This article covers the steps required to upgrade Venafi Trust Protection Platform to 16.1.1.
Before continuing, please read through the Important Considerations Before Upgrading to TPP 16.1.1
Preparing for upgrade
There are a few steps you can complete to get ready for an upgrade. If you have an upgrade scheduled, complete the following steps to prepare for the upgrade:
Download the install package
- Log in to https:\\
- Navigate to "Trust Protection Platform" > "Current" > "16.1.1" and download the zip package "Venafi Trust Protection Platform"
Notify your database administrator
Database migration scripts must be executed on the Venafi database for the upgrade. If your organization requires database changes to go through a database administrator, notify them that this will be required when doing the upgrade.
Ensure you have the applicable credentials ready
There are three important sets of credentials that you should have to hand before commencing an upgrade.
1. A local Master Admin account, this account is Venafi specific and not a domain account.
2. The account used to bind to AD/LDAP (if this type of authentication is used) - in 15.3+ we require that the username is entered in UPN format so it is recommended that you have this information.
3. Database account credentials, Windows/SQL or Oracle (as applicable)
Installing TPP
Stop the Services on each TPP instance
It is important to stop the Venafi Services and IIS before starting an upgrade - failure to do so may result in a failed upgrade. The Services to Stop are:
- Venafi Trust Protection Platform
- Venafi Log Server
- World Wide Web Publishing Service (If present)
Run the database migration scripts
The following DB migrations scripts must be executed on the venafi. Depending on your current version of Venafi, you will only need to run some of the scripts. Start with the script matching the version your currently on and then execute all the following scripts, in order. These can be found in the install packet in the "Database Scripts" > "MSSQL" or "Oracle"
Notice: The "sample_grants.." scripts must be modified before executing; Change all occurrences of "DIRECTOR_RW" to be the SQL user name of the venafi service account. E.g. if your venafi service account is called 'venafi_sql' then you would change the line:
GRANT EXECUTE ON TYPE::dbo.ConfigObjectRels TO [venafi_sql]
Depending on your database, execute the upgrade scripts as follows.
For MSSQL Databases:
- mssql_update_a_14.1_to_14.2.sql (start here if currently on 14.1.x)
- mssql_update_b_14.2_to_14.3.sql (start here if currently on 14.2.x)
- mssql_update_c_14.3_to_14.4.sql (start here if currently on 14.3.x)
- mssql_update_d_14.4_to_15.1.sql (start here if currently on 14.4.x)
- mssql_update_e_15.1_to_15.2.sql (start here if currently on 15.1.x)
- mssql_update_f_15.2_to_15.3.sql (start here if currently on 15.2.x)
- mssql_update_g_15.3_to_15.4.sql (start here if currently on 15.3.x)
- mssql_update_h_15.4_to_16.1.sql (start here if currently on 15.4.x)
- sample_grants_14.4_to_15.1.sql (skip this one if currently on version 15.1 or higher)
- sample_grants_15.2_to_15.3.sql (skip this one if currently on version 15.3 or higher)
For Oracle Databases:
- oracle_update_a_14.1_to_14.2.sql (start here if currently on 14.1.x)
- oracle_update_b_14.2_to_14.3.sql (start here if currently on 14.2.x)
- oracle_update_c_14.3_to_14.4.sql (start here if currently on 14.3.x)
- oracle_update_d_14.4_to_15.1.sql (start here if currently on 14.4.x)
- oracle_update_e_15.1_to_15.2.sql (start here if currently on 15.1.x)
- oracle_update_f_15.2_to_15.3.sql (start here if currently on 15.2.x)
- oracle_update_g_15.3_to_15.4.sql (start here if currently on 15.3.x)
- oracle_update_h_15.4_to_16.1.sql (start here if currently on 15.4.x)
- sample_grants_14.4_to_15.1.sql (skip this one if currently on version 15.1 or higher)
- sample_grants_15.1_to_15.2.sql (skip this one if currently on version 15.2 or higher)
- sample_grants_15.2_to_15.3.sql (skip this one if currently on version 15.3 or higher)
- sample_grants_15.4_to_16.1.sql
Run installer MSI
1. Open Command line as Administrator
2. Execute MSI installer
3. Complete the installation wizard
Once the MSI has completed the Configuration Wizard will start, follow the configuration wizard to complete the installation.
A complete installation guide is available here:
If you encounter errors in this process, please contact us at