain on $Event.Component$.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$.
400E002A JKS - [Deprecated] Validate Install Serial Mismatch Validate installed on $Event.Component$, failed with a certificate serial number mismatch.  Expected Serial: $Event.Text2$  Received Serial: $Event.Text1$
400E002B JKS - [Deprecated] Validate Install Error Validate install on $Event.Component$, failed to parse the server output for installation status.  Server Output: $Event.Text1$
400E002C JKS - Validate Install Failure Failed validate the certificate install on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
400E002D JKS - Create CSR: File Not Found Create CSR failed on $Event.Component$.  The CSR file $Event.Text1$ could not be found.
400E0030 JKS - Key Store check failed Key Store check failed on $Event.Component$.  Command: $Event.Text1$  Output: $Event.Text2$
400E0031 JKS - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
400E0032 JKS - Inject Command Failed $Event.Component$ failed while processing a inject command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
400E0033 JKS - Inject Command Success The inject command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
400E0034 JKS - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Application $Event.Component$ and Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
400E0035 JKS - [Deprecated] SubjectAltName not enabled Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not enabled on Application $Event.Component$.  Host output: $Event.Text2$
400E0036 JKS - [Deprecated] SubjectAltName not enabled CA will add out of band Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not enabled on Application $Event.Component$.  Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$ will submit the SubjectAltName out of band.
400E0037 JKS - Certificate Extraction Failed Certificate extraction failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data: $Event.Data$.
400E0038 JKS - Private Key Extraction Failed Private key extraction failed on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data: $Event.Data$.
400E0039 JKS - [Deprecated] Backup Keystore Failed Failed to backup keystore on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data: $Event.Data$.
400E003A JKS - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
400E003B JKS - Extract Certificate Success Certificate extracted from $Event.Component$.
400E003C JKS - Extract Key Success Private key extracted from $Event.Component$.
400E003D JKS - Reuse Private Key Not Possible Replace Existing was selected on $Event.Component$, Reuse Private Key was select $Event.Text1$, the specified options are not compatible deselect one for processing to continue.
0006 Definitions for the Venafi KMIP Server events
00060001 KMIP - Agent Connected The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Value1:IPAddressLocal$ reported in.
00060002 KMIP - Agent Update Requested The agent on host $Event.Text1$ requested an upgrade from $Event.Text2$.
00060003 KMIP - Agent Update Sent The agent on host $Event.Text1$ was sent an upgrade as $Event.Text2$ with $Event.Value2$ component(s).
00060004 KMIP - Agent Update Request Failure Failed processing an upgrade request from the agent on the host $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
00060005 KMIP - Agent Update Send Failed Failed responding to an upgrade request from the agent on the host $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
00060006 KMIP - Agent Registered The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Text2$ has registration.
00060007 KMIP - Agent Checked In The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Text2$ has checked in.
00060008 KMIP - Agent Auto Update Not Allowed The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Grouping:IPAddressLocal$ requested an upgrade; no upgrade considered as auto upgrade is currently disabled.
00060009 KMIP - Agent Update Document Validation Failed The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to validate the product update document at $Event.Text1:String$.
0006000A KMIP - Agent Update Document Read Failed The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to read the product update document at $Event.Text1:String$; $Event.Text2:String$.
0006000B KMIP - Agent Registration Failed The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to register the agent on host $Event.Text1$; $Event.Text2:String$
0006000C KMIP - Agent Host ID Unresolvable The agent host object ID $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Text2$ was unresolvable.
00060010 KMIP - Agent Host XDetails Reconstruct Error The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Text2$ did not deliver complete object mapping details and unable to be reconstructed, routing agent results to default container.
00060011 KMIP - Agent Host XDetails Partial Reconstruct The agent on host $Event.Text1$ running at address $Event.Text2$ did not deliver complete object mapping details, routing agent results to default container.
00060012 KMIP - Agent Redirect To Default Redirection name: $Event.Text1$ not found, using default: $Event.Text2$.
00060F00 KMIP - Service Maintenance Trigger Failed The service $Event.Component:String$ failed maintenance processing with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00060F01 KMIP - Service Maintenance Module Failed The service $Event.Component:String$ failed a maintenance process on the module $Event.Text1:String$ with the message $Event.Text2:String$.
00061000 KMIP - Service Failed To Load The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to load the module $Event.Text1:String$ with the message $Event.Text2:String$.
00062000 KMIP - Service Failed Network Startup The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to startup a network receiver with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00062001 KMIP - Service Failed Network Credential The service $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error securing a network receiver using the credential $Event.Text1:String$ with the message $Event.Text2:String$.
00062002 KMIP - Service Failed Network Cryptography The service $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error securing a network receiver with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00062003 KMIP - Service Failed Client Handshake The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to accept an incoming connection from $Event.Text2:String$ with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00062004 KMIP - Service Failed Client Delivery The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to accept an incoming delivery from $Event.Text2:String$ with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00062005 KMIP - Service Failed Client Authentication The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to successfully authenticate a client from $Event.Text2:String$ with the message $Event.Text1:String$.
00062006 KMIP - Service Failed Client Protocol The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to successfully decode a request from a client at $Event.Text1:String$ with the protocol tag $Event.Text2:String$.
00062007 KMIP - Service Failed Client The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to successfully process a request from a client at $Event.Text1:String$; $Event.Text2:String$
00063000 KMIP - Service Configuration Error The service $Event.Component:String$ failed to handle the configuration value $Event.Text2:String$ for the attribute $Event.Text1:String$.
5000 Definitions for the Venafi Agent events
50000001 Agent - Service Module Start $Event.Component:String$, service module $Event.Text1$ assignment processing started at: $Event.Text2$
50000002 Agent - Persistent GUID $Event.Component:String$, read configured persistent identifier failed; $Event.Text1$
50000003 Agent - Scheduled Jobs Failed $Event.Component:String$, scheduled jobs failed; $Event.Text1$
50000004 Agent - Scheduled Upgrade Failed $Event.Component:String$, scheduled upgrade failed; $Event.Text1$
50000005 Agent - Service Module Complete $Event.Component:String$, service module $Event.Text1$ assignment processing concluded at: $Event.Text2$
50000006 Agent - Previous Check-in Failed Agent $Event.Component$ reported that its previous check-in attempt failed.
50000007 Agent - Unable to Deliver Data $Event.Component:String$, Agent was able to connect but unable to deliver data; retry attempts exhausted, re-scheduled.
5001 Definitions for the Venafi Agent Keystore events
50010001 AgentKeystore - Found CERTDB Found the certificate $Event.Text1$ within the CERTDB keystore $Event.Text2$.
50010002 AgentKeystore - Found Labeled Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$, labeled $Event.Text2$, within the CERTDB keystore $Event.Data:String.
50010003 AgentKeystore - Opened Cert Successfully opened the CERTDB keystore $Event.Text1$
50010004 AgentKeystore - Open Failed CertDB Failed to open the CERTDB keystore $Event.Text1$
50010005 AgentKeystore - Found CMS Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$ within the CMS keystore $Event.Text2$.
50010006 AgentKeystore - Found CMS Labeled Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$, labeled $Event.Text2$, within the CMS keystore $Event.Data:String.
50010008 AgentKeystore - Opened CMS Keystore Successfully opened the CMS keystore $Event.Text1$
50010009 AgentKeystore - Open Failed CMS Failed to open the CMS keystore $Event.Text1$
5001000A AgentKeystore - Found Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$ within the $Event.Text2$ keystore $Event.Data:String.
5001000B AgentKeystore - Found a Cert Found a certificate within the $Event.Text1$ keystore.
5001000C AgentKeystore - Found the Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$ within the %s keystore $Event.Text2$
5001000D AgentKeystore - Opened JKS Successfully opened the JKS keystore $Event.Text1$.
5001000E AgentKeystore - Open Failed JKS Failed to open the JKS keystore $Event.Text1$; error $Event.Text2$
5001000F AgentKeystore - Failed Validation Certificate from keystore $Event.Text1$ failed validation.
50010010 AgentKeystore - Path Inaccessible Unable to process $Event.Text1$include candidate $Event.Text2$; path not accessible.
50010011 AgentKeystore - Discovered Count Discovered $Event.Value1$ certificates.
50010012 AgentKeystore - Failed Peek CER Failed to peek into the CER/DER/RAW keystore $Event.Text1$
50010013 AgentKeystore - Failed Open CER Failed to open the CER/DER/RAW keystore $Event.Text1$
50010014 AgentKeystore - Found CER Found a certificate within the CER keystore $Event.Text1$
50010015 AgentKeystore - Found CER Cert Found a certificate $Event.Text1$ within the CER keystore $Event.Text2$
50010016 AgentKeystore - Failed CER Cert Failed to process a certificate within the CER keystore $Event.Text1$; error $Event.Text2$
50010017 AgentKeystore - Found DER Found a DER certificate within the keystore $Event.Text1$.
50010018 AgentKeystore - Found DER Cert Found a DER certificate $Event.Text1$ within the keystore $Event.Text2$.
50010019 AgentKeystore - Failed Open DER Failed to process a DER certificate within the keystore $Event.Text1$; error $Event.Text2$
5001001A AgentKeystore - Opened PKCS12 Successfully opened the PKCS12 keystore $Event.Text1$.
5001001B AgentKeystore - Failed Open PKCS12 Failed to open the PKCS12 keystore $Event.Text1$; error $Event.Text2$.
5001001C AgentKeystore - Found JKS Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$, labeled $Event.Text2$ within the JKS keystore $Event.Data:String$
5001001D AgentKeystore - Found JKEKS Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$, labeled $Event.Text2$ within the JKEKS keystore $Event.Data:String$
5001001E AgentKeystore - Found Unknown Cert Found the certificate $Event.Text1$, labeled $Event.Text2$ within the UNKNOWN keystore $Event.Data:String$.
5001001F AgentKeystore - Cert Decrypt failure The agent module $Event.Component:String$, unable to open encrypted PKCS12 keystore found at: $Event.Text1$, no passwords.
50010020 AgentKeystore - Cert Decrypt failed The agent module $Event.Component:String$, unable to open encrypted PKCS12 keystore at: $Event.Text1$, no password.
50018001 AgentKeystore - Out of Memory The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an out of memory condition processing the delivery from the agent at $Event.Text1:IPAddressLocal$.
50018002 AgentKeystore - Not Supported The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ could not process the scan type $Event.Value1$ from the agent at $Event.Text1:IPAddressLocal$.
50018003 AgentKeystore - GUID not found Failed to find GUID for $Event.Component$.
50018004 AgentKeystore - Create Certificate Store Failed Failed to create certificate store for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
50018005 AgentKeystore - Create Storage Failed Failed to create storage for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
50018007 AgentKeystore - Config Read Error Failed to read the $Event.Text2$ attribute on the object $Event.Text1$.
50018080 AgentKeystore - Cryptographic Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing an asymmetric key with the message $Event.Text2:String$ at payload index $Event.Value1$ from the agent at $Event.Text1:IPAddressLocal$.
50018100 AgentKeystore - Cert Scan Delivery Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing the keystore scan payload from the agent at $Event.Text1:IPAddressLocal$ with the message $Event.Text2$ and the storage result $Event.Value1$.
50018101 AgentKeystore - Cert Inventory The agent module $Event.Component:String$, added $Event.Text1$ key found at: $Event.Text2$  id: $Event.Value1$ type:$Event.Value2$.
50018102 AgentKeystore - Cert Store Failure The agent module $Event.Component:String$, store result from $Event.Text1$, for the certificate $Event.Text2$ in the keystore $Event.Data:String$ failed.
50018103 AgentKeystore - Blob Parse Failure Parse certificate blob from $Event.Text1$ generated the exception: $Event.Text2$
50018104 AgentKeystore - Skipped Payload The agent module $Event.Component:String$, payload from $Event.Text1$, certificate path: $Event.Text2$, skipped offset: $Event.Value1$ for an un-parseable certificate
50018105 AgentKeystore - Cert Stored The agent module $Event.Component:String$, from $Event.Text1$, the certificate $Event.Text2$ in the keystore $Event.Data:String$ was stored.
50018106 AgentKeystore - Cert Updated The agent module $Event.Component:String$, from $Event.Text1$, the certificate $Event.Text2$ in the keystore $Event.Data:String$ was updated.
50018107 AgentKeystore - Cert Expired The agent module $Event.Component:String$, from $Event.Text1$, the certificate $Event.Text2$ in the keystore $Event.Data:String$ has expired.
50018108 AgentKeystore - Certificate Excluded The discovery service module is excluding the Certificate for Agent Keystore Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Subject DN and Issuer DN - $Event.Data$.
50018109 AgentKeystore - Certificate Ignored The discovery service module is excluding the Certificate for Agent Keystore Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Subject DN - Serial:Hash - $Event.Data$.
5002 Definitions for the Venafi Agent SSH events
50020001 AgentSSH - Key Decrypt failured The agent module $Event.Component:String$, unable to open encrypted key found at $Event.Text1$, no passwords.
50020002 AgentSSH - Key Decrypt failed The agent module $Event.Component:String$, unable to open key type, $Event.Text1$, found at $Event.Text2$, no password.
50020003 AgentSSH - Discovered Key Count The agent module $Event.Component:String$, discovered key count: $Event.Value1$.
50020004 AgentSSH - Discovered Service Count The agent module $Event.Component:String$, discovered service count: $Event.Value1$.
50020005 AgentSSH - Discovered Key The agent module $Event.Component:String$, discovered ley at: $Event.Text1$.
50020006 AgentSSH - Discovered Service The agent module $Event.Component:String$, discovered service at: $Event.Text1$.
50020007 AgentSSH - Shrink Custom DB The agent module $Event.Component:String$, failed to shrink the data base: $Event.Text1$   reason:$Event.Text2$.
50028001 AgentSSH - Out of Memory The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an out of memory condition processing the delivery from the agent at $Event.Text1$.
50028002 AgentSSH - Not Supported The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ could not process the scan type $Event.Value1$ from the agent at $Event.Text1$.
50028003 AgentSSH - GUID not found Failed to find GUID for $Event.Component$.
50028004 AgentSSH - Create Config Failed Failed to create config for $Event.Component$.
50028005 AgentSSH - Create Secret Store Failed Failed to create secret store for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
50028006 AgentSSH - Create Key Store Failed Failed to create key store for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
50028007 AgentSSH - Create Discovery Store Failed Failed to create discovery store for $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
50028009 AgentSSH - Config Read Error Failed to read the $Event.Text2$ attribute on the object $Event.Text1$.
50028080 AgentSSH - Cryptographic Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing an asymmetric key with the message $Event.Text1:String$ for the hash $Event.Text2:String$ at payload index $Event.Value1$ from the agent at $Event.Text1$.
50028100 AgentSSH - Key Scan Delivery Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing the key scan payload from the agent at $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$ and the storage result $Event.Value1$.
50028101 AgentSSH - Key Inventory The agent module $Event.Component:String$, $Event.Text1$ key found at: $Event.Text2$  id: $Event.Value1$ type:$Event.Value2$.
50028102 AgentSSH - Key Scan Inventory Stored The agent module $Event.Component:String$, stored key,  id: $Event.Value1$ type:$Event.Value2$.
50028103 AgentSSH - Key Scan Inventory Updated The agent module $Event.Component:String$, updated key,  id: $Event.Value1$ type:$Event.Value2$.
50028104 AgentSSH - Key Ignored The discovery service module is excluding the Key for Agent SSH Discovery $Event.Component$ found on $Event.Text2$ from storage based on the Exclusion $Event.Text1$, Location: Format - Size - $Event.Data$.
50028200 AgentSSH - Service Scan Delivery Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing the service scan payload from the agent at $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$ and the storage result $Event.Value1$.
50028300 AgentSSH - User Scan Delivery Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing the user scan payload from the agent at $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$ and the storage result $Event.Value1$.
50028400 AgentSSH - Association Scan Delivery Failure The agent module handler $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error processing the user association scan payload from the agent at $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$ and the storage result $Event.Value1$.
0001 Definitions for the Venafi Log Server's own events
00010001 Log - Test Event A Test Event from Originator "$Event.Component:String$"; Text1 $Event.Text1$; Text2 $Event.Text2$; Value1 $Event.Value1$; Value2 $Event.Value2$
00010002 Log - Heartbeat Missed A Heartbeat Event from Originator "$Event.Component:String$"; Text1 $Event.Text1$; Text2 $Event.Text2$; Value1 $Event.Value1$; Value2 $Event.Value2$;
00010003 Log - SMTP Message Failure $Event.Component:String$ SMTP Notification Failed. Event Message:$Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
00010004 Log - SMTP Message Sent SMTP Channel Driver $Event.Component:String$ successfully delivered a message titled $Event.Text2$ to $Event.Value1$ recipients ($Event.Data:String$) 
0016 Definitions for the Venafi Log Client's events
00160001 Log Client - Connected to Log Server A connection to the Log Server $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ has been established.
00160002 Log Client - Connected to Alternate Log Server The connection to the Log Server $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ was lost and has been reestablished to $Event.Text2:IPAddress$:$Event.Value2$.
000160003 Log Client - Reconnected to Log Server A connection to the Log Server $Event.Text1:IPAddress$:$Event.Value1$ has been reestablished.
2001 Definitions for events generated by the LogMsSql library
20010000 LogMsSql - Expire Error The following error was encountered when attempting to run the expiration on $Event.Component$, command: $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.
20010001 LogMsSql - Expire Connection Error Connection the the database on $Event.Component$ failed.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
20010002 LogMsSql - Expire Success Expiration command $Event.Text1$ ran successfully on $Event.Component$.
2002 Definitions for events generated by the LogMySql library
20020000 LogMySql - Expire Error The following error was encountered when attempting to run the expiration on $Event.Component$, command: $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.
20020001 LogMySql - Expire Connection Error Connection the the database on $Event.Component$ failed.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
20020002 LogMySql - Expire Success Expiration command $Event.Text1$ ran successfully on $Event.Component$.
2000 Definitions for events generated by the LogOracle library
20000000 LogOracle - Expire Error The following error was encountered when attempting to run the expiration on $Event.Component$, command: $Event.Text1$, error: $Event.Text2$.
20000001 LogOracle - Expire Connection Error Connection the the database on $Event.Component$ failed.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
20000002 LogOracle - Expire Success Expiration command $Event.Text1$ ran successfully on $Event.Component$.
3002 Definitions for events generated by the Microsoft certificate authority driver
30020000 Microsoft CA - Unauthorized Access Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component:String$ as $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020001 Microsoft CA - Template Retrieval failed Failed to retrieve Template List from the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Template Property ID: $Event.Value1$ Template Property Type: $Event.Value2$ Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020002 Microsoft CA - Post CSR Failed Failed to Post a CSR to the CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$.  Certificate Type Requested: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020003 Microsoft CA - Approve Certificate Request Failed Failed to approve a certificate request with the CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$.  RequestID: $Event.Value1$  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020004 Microsoft CA - Certificate Retrieval Failed Failed to retrieve a certificate from the CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$.  RequestID: $Event.Value1$  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020005 Microsoft CA - Certificate Suspension Failed Failed to suspend a certificate from the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020006 Microsoft CA - Certificate Revocation Failed Failed to revoke a certificate from the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020007 Microsoft CA - CA Certificate Retrieval Failed Failed to retrieve the CA Certificate(s) from the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
30020008 Microsoft CA - CSR Post Successful Successfully posted Certificate Signing request to CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$, Transaction ID: $Event.Value1$  Auto Approved: $Event.Value2:TrueFalse$
30020009 Microsoft CA - Certificate Approval Successful Successfully approved Certificate request with the CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$.
3002000A Microsoft CA - Certificate Retrieval Successful Successfully retrieved Certificate from the CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$.
3002000B Microsoft CA - Certificate Suspension Successful Successfully suspended Certificate with CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text2:String$
3002000C Microsoft CA - Certificate Revocation Successful Successfully revoked Certificate from CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text2:String$  Revocation Reason: $Event.Value1$
3002000D Microsoft CA - [Deprecated] Windows Impersonation Failed Failed to impersonate user $Event.Text2:String$ for accessing the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
3002000E Microsoft CA - Communication Error An error occurred communicating with the CA $Event.Component:String$.  Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$
3002000F Microsoft CA - Certificate Pending Issue The certificate for $Event.Text1$, with Request ID $Event.Value1$, is pending issue from the Certificate Authority $Event.Component$. Return Message: $Event.Text2$
30020010 Microsoft CA - CSR Post Error Error posting Certificate Signing request to CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$. Return Code: $Event.Value1$, Error: $Event.Text2$
30020011 Microsoft CA - Certificate Approval Error Error approving Certificate request with CA $Event.Component:String$ for $Event.Text1:String$. Return Code: $Event.Value1$, Error: $Event.Text2$
30020012 Microsoft CA - Failed To Retrieve CA Certificates Failed to retrieve CA certificates from the CA $Event.Component:String$. Return Message: $Event.Text1$
0018 Definitions for events generated by the Monitoring interfaces
00180001 Monitor - Object Disabled Object $Event.Component$ was skipped, it is flagged as disabled.
00180002 Monitor - Notification Disabled Object $Event.Component$ was skipped, it's notifications are disabled.
00180003 Monitor - Concurrent Process Notification for object $Event.Component$ was skipped due to an existing monitor process lock on the object.
00180004 Monitor - No Creation Date Notification for object $Event.Component$ was skipped due to a missing creation date on the object.
00180005 Monitor - Invalid Creation Date Notification for object $Event.Component$ was skipped due to an invalid creation date on the object; (Stored date: $Event.Text1$).
00180008 Monitor - Not Expiring No notification needs to be sent for object $Event.Component$ since it does not expire until $Event.Text1$ ; ($Event.Value1$ days left). 
00180009 Monitor - Expiration Escalation Notice Escalation: $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days, on $Event.Text2:RFC822Local$
0018000A Monitor - Expired $CN[$Event.Component$]$ expired $Event.Value1$ days ago, on $Event.Text2:RFC822Local$
0018000B Monitor - Expiration Notice $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days, on $Event.Text2:RFC822Local$
0018000C Monitor - Last Notification Date The last notification date for object $Event.Component$ was $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$.
0018000D Monitor - Scan Started Monitor Module $Event.Component$ has started its scan for objects requiring notifications.
0018000E Monitor - Scan Complete Monitor Module $Event.Component$ has completed its scan (Runtime: $Event.Value1$ seconds).
0018000F Monitor - [Deprecated] Heartbeat Monitor Module $Event.Component$ is running.
0013 Definitions for events generated by the Monitoring interfaces
00130001 Certificate Monitor - [Deprecated] Monitoring Error The monitoring system encountered error $Event.Text1$ processing $Event.Component$
00130002 Certificate Monitor - No certificate on record No certificate was found for system $CN[$Event.Component$]$
00130003 Certificate Monitor - Certificate Expiration Notice The certificate for system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days, on $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$
00130004 Certificate Monitor - Certificate Expiration Escalation Notice Escalation: The certificate for system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ will expire in $Event.Value1$ days, on $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$
00130005 Certificate Monitor - Certificate Expired The certificate for system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ expired $Event.Value1$ days ago, on $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$
00130006 Certificate Monitor - [Deprecated] Certificate not installed The certificate for system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has not yet been installed
00130007 Certificate Monitor - Monitoring Heartbeat The certificate management service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is examining certificates for notification.
00130008 Certificate Monitor - [Deprecated] Certificates Found The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ found $Event.Value1$ certificates to be checked for $Event.Text1$.
00130009 Certificate Monitor - Notification Processing Skipped The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has skipped processing for the certificate $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
0013000A Certificate Monitor - Notification Processing Failed The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has failed processing for the certificate $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$.
0013000B Certificate Monitor - No Expiring Certificates The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ currently has not stored expiring certificates for $Event.Text1$.
0013000C Certificate Monitor - Certificate Summary The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has determined that the certificate $Event.Text1$ has $Event.Value1$ stored certificates and $Event.Text2$ installed.
0013000D Certificate Monitor - Certificate Expiration Date The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has determined that the certificate $Event.Text1$ will expire on $Event.Text2$.
0013000E Certificate Monitor - Certificate Notification Date The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has determined that the last notification date for the certificate $Event.Text1$ was $Event.Text2:RFC822Local$.
0013000F Certificate Monitor - Certificate Disabled The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has skipped monitoring for the certificate $Event.Text1$, it is flagged as disabled.
00130010 Certificate Monitor - Monitoring Secret Store Connnect Error The monitoring system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ encountered error connecting to the Secret Store, processing will not continue.
00130011 Certificate Monitor - Monitoring Certificate Store Connnect Error The monitoring system $CN[$Event.Component$]$ encountered error connecting to the Certificate Store, processing will not continue.
00130012 Certificate Monitor - Certificates Found The Certificate Monitor for $Event.Component$ found $Event.Value1$ certificates to be checked for expiration.
00130013 Certificate Monitor - Concurrent Proccess The Certificate Monitor for $Event.Component$ has skipped expiration checking for the certificate $Event.Text1$ due to an existing process lock on the Certificate.
00130014 Certificate Monitor - Certificate Pending Installation The certificate $Event.Component$ has yet to be installed on all its target applications, and will expire in $Event.Value1$ days, on $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$
00130015 Certificate Monitor - Certificate Pending Installation (Expired) The certificate $Event.Component$ has yet to be installed on all its target applications, and has expired $Event.Value1$ days ago, on $Event.Text1:RFC822Local$
00130016 Certificate Monitor - Application Still Processing The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ has not yet been installed. Application Status: $Event.Text2$
00130017 Certificate Monitor - Application Pending Approval The certificate $Event.Text1$ associated with $Event.Component$ has not yet been installed, due to a pending workflow ticket ($Event.Data$) which was issued $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.  Application Status: $Event.Text2$
00130018 Certificate Monitor - Notification Disabled The certificate manager for $Event.Component$ has skipped monitoring for the certificate $Event.Text1$, notification for are flagged as disabled.
4009 Definitions for events generated by the PKCS#12 application driver
40090004 PKCS#12 - Install Certificate Success Successfully installed Certificate on $Event.Component$.
40090005 PKCS#12 - Certificate Install Failed Failed to install certificate on $Event.Component$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40090006 PKCS#12 - Manage Roots not supported Manage Roots not supported on $Event.Component$.
40090007 PKCS#12 - PFX Creation Failed Failed to create PFX for $Event.Component$.
4009000A PKCS#12 - Build Certificate Chain Failed Failed to build Certificate Chain on $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$, issuer $Event.Text2$.
4009000C PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Extract Key not supported Extract Key not supported on $Event.Component$.
4009000D PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Extract Certificate not supported Extract Certificate not supported on $Event.Component$.
4009000E PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Validation not supported Validation not supported on $Event.Component$.
4009000F PKCS#12 - No Private Key Unable to install Certificate on $Event.Component$, there is no private key on file for this item.
40090010 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Invalid Credential Failed processing on $Event.Component$, due to an invalid or missing credential.
40090011 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation completed successfully Certificate on $Event.Component$ matches certificate on record.
40090012 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch.
40090013 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] No Certificate Present for Validation Validation could not occur on $Event.Component$, due to there being no certificate file at the location specified $Event.Text1$.
40090014 PKCS#12 - Connection Failed Connection to the host for $Event.Component$ failed.
40090015 PKCS#12 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40090016 PKCS#12 - Unable to Validate Application Properties Failed to validate application properties for $Event.Component$
40090017 PKCS#12 - Install Chain Success Successfully installed Certificate Chain on $Event.Component$
40090018 PKCS#12 - Backup Certificate Success Backup of certificate on $Event.Component$ successful
40090019 PKCS#12 - Backup Certificate Failed Backup of certificate on $Event.Component$ failed
40090020 PKCS#12 - Backup Chain Success Backup of chain on $Event.Component$ successful
40090021 PKCS#12 - Backup Chain Failed Backup of chain on $Event.Component$ failed
40090022 PKCS#12 - Extract Certificate Success The Certificate was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file: $Event.Text1$.
40090023 PKCS#12 - Extract Certificate Failed Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
40090024 PKCS#12 - Extract Certificate Error  Failed to extract the certificate on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40090025 PKCS#12 - Extract Private Key Success The Key was successfully extracted from the remote host for $Event.Component$, key file: $Event.Text1$.
40090026 PKCS#12 - Extract Private Key Failed Failed to extract the private key on $Event.Component$. The bytes returned is either null or empty.
40090027 PKCS#12 - Extract Private Key Error Failed to extract private key on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
40090028 PKCS#12 - Custom Command Failure $Event.Component$ failed while processing a custom command at stage $Event.Value1$. Command: $Event.Text1$.  Return Code: $Event.Value2$.
40090029 PKCS#12 - Custom Command The custom command $Event.Text1$ has been run on $Event.Component$ at Stage $Event.Value1$.
4009002A PKCS#12 - Custom Command Error An error occurred while running the custom command $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$  Additional error data $Event.Data:String$.
4009002B PKCS#12 - Connection Error Failed to establish a connection with the host on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$.
0017 Definitions for events generated by the Venafi Reporter service module
00170001 Reporting Heartbeat The reporter service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
00170002 Report Driver Name Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the report module for $Event.Text1$.
00170003 Report Driver Not Found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the report module for $Event.Text1$ as the assembly $Event.Text2$ was not found.
00170004 Report Driver Load Exception The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the report module for $Event.Text1$ using the assembly $Event.Text2$ due to an exception with the message $Event.Data:Text$.
00170005 Report Driver Loaded The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has loaded the assembly $Event.Text2$ as the report driver for $Event.Text1$.
00170006 Report Driver Incompatible The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the report driver for $Event.Text1$ due to incompatible interfaces.
00170007 Report Failed System $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed validation with error $Event.Text1$
00170008 Report Error[Deprecated] The validation system encountered error $Event.Text2$ processing $Event.Component$
00170009 Report SCP Connection Failed Failed to connect to SCP host $Event.Text1$ (Details: $Event.Text2$)
0017000A Report Skipped Report Generation - No Data Skipped sending report since no data to report was generated
0017000B Report failed to store output Failed to store the $Event.Text1$ output in SecretStore
0017000C Report PDF rendering error Encountered error '$Event.Text2$' while rendering PDF output. Exception data: $Event.Data:String$
0017000D Report FTP upload error Encountered error '$Event.Text2$' while trying to upload a report via FTP. Exception data: $Event.Data:String$
0017000E Report delivery error Encountered error '$Event.Text2$' while attempting to deliver a report. Exception data: $Event.Data:String$
0017000F Report driver load error Failed to load driver; report cannot be generated
00170010 Report generation error Encountered error '$Event.Text2$' while processing report $Event.Component$. Exception data: $Event.Data:String$
00170011 Report Sent Report delivered to recipient $Event.Text1$
00170012 Report Uploaded Report delivered to recipient $Event.Text1$
00170013 Report Initiated The $CN[$Event.Component$]$ report generation was initiated by user $Event.Text1$
00170014 Report Started Report generation started by engine $Event.Text1$
00170015 Report engine error Encountered an exception processing a report. Reporting processing will be stopped until the service is restarted. Exception data: $Event.Data:String$
00170016 Report SMTP Sender Missing SMTP sender is missing for service module $Event.Text1$
00170017 Report SMTP Host Missing SMTP host is missing for service module $Event.Text1$
00170018 Report Contact Invalid Found an invalid contact.
00170019 Report Worker Exception The report worker on engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ encountered an error durring processing. Error: $Event.Text2$ Exception Data: $Event.Data$.
0017001A Report Downloaded User $Event.Text1$ downloaded report $Event.Component$ in $Event.Text2$ format.
0017001B Report Completed Report generation completed by engine $Event.Text1$
0017001C Report No suitable post license found The Post-Process driver '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed.
0017001D Report No suitable report license found The Report driver '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed.
0005 Definitions for events generated by the Rights interfaces
00050001 No permission to add right $Event.Component$ tried to give $Event.Text1:String$ for $Event.Text2:String$ rights of $Event.Data:String$
00050002 No permission to remove right $Event.Component$ tried to remove rights from $Event.Text1:String$ for $Event.Text2:String$
00050003 No permission to clear rights $Event.Component$ tried to remove all rights from $Event.Text1:String$
00050004 Right added $Event.Component$ gave $Event.Text1:String$ for $Event.Text2:String$ rights of $Event.Data:String$
00050005 Rights removed $Event.Component$ tried to remove rights from $Event.Text1:String$ for $Event.Text2:String$
00050006 Rights cleared $Event.Component$ tried to remove all rights from $Event.Text1:String$
0003 Definitions for events generated by the SecretStore interfaces 
00030001 Secret Store - [Deprecated] Insufficient Rights $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to $Event.Text2:String$ the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
00030007 Secret Store - Crypto Failure $Event.Text1:String$ encountered a cryptographic error while accessing a secret, using SEK: $Event.Text2:String$
00030008 Secret Store - Add Secret $Event.Text1:String$ successfully added a Secret for $Event.Component:String$, using SEK: $Event.Text2$.
00030009 Secret Store - Add Secret Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to add a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0003000A Secret Store - Retrieve Secret $Event.Text1:String$ successfully retrieved a Secret for entry $Event.Value1$ using SEK: $Event.Text2:String$.
0003000B Secret Store - Retrieve Secret Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to retrieve a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0003000C Secret Store - Delete Secret $Event.Text1:String$ successfully deleted a Secret for $Event.Component:String$.
0003000D Secret Store - Delete Secret Failed $Event.Component:String$ failed to delete a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
0003000E Secret Store - Invalid Vault ID $Event.Component:String$ was passed an invalid VaultID by $Event.Text1:String$.
0003000F Secret Store - Object DN Lookup Error $Event.Component:String$ failed to lookup object details on $Event.Text2:String$, for principal $Event.Text1:String$.
00030011 Secret Store - Associate Data Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to associate data to a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00030012 Secret Store - Dissociate Data Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to dissociate data from a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00030013 Secret Store - Lookup Failure $Event.Component:String$ failed to lookup data for a Secret, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00030014 Secret Store - Query Failure $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error querying the secret repository, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00030015 Secret Store - Owner Update Failure $Event.Component:String$ encountered an error updating the owner for an item in the store Requested New Owner: $Event.Text2:String$ VaultID: $Event.Value1$, System Error: $Event.Text2:String$.  Additional Error Data: $Event.Data:String$.
00030016 Secret Store - Owner Update $Event.Text1:String$ successfully updated the Owner for VaultID: $Event.Value1$ to $Event.Text2:String$.
00030017 Secret Store - Vault Type Mutate Succeeded Successfully mutated the VaultType for entry $Event.Value1$ to type $Event.Value2$
00030018 Secret Store - Vault Type Mutate Failed Failed mutate of VaultType for entry $Event.Value1$ to type $Event.Value2$
00030019 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Create) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to create the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001A Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Update Type) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to update the type of secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001B Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Retrieve) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to retrieve the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001C Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Delete) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to delete the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001D Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Add Association) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to add associations to the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001E Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Delete Assocation) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to delete associations from the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
0003001F Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Read Association) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to read the associations for the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
00030020 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Add Owner) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to add an owner for the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
00030021 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Delete Owner) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to delete an owner for the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
00030022 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Lookup Owner) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to lookup the owner for the secret for entry $Event.Value1$.
00030023 Secret Store - [Deprecated] Insufficient Rights (Revoke Right) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to revoke rights for $Event.Component$.
00030024 Secret Store - [Deprecated] Insufficient Rights (Grant Right) $Event.Text1:String$ had insufficient rights to grant rights ($Event.Text2$) for $Event.Component$.
00030025 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Revoke Right) $Event.Component$ had insufficient rights to revoke rights for $Event.Text1$:$Event.Text2$.
00030026 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Grant Right) $Event.Component$ had insufficient rights to grant rights ($Event.Text2$) for $Event.Text1$.
00030027 Secret Store - Key rotated $Event.Text1$ rotated vault entry $Event.Value1$ to key $Event.Text2$.
00030028 Secret Store - Key rotation failed Key rotation to key $Event.Text2$ for vault entry $Event.Value1$ requested by $Event.Text1$ failed.
00030029 Secret Store - Insufficient Rights (Key Rotation) $Event.Text1$ had insufficient rights to rotate the key for vault entry $Event.Value1$ to key $Event.Text2$.
0004 Definitions for events generated by the Credential interfaces
00040001 Shared Credential Added $Event.Text1:String$ added Shared Credential $Event.Component:String$, Type: $Event.Text2:String$.
00040002 Shared Credential Deleted $Event.Text1:String$ removed Shared Credential $Event.Component:String$.
4008 Definitions for events generated by SQL libraries  
40080001 Open SQL Database The assembly $Event.Data:String$ to open access to the SQL database at $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ failed with the message $Event.Text2$.
4006 Definitions for events generated by the SSH library
40060001 SSH Connect To Host The SSH library is attempting to connect to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ with a credential type of $Event.Text2$.
40060002 SSH Connected To Host The SSH library has successfully connected to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$.
40060003 SSH Unsupported Credential Type The SSH library cannot connect to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ with unsupported credential type $Event.Text2$.
40060004 SSH Connect To Host Failed The SSH library failed to connect to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$, with the Authentication Result $Event.Text2$.
40060005 SSH Command Sent The SSH library is sending to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ the command $Event.Text2$.
40060006 SSH Command Retry The SSH library is re-sending to $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ the command $Event.Text2$.
40060007 SSH Command Result The SSH library is received from $Event.Text1$ on port $Event.Value1$ the response $Event.Text2$ to the command $Event.Data:String$.
40060008 SSH [Deprecated] Line Matching The SSH library line matcher received line: $Event.Text1$, while expecting: $Event.Text2$
40060009 SSH Jump to Host Auth Failure The SSH library failed to jump from $Event.Component$ to $Event.Text1$, authentication failed for user $Event.Text2$.
4006000A SSH Jump To Host Connected The SSH library has successfully jumped from $Event.Component$ to $Event.Text1$ $Event.Text2$ on port $Event.Value1$.
4006000B SSH Jump To Host Failed The SSH library failed to jump from $Event.Component$ to $Event.Text1$ with the error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4006000C SSH Create Session Begin The SSH library is attempting to create a session on $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$.
4006000D SSH Create Session Complete The SSH library has succesfully created a session on $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$.
4006000E SSH Create Session Error The SSH library failed to create a session on $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$ with the error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
4006000F SSH Disconnect Begin The SSH library is attempting to disconnect from $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$.
40060010 SSH Disconnect Complete The SSH library has succesfully disconnected from $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$.
40060011 SSH Disconnect Error The SSH library encountered an error on disconnecting from the host $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$, error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40060012 SSH SCPGet Error The SSH library encountered an error while doing a scp get $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$, error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40060013 SSH SCPPut Error The SSH library encountered an error while doing a scp put $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$, error $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
40060014 SSH Extra Login Prompts Error  The SSH library encountered an error while waiting for a required extra login prompt on $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$, error $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$
40060015 SSH Extra Login Prompt Value Empty The SSH library encountered an error while entering the extra login prompt value for prompt '$Event.Text2$' on $Event.Component$ - $Event.Text1$. The extra login prompt value is empty.
FFFF Trace events for support and debugging purposes
FFFF0001 Debug Event $Event.Text1$:$Event.Value1$ - $Event.Text2$
0014 Definitions for events generated by the Validation interfaces
00140001 Validation Error The validation system encountered error $Event.Text2$ processing $Event.Component$
00140002 Validation Failed System $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed validation with error $Event.Text1$
00140003 Validation Successful System $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has successfully been validated.
00140004 [Deprecated] Validation Heartbeat The validation service module for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
00140005 Validation Driver Name Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the validation module for $Event.Text1$.
00140006 Validation Driver Not Found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$ as the assembly $Event.Text2$ was not found.
00140007 Validation Driver Load Exception The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$ using the assembly $Event.Text2$ due to an exception with the message $Event.Data:Text$.
00140008 Validation Driver Loaded The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has loaded the assembly $Event.Text2$ as the validation driver for $Event.Text1$.
00140009 Validation Driver Incompatible The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the validation driver for $Event.Text1$ due to incompatible interfaces.
0014000A Validation Drivers Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load any validation driver for $Event.Text1$.
0014000B Validation Disabled Validation is disabled for $Event.Component$.
0014000C Validation No Host Set Validation has failed on $Event.Component$, there is no host set to be validated.
0014000D Validation Started Validation has started on system $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0014000E Validation Completed Validation has completed on system $CN[$Event.Component$]$.
0014000F Validation No suitable license found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$; no suitable license was found for driver $Event.Text2$.
3003 Definitions for events generated by the VeriSign certificate authority driver
30030000 VeriSign - Web Communication URL CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission URL $Event.Data$
30030001 VeriSign - Web Communication Post Data CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission Post Data $Event.Data$
30030002 VeriSign - Web Communication Data Received CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Received data $Event.Data$
30030003 VeriSign - CA Communication error Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030004 VeriSign - Post CSR Failed Failed to Post a CSR to the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Certificate Type Requested: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030005 VeriSign - [Deprecated] Approve Certificate Request Failed Failed to approve a certificate request with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  RequestID: $Event.Value1$  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030006 VeriSign - [Deprecated] Certificate Retrieval Failed Failed to retrieve a certificate from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  RequestID: $Event.Value1$  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030007 VeriSign - [Deprecated] Certificate Suspension Failed Failed to suspend a certificate from the CA $Event.Component$.  Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030008 VeriSign - Certificate Revocation Failed Failed to revoke a certificate from the CA $Event.Component$.  Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30030009 VeriSign - [Deprecated] CA Certificate Retrieval Failed Failed to retrieve the CA Certificate(s) from the CA $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
3003000A VeriSign - CSR Post Successful Successfully posted Certificate Signing request to CA $Event.Text1$ for $Event.Component$, Transaction ID: $Event.Text2$.
3003000B VeriSign - Certificate Approval Successful Successfully approved Certificate request with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
3003000C VeriSign - Certificate Retrieval Successful Successfully retrieved Certificate from the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
3003000D VeriSign - [Deprecated] Certificate Suspension Successful Successfully suspended Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$
3003000E VeriSign - Certificate Revocation Successful Successfully revoked Certificate from CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$  Revocation Reason: $Event.Text2$
3003000F VeriSign - CSR Post Failure Failed to post csr to $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Error: $Event.Text2$
30030010 VeriSign - Certificate Approval Failure Failed to approve certificate from $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data:HTML$
30030011 VeriSign - Certificate Retrieval Failure Failed to retrieve certificate from $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Data:HTML$
30030012 VeriSign - [Deprecated] Certificate Suspension Failure Failed to suspend certificate with $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial: $Event.Text1$  Error: $Event.Data:HTML$
30030013 VeriSign - Certificate Revocation Failure Failed to revoke certificate from $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial: $Event.Text1$  Revocation Reason: $Event.Text2$  Error: $Event.Data:HTML$
30030015 VeriSign - Cannot Process Certificates Due to a Missing Attribute Cannot process certificates for $Event.Component$, the $Event.Text1$ attribute is missing.
30030016 VeriSign - Missing X509 Subject The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ found no X509 Subject value for the owner $Event.Text2$ by the certificate authority $Event.Text1$.
30030017 VeriSign - Revoke Missing Account Data The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ found no account data for the certificate with serial number $Event.Text2$ from the certificate authority $Event.Text1$.
30030018 VeriSign - Trim Leading Serial Zeros The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ trimmed leading zero's from the serial number $Event.Text2$ from the certificate authority $Event.Text1$ creating the serial number $Event.Data:Text$.
30030019 VeriSign - [Deprecated] CA Authentication error Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
3003001A VeriSign - Low Certificate Count The low certificate count alert limit ($Event.Value2$) has been reached on $Event.Component$.  There are $Event.Value1$ certificate(s) left.
3003001B VeriSign - Certificate Limit Exceeded Certificate ($Event.Text1$) cannot be issued by $Event.Component$ because you have exceeded the number of certificates you purchased with your service.
3003001C VeriSign - SubjectAltName limit exceeded Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured to contain $Event.Value1$ SubjectAltName(s), Certificate Authority $Event.Component$ has a limit of 1 SubjectAltName that can be submitted out of band.
000E Definitions for events generated by the platform service
000E0001 Venafi Platform - No Service Modules The engine $Event.Component$ has no service modules configured.
000E0002 Venafi Platform - Service Module Disabled The service module $Event.Text1$ for the engine $Event.Component$ is configured as disabled.
000E0003 Venafi Platform - Loading Service Module The engine $Event.Component$ is loading the service module $Event.Text1$.
000E0004 Venafi Platform - Service Module Missing Driver Name The service module $Event.Text1$ has no driver name configured for the engine $Event.Component$.
000E0005 Venafi Platform - Service Module Load Failure The service module $Event.Text1$ failed to load for the engine $Event.Component$.
000E0006 Venafi Platform - Service Module Unloaded The service module $Event.Text1$ has been unloaded from the engine $Event.Component$.
000E0007 Venafi Platform - Fatal System Exception Fatal Exception '$Event.Text2$' was encountered $Event.Data$
000E0008 Venafi Platform - Non-Fatal System Exception Exception '$Event.Text2$' was encountered $Event.Data$
000E0009 Venafi Platform - Venafi Encryption Director Heartbeat The Venafi Encryption Director service manager for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is operating.
000E000A Venafi Platform - 64bit The Venafi Encryption Director service manager for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is running in 64bit mode.
000E000B Venafi Platform - 32bit The Venafi Encryption Director service manager for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ is running in 32bit mode.
000E000C Venafi Platform - ToDo Assignment Count The Venafi Encryption Director service manager for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has found $Event.Value1$ $Event.Text1$ requests for consideration.
000E000D Venafi Platform - Daily Tasks Error The Venafi Encryption Director service manager for the engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to complete 'daily tasks' in a 24 hour period.
000E000E Venafi Platform - Service Module Start The engine $Event.Component$ has started the service module $Event.Text1$, due to its status being changed to 'enabled'.
000E000F Venafi Platform - Service Module Stop The engine $Event.Component$ has stopped the service module $Event.Text1$, due to its status being changed to 'disabled'.
000E0010 Venafi Platform - Service Module Start Failure The engine $Event.Component$ failed to start the service module $Event.Text1$, after being enabled.
000E0011 Venafi Platform - Debug Logging Enabled The engine $Event.Component$ has enabled debug level logging.
000E0012 Venafi Platform - Debug Logging Disabled The engine $Event.Component$ has disabled debug level logging.
000E0013 Venafi Platform - No suitable license found The module $Event.Text1$ '$Event.Text1$' could not be loaded since no suitable license has been installed.
001A Events generated by the VSCEP IIS Module
001A0001 No CA Root Certificate No CA configured or no CA certificate chain available
001A0002 No RA Certificate No RA certificate configured
001A0003 Cannot load RA Certificate Could not load the $Event.Text1$ RA certificate
001A0004 No default challenge password No default challenge password configured
001A0005 No default certificate container No default certificate container configured
001A0006 Failed to parse CSR Failed to extract the subject from the received CSR
001A0007 Internal Initialization Error Failed to initialize internal objects required for processing
001A0008 Bad password for certificate The password provided was not valid for the container of certificate object $Event.Text1$
001A0009 Bad password for container The provided password did not match the configured password for container $Event.Text1$, selected by a X.509 subject rule
001A000A Bad CA password The provided password did not match the password configured for CA $Event.Text1$
001A000B Invalid container specified The container $Event.Text1$, provided with the request does not exist
001A000C Could not create certificate Could not create certificate object $Event.Text1$, failed with config error $Event.Value1$
001A000D Could not store CSR Could not store CSR for certificate $Event.Text1$ in vault, failure error code $Event.Value1$
001A000E Failed to update certificate object Failed to write attribute $Event.Text2$ on certificate $Event.Text1$, error code $Event.Value1$
001A000F Failed to process request Failed to properly decode the received SCEP data
001A0010 Failed to unwrap inner PKCS7 Failed to properly decode the inner PKCS#7 envelope in the received SCEP data
001A0011 Failed to wrap PKCS#7 response Failed to encode our PKCS#7 response
001A0012 Bad password The provided password did not match the global password required for container $Event.Text1$
001A0013 Missing password No password was provided by the client. Venafi Network Device Enrollment requires the use of passwords/challenges
000A Definitions for events generated by the Workflow interfaces
000A0001 Workflow Ticket Issued A workflow ticket for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has been issued for the reason $Event.Value1$ to be approved by $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$; with the message $Event.Data:String$.
000A0002 Workflow Ticket Updated A workflow ticket for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has been updated by $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ to a status of $Event.Data:String$.
000A0003 Workflow Ticket Deleted A workflow ticket for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has been deleted.
000A0004 Workflow Approval Translation Translate approval universal identity from $Event.Text1$ at stage $Event.Value1$ failed; translated as $Event.Text2$ with $Event.Data:String$.
000A0005 Workflow Injection Translation Translate injection command from $Event.Text1$ at stage $Event.Value1$ failed; translated as $Event.Text2$ with $Event.Data:String$.
000A0006 Workflow Ticket Approved A workflow ticket for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has been approved by $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ with an explanation of $Event.Data:String$.
000A0007 Workflow Ticket Rejected A workflow ticket for $CN[$Event.Component$]$ has been rejected by $Identity[$Event.Text1$]$ with an explanation of $Event.Data:String$.
000A0008 Workflow Ticket Create Error There were no approvers specified for $Event.Component$, the object will be placed 'In Error'.
000A0009 Workflow Action Not Defined There was no action defined for $Event.Component$.
000A000A Workflow Ticket Pending Resolution A workflow ticket for $Event.Component$ is pending resolution and was issued $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago.  Ticket Data: Reason - $Event.Text1$; Approver(s) - $IdentityMember[$Event.Data$]$
000A000B Workflow Injection Not Supported Workflow injection is not supported on $Event.Component$ (injection command '$Event.Text1$'), processing for the certificate $Event.Text2$ will continue normally.
000A000C Workflow No Owner Ticket Deleted A workflow ticket has been deleted, due to no object being associated with it.
4005 Definitions for events generated by the Certificate application driver
40050000 X509Certificate - Create Private Key Success Private key created for $Event.Component$.
40050001 X509Certificate - Create Private Key Failed Failed to create private key for $Event.Component$.
40050002 X509Certificate - Create CSR Success CSR created for $Event.Component$.
40050003 X509Certificate - Create CSR Failed Failed to create CSR for $Event.Component$.
40050004 X509Certificate - SubjectAltName not supported Certificate ($Event.Component$) is configured for a SubjectAltName, SubjectAltName is not supported by Certificate Authority $Event.Text2$.
3001 Definitions for events generated by the IBM PKI Services for z/OS certificate authority driver
30010000 z/OS CA - CSR Post Successful Successfully post Certificate Signing request to CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$, Transaction ID: $Event.Text2$
30010001 z/OS CA - CSR Post Failed Failed to post Certificate Signing request to CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30010002 z/OS CA - Config Read Error Failed to read the $Event.Text2$ attribute on the object $Event.Text1$.
30010003 z/OS CA - CA Communication error Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30010004 z/OS CA - Certificate Request Approval Failed Failed to approve Certificate Signing request with CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30010005 z/OS CA - Certificate Request Approval Successful Successfully approved Certificate request with CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
30010006 z/OS CA - Web Communication URL CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission URL $Event.Data$
30010007 z/OS CA - Web Communication Post Data CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Submission Post Data $Event.Data$
30010008 z/OS CA - Web Communication Data Received CA communication with $Event.Component$.  Received data $Event.Data$
30010009 z/OS CA - Certificate Retrieval Success Successfully retrieved Certificate from CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.
3001000A z/OS CA - Certificate Retrieval Failed Failed retrieve Certificate from CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
3001000B z/OS CA - Template Retrieval Successfully retrieved Certificate templates from CA $Event.Component$.
3001000C z/OS CA - Template Retrieval Failed Failed to retrieve available certificate templates from CA $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
3001000D z/OS CA - Revoke Certificate Successfully revoked Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
3001000E z/OS CA - Revoke Certificate Failed Failed to revoke Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
3001000F z/OS CA - Certificate Suspended Successfully Successfully suspended Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
30010010 z/OS CA - Suspend Certificate Failed Failed to suspend Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30010011 z/OS CA - Certificate Resumed Successfully Successfully resumed Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.
30010012 z/OS CA - Resume Certificate Failed Failed to resume Certificate with CA $Event.Component$. Certificate Serial Number: $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$
30010013 z/OS CA - Certificate Parse Failed Failed to parse certificate retrieved from CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$. Certificate Data: $Event.Text2$.
30010014 z/OS CA - Unknown Certificate format Failed to parse Certificate retrieved from CA $Event.Component$ for $Event.Text1$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.
30010016 z/OS CA - CA Authentication error Failed to communicate with the CA $Event.Component$.  Error: $Event.Text2$.  Additional error data $Event.Data$
30010017 z/OS CA - SubjectAltName limit exceeded Certificate ($Event.Text1$) is configured to contain $Event.Value1$ SubjectAltName(s), Certificate Authority $Event.Component$ has a limit of 1 SubjectAltName that can be submitted out of band.
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