Applies To:
14.1 and greater
Errors which can occur during validation and explanation for each error.
40010023 Apache - Validation Error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
4001002A Apache - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$ Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
4001002D Apache - [Deprecated] Validation no Certificate Validation failed to retrieve the certificate from the remote host for $Event.Component$, certificate file path: $Event.Text1$. | The cert couldn't be found on the hostname/ip and port. Check that the destination application is running and that you can access the remote host on the specified port. |
401D0019 A10 AX TM - Validation Error Failed to validate $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
40160004 AgentSshServer - Validation failure $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, no key hash for address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$. | There is no key hash for the expected certificate in our database. We don't know what to check for. |
40160005 AgentSshServer - Validation mismatch $CN[$Event.Component$]$, failed validation, key mismatch, address $Event.Text1$ port: $Event.Value1$ vaultId: $Event.Value2$. | The key of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
4012000E Brocade - Validation Error Failed to validate certificate $Event.Text1$ install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
4012000F Brocade - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$ Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
4012003C Brocade - [Deprecated] Get Certificate Failed During Validation Could not retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$ during Validation on $Event.Component$. | The cert couldn't be found on the hostname/ip and port. Check that the destination application is running and that you can access the remote host on the specified port. |
4FFF0010 CAPI - Certificate Validation Error Failed to validate certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text1$ value for the event. |
400C0040 Cisco ACE - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See the $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
400C0041 Cisco ACE - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$. Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
400D0040 Cisco CSS - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text1$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See the $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
400D0041 Cisco CSS - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$ Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
40170025 DataPower - Validation Failed Failed to validate certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ value for the event. |
40170026 DataPower - Validation Error Failed to validate certificate '$Event.Text1$' on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$. | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
40170043 DataPower - Create Validation Credential Failed Failed to create Validation Credential object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. | An exception occurred during creation of the validation credential. More details can be found at $Event.Text2$. |
40170044 DataPower - Associate Certificate To Validation Credential Failed Failed to associate the certificate alias object to the Validation Credential object for $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. | An exception occurred during association of the validation credential. More details can be found at $Event.Text2$. |
401A0023 F5 LTM Advanced - Validation Error Failed to validate $Event.Text1$ certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$. | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
400B000A IIS5 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$ | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
400B000B IIS5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch ($Event.Text1$ did not match).' | General certificate mismatch. See $Event.Text1$ for the property which didn't match the expected value. |
401C0071 Imperva MX - Validation failure Failed to validate the key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. | General Error. Could be caused by mismatches or connection issues. |
40100050 iPlanet - Validation error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Data: $Event.Data$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
40100051 iPlanet - [Deprecated] Validation failure Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$. Installed Serial Number: $Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
401E0080 Layer 7 SSG - Validation Error Error in validating the certificate installed: $Event.Text2$ | General error with no more information given. Check your settings. |
40140021 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Get Certificate Failed During Validation Could not retrieve certificate $Event.Text1$ during Validation on $Event.Component$. | The cert couldn't be found on the hostname/ip and port. Check that the destination application is running and that you can access the remote host on the specified port. |
40140022 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Validation Failed Validation on $Event.Component$ has failed. Expected Serial Number: $Event.Text1$ Installed Serial Number:$Event.Text2$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
40140023 NetScaler - [Deprecated] Validation Error Failed to validate certificate $Event.Text1$ install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See the $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
40190012 PEM - Validation Error Error validating certificate install on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data:String$. | General error message. See the $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data:String$ value for the event. |
40180091 Tealeaf PCA - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Data: $Event.Data$. | private key could not be validated. See $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ for details |
40110091 TealeafSunimp - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. | private key could not be validated. No further information is provided. Check your settings. |
40110092 TealeafSunimp - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Data: $Event.Data$. | Error encountered validating the private key. Check $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ for further information |
40150091 VAM nShield - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. | Private key could not be validated. No further information is provided. Check your settings. |
40150092 VAM nShield - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Data: $Event.Data$. | Error encountered validating the private key. Check $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ for further information |
40130091 VAMSunimp - Validation failure Failed to validate private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. | private key could not be validated. No further information is provided. Check your settings. |
40130092 VAMSunimp - Validation error Error in validating private key of $Event.Text1$ on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional Data: $Event.Data$. | Error encountered validating the private key. Check $Event.Text2$ and $Event.Data$ for further information |
90000 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Certificate mismatch ($Event.Text2$ did not match certificate on record) on Validation Scan for $Event.Component$, Host: $Event.Text1$, Port: $Event.Value1$. | At least one thing on the actual certificate doesn't match the value for the expected certificate. |
90001 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan No Certificate Found No Certificate was found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$ for $Event.Component$. | The cert couldn't be found on the hostname/ip and port. Check that the destination application is running and that you can access the remote host on the specified port. |
90002 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Host Resolution Error Failed to resolve host $Event.Text1$ for validation scan on $Event.Component$ | Couldn't resolve the hostname which indicates a dns issue or a typo in hostname. |
90015 Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Failure The certificate $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to validate the application $Event.Text1$ with the message $Event.Text2$. | General Error message. See $Event.Text2$ for more information. |
0009001D Certificate Manager - [Deprecated] Validation Disabled Validation is disabled for $Event.Component$. | Validation hasn't been enabled. If you wish to validate you need to enable validation for $Event.Component$. |
90043 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Certificate found during an On-board Validation Scan did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s). | At least one thing on the actual certificate doesn't match the value for the expected certificate. |
90045 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation No Certificate Found No Certificate was found during the On-board Validation for $Event.Component$. | The cert couldn't be found on the hostname/ip and port. Check that the destination application is running and that you can access the remote host on the specified port. |
90046 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s). | At least one thing on the actual certificate doesn't match the value for the expected certificate. |
90047 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Expired Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate expired$Event.Value1$ day(s) ago. | The certificate found is expired. |
90048 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Expired Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago. | The certificate found is expired. |
90049 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Failed to resolve Host Unable to perform Network Validation for $Event.Component$, host $Event.Text1$ failed to resolve. | Couldn't resolve the hostname which indicates a dns issue or a typo in hostname. |
0009004A Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Serial Mismatch Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
90051 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s). | The certificate on the server is a certificate that was previously installed but doesn't match our current certificate. Found certificate is not expired |
90052 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Expired Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago. | The certificate on the server is a certificate that was previously installed but doesn't match our current certificate. Found certificate is expired |
90053 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Expired Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text1:IPAddress$ on Port $Event.Value2$, did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and expired $Event.Value1$ day(s) ago. | The certificate on the server is a certificate that was previously installed but doesn't match our current certificate. Found certificate is expired |
90054 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during an On-board Validation Scan did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate, and will expire in $Event.Value1$ day(s). | The certificate on the server is a certificate that was previously installed but doesn't match our current certificate. Found certificate is not expired |
90055 Certificate Manager - On-board Validation Certificate Serial Mismatch Previous Certificate Certificate found during an On-board Validation did not match the certificate on record for $Event.Component$. The installed Certificate matches a previously installed certificate. | The certificate on the server is a certificate that was previously installed but doesn't match our current certificate. |
0009005A Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Trust Chain Error The Certificate Trust Chain found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$,could not be verified. Certificate Subject: $Event.Text1$. Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$ | We found the certificate but couldn't verify the trust chain certificates included. Check issuer path. |
0009005B Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Chain Error Certificate found during a Network Validation Scan of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$, has an expiration date greater than the expiration of one of the signing certificates presented in the certificate chain. Signing Certificate Details: $Event.Data$ | We found the certificate but couldn't verify the trust chain certificates included because on of the certs in the chain expires before the certificate does. |
90074 Certificate Manager - Validation Scan Certificate Chain Missing No Certificate Trust Chain was found during a Network Validation of Host: $Event.Text2:IPAddress$ on Port: $Event.Value1$.Certificate Details: $Event.Data$ | We found the certificate but we were unable to find the other certificates included in the trust chain. |
40040013 F5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$ | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
40040014 F5 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch (Serial Numbers did not match - Expected: $Event.Text1$ - Recieved -$Event.Text2$). | The serial of the expected Cert doesn't match the actual cert. Actual or expected cert aren't the same. |
4003000A IIS6 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$ | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
4003000B IIS6 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch ($Event.Text1$ did not match). | Certificate value didn't match. See $Event.Text1$ for value that did not match. |
5001000F AgentKeystore - Failed Validation Certificate from keystore $Event.Text1$ failed validation. | General error message. |
40090012 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] Certificate Validation Mismatch Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$, due to a certificate mismatch. | At least one thing on the actual certificate doesn't match the value for the expected certificate. |
40090013 PKCS#12 - [Deprecated] No Certificate Present for Validation Validation could not occur on $Event.Component$, due to there being no certificate file at the location specified $Event.Text1$. | We couldn't find a certificate file at the location specified to check against our database. |
40090015 PKCS#12 - Certificate Validation Error Failed to Validate Certificate on $Event.Component$. Error: $Event.Text2$. Additional error data $Event.Data$ | General error message. See $Event.Text2$ and the $Event.Data$ value for the event. |
140001 Validation Error The validation system encountered error $Event.Text2$ processing $Event.Component$ | General error message |
140002 Validation Failed System $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed validation with error $Event.Text1$ | General error message. see $Event.Text1$ for details. |
140005 Validation Driver Name Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the validation module for $Event.Text1$. | Validation module couldn't be loaded for an unknown reason. |
140006 Validation Driver Not Found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$ as the assembly $Event.Text2$ was not found. | Validation module couldn't be loaded because of a missing assembly |
140007 Validation Driver Load Exception The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$ using the assembly $Event.Text2$ due to an exception with the message $Event.Data:Text$. | Couldn't load for a general reason. See $Event.Data:Text$ for the specific error. |
140009 Validation Driver Incompatible The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load the validation driver for $Event.Text1$ due to incompatible interfaces. | There are issues with a validation driver version probably because interfaces should match if matching versions of the files are used. |
0014000A Validation Drivers Missing The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ failed to load any validation driver for $Event.Text1$. | General error caused because there is no Driver. |
0014000B Validation Disabled Validation is disabled for $Event.Component$. | Validation disabled. If you wish for $Event.Component$ to validate validation must be enabled |
0014000C Validation No Host Set Validation has failed on $Event.Component$, there is no host set to be validated. | There is no hostname/ip specified to scan. Fill out all settings. |
0014000F Validation No suitable license found The engine $CN[$Event.Component$]$ could not load the validation module for $Event.Text1$; no suitable license was found for driver $Event.Text2$. | There wasn't a license found for the driver. If you have a license for the driver install it or contact sales to acquire a license. |