
Status Explained for Ideas portal



Venafi Product Management has moved the manaagement of Customer Enhancement Requests, now called "Ideas" to, the new Ideas portal.  Ideas can have one of several statuses assigned. 

Status Details

  • no status – Venafi Product Management (PM) has not reviewed this idea yet.  It can sometimes take several weeks for PM to officially review an idea.

  • TellUsMore.png – Venafi Product Management is trying to collect more information on the idea before it provides a disposition which includes soliciting input from customers.

  • mceclip0.png - There are some details we want to look into on our end first before we make a determination of Planned, Not Planned, or Declined.
  • NotPlanned.png – It is a good idea, but doesn’t align with our road map for this year. PM will look at the idea again next year.

  • planned.png – ideas we are trying to address within the next 12 months

  • InProgress.png – ideas we are actively working on. This does not necessarily mean they will be included in the next software release.

  • declined.png – ideas we do not plan on implementing

  • deliverd.png – ideas that have been addressed and released in the software

  • DeliveredWithAlternativeSolution.png – ideas that have been addressed but the problems were solved in a way that is different than what customers may have initially proposed or discussed.  We encourage you to work with your account team and product management to understand why a different solution was decided upon and how it differs from the solution you proposed.

  • mceclip1.png - After reviewing the problem being discussed, we have determined that it is more of a troubleshooting issue and are referring the original poster to Venafi Customer Support for further investigation at  This can also be used when what you asked for already exists in the software in cases where additional help understand the existing feature might be required. 

  • mceclip2.png - After review, the idea being discussed relates to a feature that is supported by a third party, such as an integration form the Venafi Marketplace or other Third Party.



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