Applies to:
Venafi Enrollment and Provisioning customers using the VeriSign/Symantec driver
Verisign/Symantec and Trust Protection Platform 14.2-15.4
VeriSign VICE 2.0 API is used for enrollment of certificates through Symantec. This requires you to request a new VeriSign Administrator Certificate to be authorized to use Symantec’s Web Services.
More Info:
Steps to enable VICE 2.0 on your VeriSign/Symantec Account
1. Contact your Symantec account manager or customer service to request VICE 2.0 API feature for your account.
Symantec Enterprise Authentication Team:
Phone: 800-579-2848 or 650-426-3535 option 1, then 1
Specify the account info:
- ORg name
- ORg unit
2. Enterprise Authentication or Customer Service will activate this feature (VICE 2.0) on your account
3. Your organization's account administrator will enroll for an additional Admin ID via
- Production Account =
- Pilot Account =
Note: After you complete the form, you should receive a confirmation email from Symantec. This confirmation email will contain your order number. It will be needed to complete the "Web Services Administrator Certificate Authorization Form.doc"
4. Symantec Enterprise Authentication will send the "Web Services Administrator Certificate Authorization Form.doc" form
- Complete the Authorization Form provided to you
- Reply to the email with the completed form
- The email response must be digitally signed by an authorized administrator using a valid Symantec Administrator certificate. This means that the same certificate you use to login to the Symantec Admin portal, you must digitally sign your email with the same certificate.
- In your response to the Symantec Enterprise Authentication Team, please reaffirm that this Admin Certificate you are requesting is to be used for "VICE2 Web Services Application".
5. Once the Symantec Enterprise Authentication team receives back the "Web Services Admin cert Auth form", Symantec Enterprise Authentication team will approve the Web Services Admin ID and enable the Web Services privilege on the Web Service Admin ID.
Note from Symantec: The Web Services Admin ID will not be in the Administrator's name, rather it will be a machine name any other name.
For information on behavior changes in the new Symantec VICE 2.0 driver, see the following KB: