
Error: MSSSQL Named Instance Fails to Validate

Applies to:

Microsoft SQL 2008, 2008R2, 2012


After creating a MSSQL Named Instance Venafi fails to validate check against database.

"Verification failed: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine a..."



Often when you build a named instance (instead of default) MSSQL will fail to start on the default port and you will need to enable this manually.



Enable TCP/IP Manually in the 'SQL Server Configuration Manager'

1.    Navigate down the option tree
    a.    Expand SQL Server Network Configuration (not the 32bit option)
    b.    Then select ‘Protocols for %SQL INSTANCE NAME%'

2.    Right click on TCP/IP
    a.    Select properties
        i.    Change ‘Enabled’ from ‘no’ to ‘yes

    b.    Select ‘IP Addresses’ tab at the top
        i.    Pick your Network Interface Card’s sub-section (IP1, IP2, IP3, etc…)

           1.    It will show up with the IP address assigned
               a.    On a local db install you can just change the section that states and change the ‘TCP Port’ to the desired port. Default port is 1433.
               b.    If the DB is remote pick the N.I.C. that has the desired IP address and change the ‘TCP Port’ to the desired port. Default port is 1433.
               c.    If you desire it to listen on all connections at the bottom it states ‘IPAll’ change the ‘TCP Port’ to your desired port. Default port is 1433.

           2.    Click ‘OK’ at the bottom to apply changes and close this prompt.




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