
Issue: Driver Initialization failed: invalid database owner for database ‘dbName’. Log queues will not function properly.

Applies To:

15.x and higher


I am getting an error when I try to run the configuration after installing the upgrade to 16.1, we are upgrading from 15.4. Everything seemed to go just fine but during the configuration wizard it gave me this error:

The error states:

Failed to initialize the Venafi Framework (log subsystem). Venafi.Core.Library.LogInitException: Driver Initialization failed: invalid database owner for database ‘Venafiatabase’. Log queues will not function properly.


On Sql Server it is possible to get the database into a state where you can log in but many internal functions (such as ServiceBroker) do not work properly. This is due to the fact that the database owner does not exist or is mismatched. The easiest way to detect this is by running the following queries.


SELECT AS 'Database', AS 'Owner'

FROM sys.databases d

  LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals s

    ON d.owner_sid = s.sid;

This should list your databases and tell you their owner. Check to ensure that the owner is valid, if not, skip directly to the fix step.

If the results of first query look good, try this query (filling in your database name for <YOUR_DATABASE> in the query:

SELECT sp.nameAS'dbo_login', o.nameAS'sysdb_login'FROM<YOUR_DATABASE>.sys.database_principals dp LEFTJOIN master.sys.server_principals sp   ON dp.sid= sp.sid LEFTJOIN master.sys.databases d   ON DB_ID('<YOUR_DATABASE>')= d.database_id LEFTJOIN master.sys.server_principals o   ON d.owner_sid= o.sidWHERE'dbo';

If the dbo_login is NULL, then that is the problem and skip to the fix step. Otherwise, ownership of the database is not your problem.

-- this script changes the ownership of thedatabaseALTER AUTHORIZATIONONDATABASE::<YOUR_DATABASE>TO sa; -- or otherdatabaseowner.

There might be also issue with Database permissions, wich will lead to error during installation. To check and fix that go to Database properties, permissions tab. If it is empty add “public” database role and grant all the permissions:

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