
Info: VaaS Notification Settings

Applies To:



You have a few settings you can manage in your VaaS profile to choose what type of notifications to receive and where to send them to.

  1. Sign in
  2. Go to your initials/profile in the right corner
  3. User Preferences
  4. Notifications

Machine Identity Digest

  • This will deliver news as to the state of your certificates
  • Here you can choose how often to get notified such as Daily or Weekly.
  • You can also choose who it gets delivered to

Applications Certificate Expiration – Application notification for owners when certificate is going to expire

  • This notification provides application owner notification for expiring certificates
  • Select how often to send it and even on what day you would like.
  • Add the delivery email addresses also.


More Info:

Here is a video demo walking through the setting:

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