
The RPC Server is unavailable when adding a MS Certificate Authority

Applies To:

Venafi Trust Protection Platform


When adding a new MSCA Template in Trust Protection Platform the following error may be returned when attempting to retrieve the list of available templates:

Communication with the CA has failed, please check the setting before trying again. System error: CCertAdmin::GetCAProperty: The RPC Server is unavailable. 0x800706ba (WIN32: 1722 RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) - As below:

Upon troubleshooting connectivity using the Microsoft Certutil.exe command (as advised in Article 215914457) the following error message can be seen:


This Error can be caused because distributed COM is disabled on the machine running Trust Protection Platform.


To enable Distributed COM on the TPP Server do the following:

1. Start>run>dcomcnfg.exe

2. Component Services>Computers>Right click on My Computer and go to properties

3. Select the Default Properties tab and enable "Enable Distributed COM on this Computer"

4. Apply the configuration and test connectivity again using certutil or by creating a MSCA object.

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