
How to capture a SQL Profiler trace


Support may ask for a SQL Profiler or SQL Trace when troubleshooting with engineering. This trace must be run on a system with access to the DB and have the SQL Profiler software installed. This will capture the calls that are being sent to the database, it will also look for deadlocks that are occurring. 

How to:

Connect to a server with access to the Database and with SQL Profiler installed. 

Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server <MSSQL version> > SQL Server Profiler.

File > New Trace and connect to the database using an account with sufficient permissions.



  1. Give the Trace a name.
  2. Set the template to the requested template by support, typically "Standard (default)" will work.
  3. Check "Save to file" option and choose the file save location. 
    • Optionally set the file size and rollover setting if required. 
  4. Click Run.



Recreate the issue on your Venafi TPP server.

  • TIP: As soon as you click "Run" the profiler will start monitoring all the events on the SQL server, and will capture a LOT of data. If you are not ready to recreate the issue yet, OR you missed it, you don't have to exit the profiler to try again. You can stop the trace and "clear" the data.  Then when you're ready to recreate the issue, select Run (two buttons to the left of the screen shot below), and try again.

Stop Trace. 



Retrieve the trace file from the save location set in the trace configuration.

Upload Trace file to the Support ticket, or upload to the customer folder on


Capturing a SQL trace will typically be done while using Venafi Support Center to monitor for additional exception data from the Venafi processes. You can learn how to do that here:




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