
Issue: "Certificate renewal values have been changed and no longer match the active certificate"

Applies to: 

19.2, 19.3


When viewing a certificate object, you may see the following informational / status message (WinAdmin):

"Certificate renewal values have been changed and no longer match the active certificate"



This message can be ignored, and in fact will be removed in future releases.

This is an information-only message, not an error message. The renewal details aren't matching the values of the current certificate on file.  This can happen when:

  • Either directly on the certificate or via policy in a parent container, the renewal values of the certificate changed after the certificate was enrolled
  • The Certificate Authority changed the values that it put onto the certificate (Ex, Your request included Utah for the state and but Public CA included UT).

If you look at the following on our ideas portal, you'll see that we have decided to actually remove the message, currently slated for he 19.4 release:

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